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Process Data set: coffee green bean production, arabica, not irrigated (en) en

Key Data Set Information
Location BR-MG
Geographical representativeness description The inventory is modelled for Brazil, Minas Gerais
Reference year 2020
coffee green bean production, arabica, not irrigated
Synonyms coffee cultivation, coffee beans production, green coffee beans production
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • ISIC rev.4 ecoinvent: A.Agriculture, forestry and fishing / 01:Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities / 012:Growing of perennial crops / 0127:Growing of beverage crops
General comment on data set Activity Linkable Id: 6f4a23af-4428-5240-b9e7-7632a637091e Activity Subtype: ordinary transforming activity Tag: No Macroeconomic Scenario: Business-as-Usual The raw data collected in interviews were organized in electronic spreadsheets and checked for completeness and consistency. Agricultural inputs were detailed as to their composition and physical characteristics. Agricultural operations were characterized in terms type of fuel and specific consumption. Precipitation is enought to supply water to the crop, no extra water needed. Emissions from the agricultural process were estimated using the BRCalc/ICVCalc tool, developed by Embrapa Environment, which includes specific climate and soil databases for the 137 Brazilian agricultural mesoregions, in addition to databases of parameters related to agricultural crops, fertilisers and pesticides. The main emission models adopted by BRCalc/ICVCalc (Folegatti-Matsuura et al., 2022) derive from the references: Nemecek et al. (2015), IPCC (2019), Nemecek & Kagi (2007), Folegatti-Matsuura & Picoli (2018). It was used the model BRLUC (Donke et al., 2020) to estimate the LUC emissions.
Copyright Yes
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
Biogenic carbon content
  • carbon content, non-fossil: 0.44472171808805205 kg
Time representativeness
Data set valid until 2023
Time representativeness description Validity: Data is valid for the entire period. Time period of the most of the data collected for this dataset.
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system Technology Level: Current This dataset represents the production of 1 kg of green coffee beans (Arabic) in the Mogiana region in the state of Sao Paulo, which is composed of the coffee production region of Campinas and Ribeirão Preto. Planting, cultivation and harvest are mechanized activities. This system is not irrigated. The period of 20 years was adopted as the average life span of a coffee plantation, from the cleaning of the land to the last year of the coffee plantation in production, before a new cleaning. In this study, it was assumed that the phases of implantation and formation of the coffee plantation last one year and two years, respectively. For the formation phase, the data collected correspond to the average of two years. The full production phase lasts 18 years. Grain production data were “annualized” (ie calculated for the reference of 1 hectare of coffee per year). Therefore, the input flows (natural resources, agricultural inputs and energy) and outflows (emissions to air, water and soil) of the initial phases were divided by 20. The input flows of the full production phase correspond to the average of two consecutive agricultural years, considering the behavior of the coffee plantation of alternating years of higher and lower production in succession. Mineral fertiliser input is 1534 kg ammonium sulphate, 255 kg monoammonium phosphate/ha, 1026 kg potassium chloride/ha, 15 kg N (inorganic nitrogen fertiliser)/ha and 20 kg P2O5 (inorganic phosphorus fertiliser)/ha. Total active ingredients (a.i.) applied as pesticides amount to 5.9 kg a.i./ha. The cattle manure input is 250 kg/ha. The average productivity is 2220 kg/ha, at 10% moisture. The amount of packing for fertilisers was calculated by adding the NPK inputs (elements and not commercial fertiliser) multiplying this total by two. Agricultural operation was modelled based on the total diesel consumed to perform the operation and the emissions to air related to diesel burning. Activity Start: This activity starts with reforming and cleaning of the area after the harvest of the previous crop Activity End: The dataset includes the inputs of correctives, mineral fertilisers and pesticides and organic fertiliser. The dataset includes the agricultural operations and the amount of fuel consumed during operations and emissions related. The dataset also includes direct field emissions and land use change emissions, with important regionalizations added. The dataset doesn't include: seedlings production, drying, cleaning and storage of harvested grains. The activity ends after harvest at the farm gate.
Mathematical model
Variable / parameter Formula Mean value Minimum value Maximum value Uncertainty distribution type Relative StdDev in % General comment
Eq_uv_12 0.000312*__ha_to_m2__ 3.12 0.393899416779567 24.712907877818818 LOG_NORMAL 7.920803806993211 % [m2] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07
__ha_to_m2__ 10000.0 % Conversion from ha to m2
Eq_uv_13 1.56e-05*__ha_to_m2__ 0.156 0.01969497083897835 1.2356453938909409 LOG_NORMAL 7.920803806993211 % [m2] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07
Eq_uv_14 1.56e-05*__ha_to_m2__ 0.156 0.01969497083897835 1.2356453938909409 LOG_NORMAL 7.920803806993211 % [m2] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07
Eq_uv_15 1.43e-05*__ha_to_m2__ 0.14300000000000002 0.015580186734122337 1.3125003152378416 LOG_NORMAL 9.178323882782108 % [m2] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,1,1,2,3); Basic Variance: 1.22
Cu_content 4.38E-5 % []
Ni_content 4.0E-5 % []
P_content 0.0167 % []
Cd_content 2.92E-7 % []
N_content 0.532 % []
K_content 0.024 % []
Hg_content 2.0E-7 % []
Zn_content 3.49E-4 % []
Pb_content 2.92E-6 % []
DM 0.865 % [kg]
Eq_uv_16 0.00217*__kWh_to_MJ__ 0.007812 9.86263539705762E-4 0.06187731934023097 LOG_NORMAL 7.920803806993211 % [MJ] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07
__kWh_to_MJ__ 3.6 % Conversion from kWh to MJ
Eq_uv_17 0.000382*__ha_to_m2__ 3.8200000000000003 0.48227428592882887 30.25747054271407 LOG_NORMAL 7.920803806993211 % [m2] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07
manganese_sulfate_output_MW 0.0 % [g_per_mol]
Eq_uv_18 0.00193*__ha_to_m2__ 19.3 2.436621392258219 152.871513474969 LOG_NORMAL 7.920803806993211 % [m2] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07
Eq_uv_19 0.0016*__ha_to_m2__ 16.0 2.019997009125985 126.73286091189138 LOG_NORMAL 7.920803806993211 % [m2] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07
LCI method and allocation
Type of data set Unit process, black box
LCI Method Principle Not applicable
Deviation from LCI method principle / explanations Original ecoinvent System Model: Undefined
LCI method approaches
  • Not applicable
Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations Coffee is a perennial crop and is cultivated in dedicated areas, not requiring any allocation actions.
Data sources, treatment and representativeness
Deviation from data cut-off and completeness principles / explanations none
Deviation from data selection and combination principles / explanations none
Deviation from data treatment and extrapolations principles / explanations none
Annual supply or production volume Production volume for coffee, green bean is 364986000.0 kilogram
Sampling procedure The main source of data for agricultural inputs and operations is interview with relevant coffee producers located in Minas Gerais state. Emissions from the agricultural process are estimated using BRCalc/ICVCalc (Folegatti-Matsuura et al., 2022).
Completeness of product model No statement
Review details
Date of Review: 2022-08-19 Review Version: Validation failed with errors: - Non-global datasets cannot be uploaded unless a global dataset (for the same activity name, time period and macro-economic scenario) exists in the database or is uploaded together with the non-global dataset. No matching activities found. If you have already submitted a corresponding global dataset for review, you make ask the database administrator to abort this submission, so that you can upload your non-global datasets together with the global. - No GLO dataset found! Related datasets:
Subsequent review comments
Validation warnings: - Mass and/or economic deficit in activity dataset exceeds either 0.1% of input or output sum: Property 'wet mass': - Input='4.23507418549583', Output='2.55190741914285' - Input > output by 1.68316676635298 kg (65.96% of output) Property 'carbon content, non-fossil': - Input='0.473868324176107', Output='0.46960938694008' - Input > output by 0.00425893723602644 kg (0.91% of output) Property 'carbon content, fossil': - Input='0.318986109745457', Output='0.0559808945257958' - Input > output by 0.263005215219661 kg (469.81% of output) Property 'water in wet mass': - Input='0.9513597858', Output='1.0345589836661' - Input < output by 0.0831991978661 kg (8.04% of output) Property 'dry mass': - Input='3.28371439969583', Output='1.51734843547685' - Input > output by 1.76636596421898 kg (116.41% of output) Property 'price': - Input='0.020433576', Output='0' - Input > output by 0.020433576 EUR2005 - The total water in wet mass of all input exchanges (0.9513597858) and output exchanges (1.0345589836661) is unbalanced. - Uncertainty shall always be provided for all primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Property(ies): wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.629737609329, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.588230757365568, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.659689668148146, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.624306825675794, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0.272916486782489, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.637259782933386, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.797535211267606, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.922578950360014, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.308335276395981, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, 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content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.0952062831866544, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.619197040190902, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.748686634968048, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.42281732714395, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.498099844957013, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=999.8899, carbon content, fossil=0.0104328554239022, dry mass=0.1101, water 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mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.440921815395685, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0 - Pedigree information shall always be provided for all uncertainties of primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Property(ies): wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.629737609329, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, 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carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=999.8899, carbon content, fossil=0.0104328554239022, dry mass=0.1101, water content=9081.65213442325, wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.213119671335434, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.272916486782489, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.476031415933272, carbon content, fossil=0.476031415933272, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.428805015280039, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0.272916486782489, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.655046602058235, dry mass=1, water content=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.922578950360014, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.329386599387079, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.617468132866023, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.561720618764273, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.440921815395685, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0
Reviewer name and institution
Reviewer name and institution
Reviewer name and institution
Review details
Date of Review: 2022-07-29 Review Version: Validation failed with errors: - Non-global datasets cannot be uploaded unless a global dataset (for the same activity name, time period and macro-economic scenario) exists in the database or is uploaded together with the non-global dataset. No matching activities found. If you have already submitted a corresponding global dataset for review, you make ask the database administrator to abort this submission, so that you can upload your non-global datasets together with the global. - No GLO dataset found! Related datasets:
Subsequent review comments
Validation warnings: - Mass and/or economic deficit in activity dataset exceeds either 0.1% of input or output sum: Property 'carbon content, fossil': - Input='0.318986109745457', Output='0.0559808945257958' - Input > output by 0.263005215219661 kg (469.81% of output) Property 'carbon content, non-fossil': - Input='0.473868324176107', Output='0.46960938694008' - Input > output by 0.00425893723602644 kg (0.91% of output) Property 'water in wet mass': - Input='0.9513597858', Output='0.0925589836661' - Input > output by 0.8588008021339 kg (927.84% of output) Property 'dry mass': - Input='3.28371439969583', Output='1.51734843547685' - Input > output by 1.76636596421898 kg (116.41% of output) Property 'wet mass': - Input='4.23507418549583', Output='1.60990741914285' - Input > output by 2.62516676635298 kg (163.06% of output) Property 'price': - Input='0.020433576', Output='0' - Input > output by 0.020433576 EUR2005 - The total water in wet mass of all input exchanges (0.9513597858) and output exchanges (0.0925589836661) is unbalanced. - The dataset contains user added exchange master data entries. The following user added exchanges do not contain product information data. Please consider adding the appropriate data before submitting the dataset for review. - Flutriafol - Uncertainty shall always be provided for all primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Property(ies): water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.0952062831866544, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0.476031415933272, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.476031415933272, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.922578950360014, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.629737609329, water content=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.588230757365568, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.922578950360014, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.624306825675794, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.748686634968048, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.440921815395685, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.637259782933386, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.659689668148146, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.308335276395981, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.619197040190902, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.498099844957013, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.588436811443917, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.561720618764273, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.797535211267606, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.428805015280039, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.42281732714395, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.655046602058235, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.617468132866023, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.329386599387079, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.446770017785933, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.213119671335434, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, wet mass=1000, dry mass=0.1101, carbon content, fossil=0.0104328554239022, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=999.8899, water content=9081.65213442325, carbon content, non-fossil=0.748686634968048, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.272916486782489, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.428805015280039, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.272916486782489, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.272916486782489, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=0, wet mass=0 - Pedigree information shall always be provided for all uncertainties of primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Property(ies): water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.0952062831866544, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0.476031415933272, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.476031415933272, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.922578950360014, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.629737609329, water content=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.588230757365568, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.922578950360014, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.624306825675794, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.748686634968048, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.440921815395685, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.637259782933386, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.659689668148146, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.308335276395981, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.619197040190902, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.498099844957013, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.588436811443917, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.561720618764273, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.797535211267606, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.428805015280039, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.42281732714395, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.655046602058235, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.617468132866023, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.329386599387079, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.446770017785933, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.213119671335434, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, wet mass=1000, dry mass=0.1101, carbon content, fossil=0.0104328554239022, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=999.8899, water content=9081.65213442325, carbon content, non-fossil=0.748686634968048, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.272916486782489, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.428805015280039, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.272916486782489, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.272916486782489, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=0, wet mass=0
Reviewer name and institution
Review details
Date of Review: 2022-07-29 Review Version: all the review comments have been addressed, solved or better explained
Subsequent review comments
agricultural operations with minor consumption (fertilizer distribution, pesticide application, etc) should be better defined in the future updates, for the sake of precision even if the overall impact don't change significantly
Reviewer name and institution
Review details
Date of Review: 2022-09-16 Review Version: Validation failed with errors: - Non-global datasets cannot be uploaded unless a global dataset (for the same activity name, time period and macro-economic scenario) exists in the database or is uploaded together with the non-global dataset. No matching activities found. If you have already submitted a corresponding global dataset for review, you make ask the database administrator to abort this submission, so that you can upload your non-global datasets together with the global. - No GLO dataset found! Related datasets:
Subsequent review comments
Validation warnings: - Mass and/or economic deficit in activity dataset exceeds either 0.1% of input or output sum: Property 'wet mass': - Input='4.00416301649491', Output='2.32099625014194' - Input > output by 1.68316676635298 kg (72.52% of output) Property 'carbon content, fossil': - Input='0.318986109745457', Output='0.0559808945257958' - Input > output by 0.263005215219661 kg (469.81% of output) Property 'water in wet mass': - Input='0.9513597858', Output='1.0345589836661' - Input < output by 0.0831991978661 kg (8.04% of output) Property 'carbon content, non-fossil': - Input='0.473868324176107', Output='0.46960938694008' - Input > output by 0.00425893723602644 kg (0.91% of output) Property 'dry mass': - Input='3.05280323069491', Output='1.28643726647594' - Input > output by 1.76636596421898 kg (137.31% of output) Property 'price': - Input='0.020433576', Output='0' - Input > output by 0.020433576 EUR2005 - The total water in wet mass of all input exchanges (0.9513597858) and output exchanges (1.0345589836661) is unbalanced. - Uncertainty shall always be provided for all primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Property(ies): wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.624306825675794, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0, wet mass=1000, carbon content, fossil=0.440921815395685, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.561720618764273, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.617468132866023, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.922578950360014, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.428805015280039, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.619197040190902, carbon content, fossil=0.446770017785933, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.922578950360014, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.0952062831866544, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0.476031415933272, carbon content, fossil=0.476031415933272, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.588436811443917, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.0104328554239022, water in wet mass=999.8899, wet mass=1000, dry mass=0.1101, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=9081.65213442325, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.308335276395981, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.655046602058235, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.213119671335434, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.428805015280039, carbon content, fossil=0.748686634968048, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.272916486782489, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.498099844957013, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.748686634968048, carbon content, fossil=0.329386599387079, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.42281732714395, water content=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.272916486782489, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0.272916486782489, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.588230757365568, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.629737609329, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.637259782933386, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.797535211267606, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.659689668148146, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0 - Pedigree information shall always be provided for all uncertainties of primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Property(ies): wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.624306825675794, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0, wet mass=1000, carbon content, fossil=0.440921815395685, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.561720618764273, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.617468132866023, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.922578950360014, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.428805015280039, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.619197040190902, carbon content, fossil=0.446770017785933, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.922578950360014, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.0952062831866544, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0.476031415933272, carbon content, fossil=0.476031415933272, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.588436811443917, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.0104328554239022, water in wet mass=999.8899, wet mass=1000, dry mass=0.1101, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=9081.65213442325, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.308335276395981, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.655046602058235, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.213119671335434, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.428805015280039, carbon content, fossil=0.748686634968048, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.272916486782489, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.498099844957013, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.748686634968048, carbon content, fossil=0.329386599387079, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.42281732714395, water content=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.272916486782489, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0.272916486782489, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.588230757365568, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.629737609329, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.637259782933386, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.797535211267606, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.659689668148146, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0
Reviewer name and institution
Reviewer name and institution
Review details
Date of Review: 2022-08-10 Review Version: Validation failed with errors: - Non-global datasets cannot be uploaded unless a global dataset (for the same activity name, time period and macro-economic scenario) exists in the database or is uploaded together with the non-global dataset. No matching activities found. If you have already submitted a corresponding global dataset for review, you make ask the database administrator to abort this submission, so that you can upload your non-global datasets together with the global. - No GLO dataset found! Related datasets:
Subsequent review comments
Validation warnings: - Mass and/or economic deficit in activity dataset exceeds either 0.1% of input or output sum: Property 'wet mass': - Input='4.23507418549583', Output='2.55190741914285' - Input > output by 1.68316676635298 kg (65.96% of output) Property 'carbon content, non-fossil': - Input='0.473868324176107', Output='0.46960938694008' - Input > output by 0.00425893723602644 kg (0.91% of output) Property 'carbon content, fossil': - Input='0.318986109745457', Output='0.0559808945257958' - Input > output by 0.263005215219661 kg (469.81% of output) Property 'dry mass': - Input='3.28371439969583', Output='1.51734843547685' - Input > output by 1.76636596421898 kg (116.41% of output) Property 'water in wet mass': - Input='0.9513597858', Output='1.0345589836661' - Input < output by 0.0831991978661 kg (8.04% of output) Property 'price': - Input='0.020433576', Output='0' - Input > output by 0.020433576 EUR2005 - The total water in wet mass of all input exchanges (0.9513597858) and output exchanges (1.0345589836661) is unbalanced. - Uncertainty shall always be provided for all primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Exchange(s): Water -- Property(ies): wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.655046602058235, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0.748686634968048, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.617468132866023, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.213119671335434, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.42281732714395, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.272916486782489, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.446770017785933, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.272916486782489, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.428805015280039, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.329386599387079, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0.272916486782489, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=0, dry mass=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=999.8899, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.0104328554239022, dry mass=0.1101, water content=9081.65213442325, wet mass=1000, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.476031415933272, carbon content, fossil=0.476031415933272, carbon content, fossil=0.922578950360014, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.498099844957013, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.797535211267606, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.637259782933386, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.308335276395981, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.0952062831866544, carbon content, fossil=0.428805015280039, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.440921815395685, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.619197040190902, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.922578950360014, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.588436811443917, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.748686634968048, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.561720618764273, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.588230757365568, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.624306825675794, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.629737609329, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.659689668148146, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=0, wet mass=1000 - Pedigree information shall always be provided for all uncertainties of primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Exchange(s): Water -- Property(ies): wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.655046602058235, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0.748686634968048, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.617468132866023, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.213119671335434, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.42281732714395, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.272916486782489, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.446770017785933, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.272916486782489, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.428805015280039, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.329386599387079, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0.272916486782489, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=0, dry mass=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=999.8899, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.0104328554239022, dry mass=0.1101, water content=9081.65213442325, wet mass=1000, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.476031415933272, carbon content, fossil=0.476031415933272, carbon content, 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Time stamp (last saved) 2023-02-24T01:38:49
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UUID c152f738-fa5f-588c-b92b-a506e76add02
Date of last revision 2022-09-16T00:00:00
Data set version 03.01.000
Workflow and publication status Data set finalised; entirely published
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Access and use restrictions Licensees; Licensees


Type of flow Classification Flow Variable Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow
allocatable product 0.112 kg0.112 kg 0.014139979063881893 0.8871300263832397
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 The amount of fertiliser was obtained from interviews with producers and experts. The nutrient content in the input was obtained from technical literature and technical regulation documents. The selection of the fertiliser from the ecoinvent database and its ammount was based on the commercial product.
Product flow
allocatable product Eq_uv_12 1.0 m23.12 m2 0.393899416779567 24.712907877818818
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 Refers to harvesting of coffee grains
Product flow
1: Ores and minerals; electricity, gas and water / 15: Stone, sand and clay / 152: Gypsum; anhydrite; limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous stone, of a kind used for the manufacture of lime or cement / 1520: Gypsum; anhydrite; limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous stone, of a kind used for the manufacture of lime or cement / 15200: Gypsum; anhydrite; limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous stone, of a kind used for the manufacture of lime or cement 0.358 kg0.358 kg 0.045197433079193904 2.8356477629035695
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 The amount of soil corrective was obtained from interviews with producers and experts.
Product flow
3: Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / 34: Basic chemicals / 346: Fertilizers and pesticides / 3466: Insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and disinfectants / 34663: Herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators 6.49E-4 kg6.49E-4 kg 8.193612868267275E-5 0.005140601670738594
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 The amount of pesticide or adjuvant was obtained from interviews with producers and experts. Concentration of the active ingredient was obtained in the Material Safety Data Sheet. The amount of dilution water was 200 L/ha per application.
Product flow
3: Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / 36: Rubber and plastics products / 364: Packaging products of plastics / 3649: Other articles for the conveyance or packing of goods, of plastics; stoppers, lids, caps and other closures, of plastics / 36490: Other articles for the conveyance or packing of goods, of plastics; stoppers, lids, caps and other closures, of plastics 0.00428 kg0.00428 kg 3.302962949680639E-4 0.055460507063124005
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,3,1,5,4); Basic Variance: 1.59 The HDPE packaging was considered for macronutrient fertilisers. Soil correctives were not considered in the packaging calculation since these are transported in bulk. The amount of packaging for pesticides was also estimated. It was considered twice the value of the active ingredient of fertilisers and pesticides applied in the field to account for the packaging of the diluted products. The production and disposal of the packaging were included in this exchange.
Product flow
8: Business and production services / 86: Support and operation services to agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing, mining and utilities / 861: Support and operation services to agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing / 8611: Support and operation services to crop production / 86119: Other support services to crop production Eq_uv_13 1.0 m20.156 m2 0.01969497083897835 1.2356453938909409
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 Refers to seedlings planting
Product flow
allocatable product 0.0103 kg0.0103 kg 0.0013003730746248526 0.08158427921203007
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 The amount of fertiliser was obtained from interviews with producers and experts. The nutrient content in the input was obtained from technical literature and technical regulation documents. The selection of the fertiliser from the ecoinvent database and its ammount was based on the commercial product.
Product flow
8: Business and production services / 86: Support and operation services to agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing, mining and utilities / 861: Support and operation services to agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing / 8611: Support and operation services to crop production / 86119: Other support services to crop production Eq_uv_14 1.0 m20.156 m2 0.01969497083897835 1.2356453938909409
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 Refers to the operation of subsoiling, for preparing the field before the seedlings are planted
Product flow
3: Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / 36: Rubber and plastics products / 364: Packaging products of plastics / 3641: Sacks and bags, of plastics / 36410: Sacks and bags, of plastics 0.314 kg0.314 kg 0.024232017901862635 4.0688315929488175
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,3,1,5,4); Basic Variance: 1.59 The HDPE packaging was considered for macronutrient fertilisers. Soil correctives were not considered in the packaging calculation since these are transported in bulk. The amount of packaging for pesticides was also estimated. It was considered twice the value of the active ingredient of fertilisers and pesticides applied in the field to account for the packaging of the diluted products. The production and disposal of the packaging were included in this exchange.
Product flow
allocatable product 3.12E-6 kg3.12E-6 kg 3.9389941677956704E-7 2.471290787781882E-5
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 No specific inventory was found in ecoinvent with chemical formula corresponding to a fertilizer with micronutients. It was necessary to adapt the amount of micronutrients to a processes (flows) available in this database, based on the molar masse of the micronutrients.
Product flow
allocatable product Eq_uv_15 1.0 m20.14300000000000002 m2 0.015580186734122337 1.3125003152378416
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,1,1,2,3); Basic Variance: 1.22 LUC modeling implemented in ecoinvent for Brazil is based on Donke et al. (2020). LUC amount was updated, based on yield and crop expansion rate from IBGE (2022). Reference years: average among 2017, 2018, 2019. Equation: (1/yield * % crop expansion). The yield is the average for the years 2017 to 2019. Expansion: difference of the average area of the years 2017 to 2019 (t1=t0+20) for the years 1998 to 2000 (t0), by the formula (1-(t0/t1)).
Product flow
3: Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / 34: Basic chemicals / 346: Fertilizers and pesticides / 3463: Mineral or chemical fertilizers, potassic / 34631: Potassium chloride (muriate of potash) 0.103 kg0.103 kg 0.013003730746248526 0.8158427921203008
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 The amount of fertiliser was obtained from interviews with producers and experts. The nutrient content in the input was obtained from technical literature and technical regulation documents. The selection of the fertiliser from the ecoinvent database and its ammount was based on the commercial product.
Product flow
3: Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / 34: Basic chemicals / 346: Fertilizers and pesticides 0.00149 kg0.00149 kg 1.8811222147485732E-4 0.011801997672419885
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 The commercial pesticides not found in the ecoinvent database were summed up and added as “pesticide, unspecified”
Product flow
allocatable product 0.00135 kg0.00135 kg 1.4557105609719988E-4 0.012519659119482452
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,1,3); Basic Variance: 1.23 The amount of biodiesel fuel (B12 mix in Brazil) used in agricultural operations not found in ecoinvent plus the fatty acids used as pesticide adjuvant
Product flow
3: Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / 34: Basic chemicals 0.00157 kg0.00157 kg 1.9821220652048725E-4 0.012435661976979342
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 No specific inventory was found in ecoinvent with chemical formula corresponding to a fertilizer with micronutients. It was necessary to adapt the amount of micronutrients to a processes (flows) available in this database, based on the molar masse of the micronutrients.
Product flow
Recyclable 0.0701 kg0.0701 kg 0.00885011189623322 0.5552483468702241
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 This fertiliser is a mixture of animal manure and coffee straw, in a 50:50 ratio.
0.0774 0.0774 0.009591962218033939 0.6245604250542933
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (1,1,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.09 The amount of coffee seedlings used to start coffee production
Product flow
allocatable product Eq_uv_16 1.0 MJ0.007812 MJ 9.86263539705762E-4 0.06187731934023097
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 Electricity amount used in agricultural field
Product flow
8: Business and production services / 86: Support and operation services to agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing, mining and utilities / 861: Support and operation services to agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing / 8611: Support and operation services to crop production / 86119: Other support services to crop production Eq_uv_17 1.0 m23.8200000000000003 m2 0.48227428592882887 30.25747054271407
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 Refers to application of soil correctives
Product flow
allocatable product 1.47E-4 kg1.47E-4 kg 1.8558722521344984E-5 0.0011643581596280021
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 No specific inventory was found in ecoinvent with chemical formula corresponding to a fertilizer with micronutients. It was necessary to adapt the amount of micronutrients to a processes (flows) available in this database, based on the molar masse of the micronutrients.
1.23E-4 1.23E-4 1.552872700765601E-5 9.74258868260165E-4
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 No specific inventory was found in ecoinvent with chemical formula corresponding to a fertilizer with micronutients. It was necessary to adapt the amount of micronutrients to a processes (flows) available in this database, based on the molar masse of the micronutrients.
Product flow
allocatable product Eq_uv_18 1.0 m219.3 m2 2.436621392258219 152.871513474969
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 Refers to application of pesticides
Product flow
1: Ores and minerals; electricity, gas and water / 16: Other minerals / 163: Precious and semi-precious stones; pumice stone; emery; natural abrasives; other minerals / 1633: Chalk and dolomite / 16330: Chalk and dolomite 0.36 kg0.36 kg 0.04544993270533466 2.851489370517556
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 The amount of soil corrective was obtained from interviews with producers and experts.
Product flow
allocatable product Eq_uv_19 1.0 m216.0 m2 2.019997009125985 126.73286091189138
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 Refers to application of fertilisers
3.87E-5 3.87E-5 4.885867765823475E-6 3.0653510733063725E-4
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 No specific inventory was found in ecoinvent with chemical formula corresponding to a fertilizer with micronutients. It was necessary to adapt the amount of micronutrients to a processes (flows) available in this database, based on the molar masse of the micronutrients.
Product flow
allocatable product 3.27E-5 kg3.27E-5 kg 4.1283688874012315E-6 2.59010284488678E-4
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 No specific inventory was found in ecoinvent with chemical formula corresponding to a fertilizer with micronutients. It was necessary to adapt the amount of micronutrients to a processes (flows) available in this database, based on the molar masse of the micronutrients.
Product flow
3: Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / 34: Basic chemicals / 342: Basic inorganic chemicals n.e.c. / 3424: Phosphates of triammonium; salts and peroxysalts of inorganic acids and metals n.e.c. / 34240: Phosphates of triammonium; salts and peroxysalts of inorganic acids and metals n.e.c. 6.07E-5 kg6.07E-5 kg 7.663363653371704E-6 4.807927910844879E-4
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 No specific inventory was found in ecoinvent with chemical formula corresponding to a fertilizer with micronutients. It was necessary to adapt the amount of micronutrients to a processes (flows) available in this database, based on the molar masse of the micronutrients.
Product flow
3: Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / 34: Basic chemicals / 346: Fertilizers and pesticides / 3461: Mineral or chemical fertilizers, nitrogenous 0.0369 kg0.0369 kg 0.004658618102296803 0.2922776604780495
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 The amount of fertiliser was obtained from interviews with producers and experts. The nutrient content in the input was obtained from technical literature and technical regulation documents. The selection of the fertiliser from the ecoinvent database and its ammount was based on the commercial product.
