Ecospold 2 exchange, ID = 4bc66efe-f91b-48e5-9a26-07e383d47e80; Fuel consumption data extrapolated from the original dataset covering the RER region. Corrected to account for 12% biodiesel blend accordind to fuels energy content. For conventional diesel, it was considered energy content of 129.500 Btu/gal, for animal-based biodiesel 115.720 Btu/gal and for plant-based biodiesel 119.216 Btu/gal (USEPA, 2002). Final value is influenced by the updated freight load factor form EPE (2020).
EPE, 2020. Energy Research Enterprise (2020). Integrated Transport Model. Consultation through Information to Citizen System. Federal Government of Brazil.
Keller, M. et al. (2010) Handbook emission factors for road transport v3.1, HBEFA. INFRAS, Berne, CH.
USEPA, 2002. United States Environmental Protection Agency (2002). A Comprehensive Analysis of Biodiesel Impacts on Exhaust Emissions. Draft Technical Report.; Tags: