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Process Data set: maize grain production (en) en

Key Data Set Information
Location BR-MS
Geographical representativeness description The inventory is modelled for the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, in Brazil.
Reference year 2012
maize grain production
Synonyms maize production; corn production
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • ISIC rev.4 ecoinvent: A.Agriculture, forestry and fishing / 01:Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities / 011:Growing of non-perennial crops / 0111:Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds
General comment on data set Activity Linkable Id: 52bd6981-3ebd-4873-a009-39f4b8c01259 Activity Subtype: ordinary transforming activity Macroeconomic Scenario: Business-as-Usual This dataset represents the production of 1 kg of maize grain (fresh matter). The average annual yield is 5339 kg/ha at a moisture content of 14% after drying. This activity represents the production of maize grain in cropping system (e.g. crop rotation with other grain in the agricultural cycle, mainly soybean). There is no maize monoculture in Brazil. Therefore, exchanges that are shared (land occupation and liming) are related to the time occupation of maize production. The total amount of mineral fertilizers (N-P-K) and pesticides (imidacloprid, thiodicarb, atrazine, nicosulfuron, beta-cyfluthrin, methyl ester, bifenthrin, azoxystrobin and cyproconazole) applied are 35 kg N.ha-1; 52.5 kg P2O5.ha-1; 52.5 kg K2O.ha-1 and 3.08 a.i.ha-1, respectively.
Copyright Yes
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
Biogenic carbon content
  • carbon content, non-fossil: 0.4085259 kg
Time representativeness
Data set valid until 2017
Time representativeness description Validity: Data is valid for the entire period. Time period of the most of the data collected for this dataset.
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system Technology Level: Current Cultivation of maize grains like second harvest in cropping system (e.g. soybean followed by maize). Activity Start: This activity starts after the harvest of the previous crop. Activity End: The dataset includes the inputs of seeds, mineral fertilisers and pesticides. It is assumed that no organic fertilisers are applied. The dataset also includes all machine operations and corresponding machine infrastructure and sheds. Machine operations are: limestone and gypsum application, by spreader; application of plant protection product, by field sprayer; planting with starter fertiliser, by no till planter; fertilising, by broadcaster; combine harvesting and drying of grains. Includes the transportation of products inside the farm: water from water source to field, fertilisers from farm gate to field and grains from harvester to truck. Furthermore, direct field emissions and land use change emissions are included, with important regionalizations added. The dataset doesn't include: cleaning and storage of harvested grains. The activity ends after harvest at the farm gate.
Mathematical model
Variable / parameter Formula Mean value Minimum value Maximum value Uncertainty distribution type Relative StdDev in % General comment
water_drying REF_PRODUCT*( REF_PRODUCT_WWM- harvest_wc)/( harvest_wc-1) 0.048780487804878 0.016234662057786006 0.14657132880327783 LOG_NORMAL 3.004712240467198 % [l] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,3,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.3
water_drying__from_l_to_m3__ (REF_PRODUCT*( REF_PRODUCT_WWM- harvest_wc)/( harvest_wc-1))*__l_to_m3__ 4.878048780487801E-5 1.623466205778601E-5 1.4657132880327783E-4 LOG_NORMAL 3.004712240467198 % [m3] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,3,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.3
__l_to_m3__ 0.0010000000000000002 % Conversion from l to m3
water_dilution 3*T_t*1E-04*200 0.1122 0.1043939754722862 0.12058971739554068 LOG_NORMAL 1.0747746648443912 % [kg] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006
Eq_fl_3 L_total*T_t*1E-04 0.0409863013698631 0.03813478556065258 0.044051038318005824 LOG_NORMAL 1.0747746648443912 % [kg] Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Primary energy carriers, metals, salts" for agriculture. Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006
REF_PRODUCT 1.0 % [kg]
REF_PRODUCT_C_content_non_fossil 0.46957 % []
REF_PRODUCT_WWM 0.14 % [kg]
REF_PRODUCT_WM 1.0 % [kg]
Eq_pr_9 REF_PRODUCT_WWM/ REF_PRODUCT_DM 0.162790697674419 % []
N_fert (N_total * T_t * 1E-04)*2.14379903903132 0.01403116471046 0.013054982750725214 0.015080340349061097 LOG_NORMAL 1.0747746648443912 % [kg] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006
Eq_fl_11__from_ha_to_m2__ (1*T_t*1E-04)*__ha_to_m2__ 1.8699999999999999 0.622355769985227 5.61881188967366 LOG_NORMAL 3.004712240467198 % [m2] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,3,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.3