Product flow
3: Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / 34: Basic chemicals / 346: Fertilizers and pesticides / 3464: Mineral or chemical fertilizers containing at least two nutrients of nitrogen, phosphate and potash / 34643: Monoammonium phosphate 0.0262 kg0.0262 kg 0.0033077451024438 0.20752505974322213
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 The amount of fertiliser was obtained from interviews with producers and experts. The nutrient content in the input was obtained from technical literature and technical regulation documents. The selection of the fertiliser from the ecoinvent database and its ammount was based on the commercial product.
Product flow
3: Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / 33: Coke oven products; refined petroleum products; nuclear fuel / 333: Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous materials, other than crude; preparations n.e.c. containing by weight 70% or more of these oils, such oils being the basic constituents of the preparations / 3336: Gas oil / 33360: Gas oil 0.00959 kg0.00959 kg 0.0010340936503497383 0.08893594885617534
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,1,3); Basic Variance: 1.23 The amount of diesel fuel (B12 mix in Brazil) used in agricultural operations not found in ecoinvent
Elementary flow
Resources / Resources from water / Renewable material resources from water 9.42E-4 m39.42E-4 m3 1.2009661661687378E-4 0.007388751032269496
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,1,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.06 Water consumed for pesticide dilution. Estimated volume based on interviews with producers and experts
Elementary flow
Land use / Land occupation 3.11 m2*a3.11 m2*a 0.3774166663537185 25.627114174484323
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,1,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.11 The land occupation was calculated based on crop yield
Elementary flow
Land use / Land transformation 0.156 m20.156 m2 0.01988861166903642 1.2236148206306172
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,1,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.06 The LUC input comprises the actual data related to land transformation. This land transformation flow is irrelevant to LUC and the amounts are equal in both the 'land transformation from' and 'land transformation to'.
Elementary flow
Land use / Land transformation 0.156 m20.156 m2 0.01988861166903642 1.2236148206306172
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,1,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.06 The LUC input comprises the actual data related to land transformation. This land transformation flow is irrelevant to LUC and the amounts are equal in both the 'land transformation from' and 'land transformation to'.
Elementary flow
Resources / Resources from air / Renewable material resources from air 1.65 kg1.65 kg 0.20831219156611716 13.069326281538798
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.07 Carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption from air during photosynthesis was also included, according to Nemecek and Schnetzer (2012). It considers the carbon content of the reference product based on the ecoinvent database (Jungbluth et al., 2007).


Type of flow Classification Flow Variable Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow
0: Agriculture, forestry and fishery products / 01: Products of agriculture, horticulture and market gardening / 016: Stimulant, spice and aromatic crops / 0161: Coffee, green / 01610: Coffee, green 1.0 kg1.0 kg
General comment This dataset represents the production of 1 kg of green coffee beans (Arabic) in the Mogiana region in the state of Sao Paulo, which is composed of the coffee production region of Campinas and Ribeirão Preto. Planting, cultivation and harvest are mechanized activities. This system is not irrigated. The period of 20 years was adopted as the average life span of a coffee plantation, from the cleaning of the land to the last year of the coffee plantation in production, before a new cleaning. In this study, it was assumed that the phases of implantation and formation of the coffee plantation last one year and two years, respectively. For the formation phase, the data collected correspond to the average of two years. The full production phase lasts 18 years. Grain production data were “annualized” (ie calculated for the reference of 1 hectare of coffee per year). Therefore, the input flows (natural resources, agricultural inputs and energy) and outflows (emissions to air, water and soil) of the initial phases were divided by 20. The input flows of the full production phase correspond to the average of two consecutive agricultural years, considering the behavior of the coffee plantation of alternating years of higher and lower production in succession. Mineral fertiliser input is 1534 kg ammonium sulphate, 255 kg monoammonium phosphate/ha, 1026 kg potassium chloride/ha, 15 kg N (inorganic nitrogen fertiliser)/ha and 20 kg P2O5 (inorganic phosphorus fertiliser)/ha. Total active ingredients (a.i.) applied as pesticides amount to 5.9 kg a.i./ha. The cattle manure input is 250 kg/ha. The average productivity is 2220 kg/ha, at 10% moisture. Production Volume Comment: IBGE, 2020. Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistic. Municipal Agricultural Production – PAM. Produção Agrícola Municipal [in Portuguese]. Available at:
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks 2.88E-5 kg2.88E-5 kg 3.468353026945127E-6 2.3914520625674548E-4
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,1,3); Basic Variance: 1.11 Emissions derived from fuel combustion (diesel 88%, and biodiesel 12%), using emission factors from Nemecek & Kagi (2007)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks 6.71E-10 kg6.71E-10 kg 8.080780837083959E-11 5.571751159662369E-9
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,1,3); Basic Variance: 1.11 Emissions derived from fuel combustion (diesel 88%, and biodiesel 12%), using emission factors from Nemecek & Kagi (2007)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 6.49E-4 kg6.49E-4 kg 7.048731162739772E-5 0.005975557731957581
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.23 All the pesticides emissions were destinated to agricultural soil, according to Nemecek and Schnetzer (2012).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks 9.59E-11 kg9.59E-11 kg 1.0340936503497384E-11 8.893594885617535E-10
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,1,3); Basic Variance: 1.23 Emissions derived from fuel combustion (diesel 88%, and biodiesel 12%), using emission factors from Nemecek & Kagi (2007)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks 1.24E-6 kg1.24E-6 kg 1.493318664379152E-7 1.0296529713832098E-5
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,1,3); Basic Variance: 1.11 Emissions derived from fuel combustion (diesel 88%, and biodiesel 12%), using emission factors from Nemecek & Kagi (2007)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 4.39184683914661E-6 kg4.39184683914661E-6 kg -2.3832706657157576 2.383279449409436
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Emissions of heavy metals to soil estimated based on WFLDB adapted to Brazil Pedigree: (5,5,5,5,5); Basic Variance: 1.21 Heavy metals emissions to agricultural soil through erosion are estimated by using the SALCA-heavy metal model (Nemecek et al., 2015).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks 0.00374 kg0.00374 kg 4.46766022030358E-4 0.031308558194359584