__ha_to_m2__ 10000.0 % Conversion from ha to m2
Eq_fl_12 3.6747 * T_t * 1E-04 6.871689E-4 2.286970747964714E-4 0.00206474480509838 LOG_NORMAL 3.004712240467198 % [km_times_t] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,3,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.3
SEED 0.0045 0.0041869241499580025 0.00483648599179976 LOG_NORMAL 1.0747746648443912 % [kg] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006
maize_seed_sowing_water_content maize_seed_sowing_WWM/ maize_seed_sowing_DM 0.136363636363636 % []
maize_seed_sowing_C_content_non_fossil 0.45263 % []
maize_seed_sowing_DM maize_seed_sowing_WM- maize_seed_sowing_WWM 0.88 % [kg]
maize_seed_sowing_C_content_fossil 0.0 % []
maize_seed_sowing_WWM 0.12 % [kg]
maize_seed_sowing_WM 1.0 % [kg]
Eq_fl_20__from_ha_to_m2__ (1/3*occupation_time*T_t*1E-04)*__ha_to_m2__ 0.20493150684931502 0.18292891659312419 0.2295805566538265 LOG_NORMAL 1.1202794542599825 % [m2] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,3,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006
Eq_fl_21__from_ha_to_m2__ (0*LUC_crop_specific+(0*(1-LUC_crop_specific)))*__ha_to_m2__ 0.0 % [m2]
Eq_fl_22__from_ha_to_m2__ (3*T_t*1E-04)*__ha_to_m2__ 5.609999999999999 1.8670673099556812 16.85643566902098 LOG_NORMAL 3.004712240467198 % [m2] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,3,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.3
Eq_fl_23__from_ha_to_m2__ (1*T_t*1E-04)*__ha_to_m2__ 1.8699999999999999 1.6692263639122584 2.0949225794661674 LOG_NORMAL 1.1202794542599825 % [m2] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,3,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006
Eq_fl_24 T_t 1.87 1.5636971615730613 2.236302582069126 LOG_NORMAL 1.1958837337268053 % [m2] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (1,1,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.008
Eq_fl_25 T_t 1.87 1.5636971615730613 2.236302582069126 LOG_NORMAL 1.1958837337268053 % [m2] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (1,1,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.008
Eq_fl_26 ((44/12*0.125*L_total)+(N_total*1.57))* T_t*1E-04 0.0290610381278539 0.02396334487306712 0.035243157478310874 LOG_NORMAL 1.212728785642783 % [kg] Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "CO2" for combustion emissions. Pedigree: (4,3,1,3,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006
Eq_fl_27 water_dilution*1E-03 1.122E-4 7.135979768451454E-5 1.7641361674897022E-4 LOG_NORMAL 1.5723138747680054 % [m3] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,3,1,5,4); Basic Variance: 0.0006
Eq_fl_28 T_t*occupation_time 0.614794520547945 0.5621930970560534 0.6723175799828291 LOG_NORMAL 1.0935646911485415 % [a_times_m2] Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Land use, occupation" for agriculture. Pedigree: (1,1,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.002
NO3 62/14*((21.37 + precipitation/(Clay_content*root_depth) * (0.0037*N_total + 0.0000601*Norg_soil - 0.00362*Nuptake_plant)) * T_t * 1E-04) 0.00962885900724638 0.006192898335730006 0.01497116870892419 LOG_NORMAL 1.5548227155115006 % [kg] Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "NO3, PO4" for agriculture. Pedigree: (4,3,1,3,1); Basic Variance: 0.04
Eq_fl_30 N2O*0.21 4.98124897516304E-5 3.360985875818282E-5 7.382608041017663E-5 LOG_NORMAL 1.4820797108974109 % [kg] Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "NOX, N2O" for agriculture. Pedigree: (4,3,1,3,1); Basic Variance: 0.03
NH3 17/14*N_fert*0.466461632733939*0.2 0.0015895 0.0012274790848250574 0.0020582918937149 LOG_NORMAL 1.2949304144164204 % [kg] Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "CH4, NH3" for agriculture. Pedigree: (4,3,1,3,1); Basic Variance: 0.008
N2O 44/28*(0.01*((N_total+ Ncrop_residues)*T_t*1E-04)+ 0.01*14/17*NH3 + 0.0075*14/62*NO3) 2.37202332150621E-4 9.726098530516488E-5 5.784945135108114E-4 LOG_NORMAL 2.438823043035991 % [kg] Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "NOX, N2O" for agriculture. Pedigree: (4,3,5,3,5); Basic Variance: 0.03
Eq_fl_33 soil_eroded * 0.00095 * 1.86 * 0.2 * T_t*1E-04 1.65875358E-5 1.0668441896633265E-5 2.579067745620023E-5 LOG_NORMAL 1.5548227155115006 % [kg] Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "NO3, PO4" for agriculture. Pedigree: (4,3,1,3,1); Basic Variance: 0.04
Eq_fl_34 44/12 * (REF_PRODUCT_C_content_non_fossil * REF_PRODUCT * REF_PRODUCT_DM - maize_seed_sowing_C_content_non_fossil * SEED * maize_seed_sowing_DM) 1.47413854573333 1.3715791727810775 1.584366761424738 LOG_NORMAL 1.0747746648443912 % [kg] Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Primary energy carriers, metals, salts" for agriculture. Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006
Eq_fl_35 water_drying*1E-03 4.8780487804878E-5 3.102465009543692E-5 7.669823779356116E-5 LOG_NORMAL 1.5723138747680054 % [m3] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,3,1,5,4); Basic Variance: 0.0006
occupation_time 120/365 0.328767123287671 % [] Liming is proportional to the occupation time of maize production in cropping system (4 months).