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,3,1,3,1); Basic Variance: 1.12 Emissions derived from fuel combustion (diesel 88%, and biodiesel 12%), using emission factors from Nemecek & Kagi (2007)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 3.36E-4 kg3.36E-4 kg 3.649266056518588E-5 0.0030936631709364364
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.23 All the pesticides emissions were destinated to agricultural soil, according to Nemecek and Schnetzer (2012).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 7.6155387021028E-10 kg7.6155387021028E-10 kg 9.241024707309962E-11 6.275973883864683E-9
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.11 Emissions of heavy metals to surface water are calculated according to Schmidt (2007)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks 9.59E-11 kg9.59E-11 kg 1.0340936503497384E-11 8.893594885617535E-10
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,1,3); Basic Variance: 1.23 Emissions derived from fuel combustion (diesel 88%, and biodiesel 12%), using emission factors from Nemecek & Kagi (2007)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 1.5E-5 kg1.5E-5 kg 1.6291366323743696E-6 1.3810996298823378E-4
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.23 All the pesticides emissions were destinated to agricultural soil, according to Nemecek and Schnetzer (2012).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks 0.2019 kg0.2019 kg 0.024346794975001685 1.6742906013647565
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,3,1,3,1); Basic Variance: 1.11 Carbon dioxide releases from urea and limestone application, according to IPCC (2006) plus emissions derived from fuel combustion (diesel 88%, and biodiesel 12%), using emission factors from Nemecek & Kagi (2007)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 1.45E-4 kg1.45E-4 kg 1.5748320779618907E-5 0.0013350629755529266
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.23 All the pesticides emissions were destinated to agricultural soil, according to Nemecek and Schnetzer (2012).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 4.05E-7 kg4.05E-7 kg 4.47897269423952E-8 3.662112077864534E-6
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.21 All the pesticides emissions were destinated to agricultural soil, according to Nemecek and Schnetzer (2012).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 2.85E-4 kg2.85E-4 kg 3.4583135147827754E-5 0.0023486881583407258
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.11 All the pesticides emissions were destinated to agricultural soil, according to Nemecek and Schnetzer (2012).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks 9.68E-6 kg9.68E-6 kg 1.1657519896121123E-6 8.037936099185057E-5
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,1,3); Basic Variance: 1.11 Emissions derived from fuel combustion (diesel 88%, and biodiesel 12%), using emission factors from Nemecek & Kagi (2007)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks 3.15E-8 kg3.15E-8 kg 3.39665797560133E-9 2.9212537945459054E-7
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,1,3); Basic Variance: 1.23 Emissions derived from fuel combustion (diesel 88%, and biodiesel 12%), using emission factors from Nemecek & Kagi (2007)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks 7.0E-8 kg7.0E-8 kg 7.548128834669623E-9 6.491675098990902E-7
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,1,3); Basic Variance: 1.23 Emissions derived from fuel combustion (diesel 88%, and biodiesel 12%), using emission factors from Nemecek & Kagi (2007)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 0.106 kg0.106 kg 0.012862499388314885 0.8735471746811121
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.11 The SQCB-NO3 model was used according to Nemecek et al. (2015), considering only the quantity of water from precipitation (no irrigation was applied). Technical parameters are available in the BRCalc/ICVCalc tool (Folegatti-Matsuura et al., 2022).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 8.1E-7 kg8.1E-7 kg 8.95794538847904E-8 7.324224155729068E-6
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.21 All the pesticides emissions were destinated to agricultural soil, according to Nemecek and Schnetzer (2012).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks 1.63E-8 kg1.63E-8 kg 1.962991470111305E-9 1.3534954381892192E-7
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,1,3); Basic Variance: 1.11 Emissions derived from fuel combustion (diesel 88%, and biodiesel 12%), using emission factors from Nemecek & Kagi (2007)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks 4.79E-10 kg4.79E-10 kg 5.768545485787208E-11 3.977449784617399E-9
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,1,3); Basic Variance: 1.11 Emissions derived from fuel combustion (diesel 88%, and biodiesel 12%), using emission factors from Nemecek & Kagi (2007)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 2.21E-5 kg2.21E-5 kg 2.400261305031571E-6 2.0348201213599775E-4
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.23 All the pesticides emissions were destinated to agricultural soil, according to Nemecek and Schnetzer (2012).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks 9.59E-9 kg9.59E-9 kg 1.1549133864029086E-9 7.963203222229824E-8
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,1,3); Basic Variance: 1.11 Emissions derived from fuel combustion (diesel 88%, and biodiesel 12%), using emission factors from Nemecek & Kagi (2007)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks 2.88E-10 kg2.88E-10 kg 3.468353026945127E-11 2.391452062567455E-9
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,1,3); Basic Variance: 1.11 Emissions derived from fuel combustion (diesel 88%, and biodiesel 12%), using emission factors from Nemecek & Kagi (2007)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 9.42E-4 m39.42E-4 m3 8.412325935630322E-4 0.00105483787336577
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,1,1,5,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks 0.00297018 kg0.00297018 kg 3.2416350805373356E-4 0.027214566147086693
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,3,1,3,3); Basic Variance: 1.21 Direct and indirect N2O emissions according to IPCC (2019) plus emissions derived from fuel combustion (diesel 88%, and biodiesel 12%), using emission factors from Nemecek & Kagi (2007) plus emissions from burning coffee husks and from burning plant residues during coffee area renovation according to IPCC (2019)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 5.91E-5 kg5.91E-5 kg 7.171450130654808E-6 4.870437549401295E-4
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.11 Only the phosphorus emission to surface water caused by soil erosion was calculated, according to Nemecek et al., 2015. Required technical parameters are available in the BRCalc/ICVCalc tool (Folegatti-Matsuura et al., 2022).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks 5.36E-7 kg5.36E-7 kg 6.454990355703431E-8 4.450758005333875E-6