Ncrop_residues 30.0 19.472315248731004 46.21946535395437 LOG_NORMAL 1.5406488451318123 % [kg_N_per_ha] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,4,3,3,4); Basic Variance: 0.0006 This value represents the nitrogen contained in the crop residues (kg N/ha). Used for the calculation of emissions of N2O to the air. From Coelho (2007).
soil_eroded 251.0 164.4498152009619 383.1016770861747 LOG_NORMAL 1.5263015023353572 % [a_times_kg_per_ha] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,4,1,3,4); Basic Variance: 0.0006 This value represents the quantity of soil eroded (kg/(ha*yr)). Used for the calculation of P emissions through water erosion to surface water. From Zolin et al. (2016).
Clay_content 60.0 38.58960857814673 93.28936293069003 LOG_NORMAL 1.5548227155115006 % [pct] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,2,1,1,4); Basic Variance: 0.0006 This value represents the fraction of clay content into soil (%). Used in the SQCB-NO3 model for the calculation of leaching of NO3. From May et al. (2016).
root_depth 0.46 0.29295116494295176 0.7223046887053897 LOG_NORMAL 1.5702275841421514 % [m] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,4,2,3,4); Basic Variance: 0.0006 This value represents the rooting depth of the crop (m). Used in the SQCB-NO3 model for the calculation of leaching of NO3. From Bordin et al. (2008).
LUC_crop_specific 1.0 % [] This parameter allows to switch between a 'crop specific' and a 'country specific' approach when calculating the LUC of a crop. By default, the chosen approach is 'crop specific', so the value of the parameter is 1. If you want to apply a 'country specific' approach, turn the parameter to 0.
Norg_soil 6500.0 4180.540929299229 10106.347650824755 LOG_NORMAL 1.5548227155115006 % [kg_N_per_ha] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,2,1,1,4); Basic Variance: 0.0006 Norg is the mass of organic nitrogen contained in the upper 50 cm of soil per ha (kg N/ha). Used in the SQCB-NO3 model for the calculation of leaching of NO3. From May et al. (2016).
Nuptake_plant 196.0 119.79396565173418 320.6839325420051 LOG_NORMAL 1.6361425129694138 % [kg_N_per_ha] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,5,3,5,4); Basic Variance: 0.0006 This value represents the N taken by plant during its growth (kg N/ha). Used in the SQCB-NO3 model for the calculation of leaching of NO3. From Nemececk & Schnetzer (2011),
T_t 1.87 1.5636971615730613 2.236302582069126 LOG_NORMAL 1.1958837337268053 % [m2_per_kg] Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Land use, transformation" for agriculture. Pedigree: (1,1,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.008 This value will be used to transform exchanges per ha to exchanges per kg of maize grain. From May et al. (2016).
L_total 2000/3*occupation_time 219.178082191781 207.88177607443663 231.08823014897504 LOG_NORMAL 1.0543400500546978 % [kg_per_ha] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (1,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006 Amount for typical system from May et al. (2016) alocated between soybean and maize in cropping system where maize occupies the ground for four months and limestone is applied each three years.
precipitation 1420.0 1321.2071762089697 1526.1800240790355 LOG_NORMAL 1.0747746648443912 % [mm_per_a] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006 This value represents the average annual precipitation in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Used in the SQCB-NO3 model for the calculation of leaching of NO3.
N_total 35.0 33.19612111688657 36.90190175191442 LOG_NORMAL 1.0543400500546978 % [kg_per_ha] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (1,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006 This value represents the total nitrogen in mineral fertilisers (kg N/ha). From May et al. (2016).
harvest_wc 0.18 0.17072290860113096 0.1897812090098456 LOG_NORMAL 1.0543400500546978 % [] Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (1,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006 Crop water content at harvest (% fresh basis). From May et al. (2016).
LCI method and allocation
Type of data set Unit process, black box
LCI Method Principle Not applicable
Deviation from LCI method principle / explanations Original ecoinvent System Model: Undefined
LCI method approaches
  • Not applicable
Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations none
Data sources, treatment and representativeness
Deviation from data cut-off and completeness principles / explanations none
Deviation from data selection and combination principles / explanations none
Data treatment and extrapolations principles Carbon content and gross calorific value are based on ecoinvent database. Drying is added inside agricultural phase despite it occurs in processing phase together with cleaning and storage.
Deviation from data treatment and extrapolations principles / explanations none
Percentage supply or production covered 81.0 %
Annual supply or production volume Production volume for maize grain is 9727809000.0 kilogram
Sampling procedure The main source of data for agricultural inputs and operations are projects conducted by Embrapa Milho e Sorgo (CNPMS) and Embrapa Soja (CNPSO). Data are also provided by relevant experts related to agricultural sector of maize in Mato Grosso do Sul state (BR). Emissions from the agricultural process are estimated according to Nemecek and Schnetzer (2011) and Canals (2003). The system of maize grain production analyzed corresponds to the cities of Dourados and Ponta-Porã that represents 81% of the total production in BR-MS, according to grains survey IBGE/SIDRA (2016) (
Completeness of product model No statement
Review details
Date of Review: 2018-04-04 Review Version:
Subsequent review comments
Validation warnings: - Mass and/or economic deficit in activity dataset exceeds either 0.1% of input or output sum: Property 'carbon content, fossil': - Input='0,0666165362608113', Output='0,00818728806616863' - Input > output by 0,0584292481946427 kg (713,66% of output) Property 'water in wet mass': - Input='0,112702135175288', Output='0,300980487804878' - Input < output by 0,18827835262959 kg (62,56% of output) Property 'dry mass': - Input='17,5226438055469', Output='0,901164012454063' - Input > output by 16,6214797930928 kg (1844,45% of output) Property 'wet mass': - Input='17,6353459407222', Output='1,20214450025894' - Input > output by 16,4332014404633 kg (1366,99% of output) - Amount of property 'wet mass=1' of exchange 'Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'dry mass=1' of exchange 'Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass' deviates from the default amount in the master file. - Specified amount (0,0290610381278539) did not match amount calculated by uncertainty (0,0694486173515982) at exchange 'Carbon dioxide, fossil' - Due to the use of the reference product property(s) 'water in wet mass', 'carbon content, non-fossil', 'dry mass', 'wet mass' by other exchanges this dataset will be subdivided by linking rule 3 (see Data Quality Guidelines for details) prior to the calculation of the database. If this is not intended, do not use the properties in question in mathematical relations of other exchanges. - The total water in wet mass of all input exchanges (0,112702135175288) and output exchanges (0,300980487804878) is unbalanced. - Uncertainty shall always be provided for all primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Exchange(s): Zinc, ion, Zinc, Copper, ion, Copper -- Property(ies): carbon content, fossil=0,272916486782489, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1000, dry mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,438987028507732, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,445500384912184, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,446770017785933, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,42281732714395, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0,272916486782489, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=1000, wet mass=1000, dry mass=0 -- Parameter(s): occupation time - Pedigree information shall always be provided for all uncertainties of primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Exchange(s): Zinc, ion, Zinc, Copper, ion, Copper -- Property(ies): carbon content, fossil=0,272916486782489, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1000, dry mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,438987028507732, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,445500384912184, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,446770017785933, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,42281732714395, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0,272916486782489, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=1000, wet mass=1000, dry mass=0 -- Parameter(s): occupation time