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,1,3); Basic Variance: 1.11 Emissions derived from fuel combustion (diesel 88%, and biodiesel 12%), using emission factors from Nemecek & Kagi (2007)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 1.4018691588785E-8 kg1.4018691588785E-8 kg 1.691450757505278E-9 1.16186482514764E-7
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 1.11 Heavy metals emissions to agricultural soil through erosion are estimated by using the SALCA-heavy metal model (Nemecek et al., 2015).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 4.11861906458236E-6 kg4.11861906458236E-6 kg -2.3832709389435323 2.383279176181661
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Emissions of heavy metals to soil estimated based on WFLDB adapted to Brazil Pedigree: (5,5,5,5,5); Basic Variance: 1.21 Heavy metals emissions to agricultural soil through erosion are estimated by using the SALCA-heavy metal model (Nemecek et al., 2015).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 2.9594519665109E-11 kg2.9594519665109E-11 kg 3.5911272744333707E-12 2.4388876452359034E-10
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.11 Emissions of heavy metals to surface water are calculated according to Schmidt (2007)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 1.87E-6 kg1.87E-6 kg 2.068068873636519E-7 1.690901132248563E-5
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.21 All the pesticides emissions were destinated to agricultural soil, according to Nemecek and Schnetzer (2012).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks 5.12E-5 kg5.12E-5 kg 6.165960936791337E-6 4.251470333453253E-4
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,1,3); Basic Variance: 1.11 Emissions derived from fuel combustion (diesel 88%, and biodiesel 12%), using emission factors from Nemecek & Kagi (2007)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 8.18E-6 kg8.18E-6 kg 9.046418923180067E-7 7.396562172081948E-5
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.21 All the pesticides emissions were destinated to agricultural soil, according to Nemecek and Schnetzer (2012).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 2.49E-5 kg2.49E-5 kg 2.7043668097414533E-6 2.2926253856046807E-4
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.23 All the pesticides emissions were destinated to agricultural soil, according to Nemecek and Schnetzer (2012).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 5.24E-4 kg5.24E-4 kg 5.691117302427798E-5 0.004824641373722301
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.23 All the pesticides emissions were destinated to agricultural soil, according to Nemecek and Schnetzer (2012).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks 0.00446 kg0.00446 kg 4.416815677834252E-4 0.04503606546187972
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,3,1,3,3); Basic Variance: 1.32 Emissions of NOx from applied mineral fertilisers, according to WFLDB (2019) plus emissions from burning plant residues during coffee area renovation, according to IPCC (2019)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil -6.79649491292126E-6 kg-6.79649491292126E-6 kg -2.38328185405751 2.3832682610676836
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Emissions of heavy metals to soil estimated based on WFLDB adapted to Brazil Pedigree: (5,5,5,5,5); Basic Variance: 1.21 Heavy metals emissions to agricultural soil through erosion are estimated by using the SALCA-heavy metal model (Nemecek et al., 2015).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 6.78642672040498E-10 kg6.78642672040498E-10 kg 8.2349442962314E-11 5.592701780934128E-9
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.11 Emissions of heavy metals to surface water are calculated according to Schmidt (2007)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 4.11903096767913E-10 kg4.11903096767913E-10 kg 4.9982106888889507E-11 3.3944979851321804E-9
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.11 Emissions of heavy metals to surface water are calculated according to Schmidt (2007)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 2.50074480636098E-7 kg2.50074480636098E-7 kg -2.383274807488116 2.3832753076370774
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Emissions of heavy metals to soil estimated based on WFLDB adapted to Brazil Pedigree: (5,5,5,5,5); Basic Variance: 1.21 Heavy metals emissions to agricultural soil through erosion are estimated by using the SALCA-heavy metal model (Nemecek et al., 2015).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks 0.0524 kg0.0524 kg 0.0063789921052360265 0.430437905346554
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,3,1,3,1); Basic Variance: 1.1 Emissions from burning plant residues during coffee area renovation, according to IPCC (2019)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks 0.00186051 kg0.00186051 kg 1.8424954566743056E-4 0.018787006760646152
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,3,1,3,3); Basic Variance: 1.32 Emissions derived from fuel combustion (diesel 88%, and biodiesel 12%), using emission factors from Nemecek & Kagi (2007) plus emissions from burning coffee husks and from burning plant residues during coffee area renovation, according to IPCC (2019)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks 0.003390192 kg0.003390192 kg 4.121618746029061E-4 0.02788565004450551
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,3); Basic Variance: 1.1 Ammonia releases to air, according to the AGRAMMON model: 'Plant production' (Nemecek & Schnetzer, 2011)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 7.74225378374661E-6 kg7.74225378374661E-6 kg -2.383267315308813 2.3832827998163806
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Emissions of heavy metals to soil estimated based on WFLDB adapted to Brazil Pedigree: (5,5,5,5,5); Basic Variance: 1.21 Heavy metals emissions to agricultural soil through erosion are estimated by using the SALCA-heavy metal model (Nemecek et al., 2015).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 4.27582582359813E-10 kg4.27582582359813E-10 kg 4.643936321917349E-11 3.9368943082751465E-9
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.23 Emissions of heavy metals to surface water are calculated according to Schmidt (2007)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 3.89E-7 kg3.89E-7 kg 4.302025624837465E-8 3.517436045158775E-6
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.21 All the pesticides emissions were destinated to agricultural soil, according to Nemecek and Schnetzer (2012).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 7.48E-6 kg7.48E-6 kg 8.272275494546076E-7 6.763604528994252E-5
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.21 All the pesticides emissions were destinated to agricultural soil, according to Nemecek and Schnetzer (2012).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 7.01E-6 kg7.01E-6 kg 7.75249347817754E-7 6.338618682921083E-5
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.21 All the pesticides emissions were destinated to agricultural soil, according to Nemecek and Schnetzer (2012).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 7.79E-5 kg7.79E-5 kg 8.460649577464226E-6 7.172510744522274E-4
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,2,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 1.23 All the pesticides emissions were destinated to agricultural soil, according to Nemecek and Schnetzer (2012).