Reviewer name and institution
Review details
Date of Review: 2017-10-03 Review Version:
Subsequent review comments
Validation warnings: - Mass and/or economic deficit in activity dataset exceeds either 0.1% of input or output sum: Property 'water in wet mass': - Input='0,112702135175288', Output='0,1522' - Input < output by 0,0394978648247121 kg (25,95% of output) Property 'carbon content, fossil': - Input='0,00649729911793423', Output='0,00818728806616863' - Input < output by 0,0016899889482344 kg (20,64% of output) Property 'wet mass': - Input='17,5686430407222', Output='1,05336401245406' - Input > output by 16,5152790282681 kg (1567,86% of output) Property 'dry mass': - Input='17,4559409055469', Output='0,901164012454063' - Input > output by 16,5547768930928 kg (1837,04% of output) - Amount of property 'wet mass=1' of exchange 'Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'dry mass=1' of exchange 'Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass' deviates from the default amount in the master file. - Specified amount (1,87) did not match amount calculated by uncertainty (1,6) at exchange 'Transformation, from annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive' - Due to the use of the reference product property(s) 'wet mass', 'dry mass', 'carbon content, non-fossil', 'water in wet mass' by other exchanges this dataset will be subdivided by linking rule 3 (see Data Quality Guidelines for details) prior to the calculation of the database. If this is not intended, do not use the properties in question in mathematical relations of other exchanges. - The total water in wet mass of all input exchanges (0,112702135175288) and output exchanges (0,1522) is unbalanced. - The dataset contains user added exchange master data entries. The following user added exchanges do not contain product information data. Please consider adding the appropriate data before submitting the dataset for review. - limestone and gypsum application, by spreader - planting with starter fertiliser, by no till planter - Uncertainty shall always be provided for all primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Exchange(s): Copper, Copper, ion, Zinc, Zinc, ion -- Property(ies): water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0,272916486782489, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,446770017785933, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0,42281732714395, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0,445500384912184, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,438987028507732, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=0, wet mass=1000, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0, wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0,272916486782489, wet mass=1, dry mass=1 -- Parameter(s): fraction - Pedigree information shall always be provided for all uncertainties of primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Exchange(s): Copper, Copper, ion, Zinc, Zinc, ion -- Property(ies): water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0,272916486782489, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,446770017785933, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0,42281732714395, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0,445500384912184, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,438987028507732, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=0, wet mass=1000, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0, wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0,272916486782489, wet mass=1, dry mass=1 -- Parameter(s): fraction - The input exchange 'limestone and gypsum application, by spreader' does not have an activity link and therefore requires a market for that input to be available. If the market is not available the dataset will be put on hold at the end of its review and will remain on hold until such a market has been accepted into the ecoinvent database. - The input exchange 'drying of maize grain' has an activity link and therefore requires a valid product exchange for that input to be available. If the valid product exchange is not available the dataset will be put on hold at the end of its review and will remain on hold until such a valid product exchange has been accepted into the ecoinvent database. - The input exchange 'planting with starter fertiliser, by no till planter' has an activity link and therefore requires a valid product exchange for that input to be available. If the valid product exchange is not available the dataset will be put on hold at the end of its review and will remain on hold until such a valid product exchange has been accepted into the ecoinvent database.
Reviewer name and institution
Reviewer name and institution
Reviewer name and institution
Review details
Date of Review: 2017-05-31 Review Version: Reviewer comments have been considered.
Subsequent review comments
Both documentation and modelling of the exchanges are well done.
Reviewer name and institution
Review details
Date of Review: 2018-07-12 Review Version:
Subsequent review comments
Validation warnings: - Mass and/or economic deficit in activity dataset exceeds either 0.1% of input or output sum: Property 'water in wet mass': - Input='0,112702135175288', Output='0,300980487804878' - Input < output by 0,18827835262959 kg (62,56% of output) Property 'wet mass': - Input='17,6353459407222', Output='1,20214450025894' - Input > output by 16,4332014404633 kg (1366,99% of output) Property 'carbon content, fossil': - Input='0,0666165362608113', Output='0,00818728806616863' - Input > output by 0,0584292481946427 kg (713,66% of output) Property 'dry mass': - Input='17,5226438055469', Output='0,901164012454063' - Input > output by 16,6214797930928 kg (1844,45% of output) - Amount of property 'wet mass=1' of exchange 'Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'dry mass=1' of exchange 'Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass' deviates from the default amount in the master file. - Specified amount (0,0290610381278539) did not match amount calculated by uncertainty (0,0694486173515982) at exchange 'Carbon dioxide, fossil' - Due to the use of the reference product property(s) 'carbon content, non-fossil', 'water in wet mass', 'dry mass', 'wet mass' by other exchanges this dataset will be subdivided by linking rule 3 (see Data Quality Guidelines for details) prior to the calculation of the database. If this is not intended, do not use the properties in question in mathematical relations of other exchanges. - The total water in wet mass of all input exchanges (0,112702135175288) and output exchanges (0,300980487804878) is unbalanced. - Uncertainty shall always be provided for all primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Exchange(s): land use change, annual crop, Copper, ion, Zinc, Copper, Zinc, ion -- Property(ies): carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=1000, wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,446770017785933, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,42281732714395, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0,438987028507732, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,445500384912184, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0,272916486782489, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=0, wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=0, wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,272916486782489, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0 -- Parameter(s): LUC_crop_specific, occupation time - Pedigree information shall always be provided for all uncertainties of primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Exchange(s): land use change, annual crop, Copper, ion, Zinc, Copper, Zinc, ion -- Property(ies): carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=1000, wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,446770017785933, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,42281732714395, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0,438987028507732, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,445500384912184, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0,272916486782489, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=0, wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=0, wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,272916486782489, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0 -- Parameter(s): LUC_crop_specific, occupation time
Reviewer name and institution
Reviewer name and institution
Reviewer name and institution
Review details
Date of Review: 2018-04-15 Review Version:
Subsequent review comments
Validation warnings: - Mass and/or economic deficit in activity dataset exceeds either 0.1% of input or output sum: Property 'dry mass': - Input='17,5226438055469', Output='0,901164012454063' - Input > output by 16,6214797930928 kg (1844,45% of output) Property 'wet mass': - Input='17,6353459407222', Output='1,20214450025894' - Input > output by 16,4332014404633 kg (1366,99% of output) Property 'carbon content, fossil': - Input='0,0666165362608113', Output='0,00818728806616863' - Input > output by 0,0584292481946427 kg (713,66% of output) Property 'water in wet mass': - Input='0,112702135175288', Output='0,300980487804878' - Input < output by 0,18827835262959 kg (62,56% of output) - Amount of property 'wet mass=1' of exchange 'Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'dry mass=1' of exchange 'Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass' deviates from the default amount in the master file. - Specified amount (1,87) did not match amount calculated by uncertainty (1,6) at exchange 'Transformation, from annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive' - Due to the use of the reference product property(s) 'dry mass', 'water in wet mass', 'wet mass', 'carbon content, non-fossil' by other exchanges this dataset will be subdivided by linking rule 3 (see Data Quality Guidelines for details) prior to the calculation of the database. If this is not intended, do not use the properties in question in mathematical relations of other exchanges. - The total water in wet mass of all input exchanges (0,112702135175288) and output exchanges (0,300980487804878) is unbalanced. - Uncertainty shall always be provided for all primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Exchange(s): land use change, annual crop, Zinc, ion, Copper, Copper, ion, Zinc -- Property(ies): dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,272916486782489, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1000, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0,272916486782489, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,445500384912184, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0,446770017785933, water content=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,42281732714395, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0,438987028507732, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1000, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0 -- Parameter(s): occupation time, LUC_crop_specific - Pedigree information shall always be provided for all uncertainties of primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Exchange(s): land use change, annual crop, Zinc, ion, Copper, Copper, ion, Zinc -- Property(ies): dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,272916486782489, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1000, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0,272916486782489, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,445500384912184, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0,446770017785933, water content=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,42281732714395, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0,438987028507732, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1000, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0 -- Parameter(s): occupation time, LUC_crop_specific
Reviewer name and institution
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2023-02-24T01:38:42
Data set format(s)
Converted original data set from
Data entry by
Publication and ownership
UUID 08b1282b-312d-457f-bebd-5ab842997bf0
Date of last revision 2018-07-12T00:00:00
Data set version 03.02.000
Workflow and publication status Data set finalised; entirely published
Unchanged re-publication of
Copyright Yes
License type License fee
Access and use restrictions Licensees; Licensees


Type of flow Classification Flow Variable Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow
8: Business and production services / 86: Support and operation services to agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing, mining and utilities / 861: Support and operation services to agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing / 8611: Support and operation services to crop production / 86111: Post-harvest crop services water_drying__from_l_to_m3__ 1.0 m34.878048780487801E-5 m3 1.623466205778601E-5 1.4657132880327783E-4
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,3,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.3 Calculated from average moisture content of grains at harvest (see Exchange Properties and Parameters).
Product flow
allocatable product water_dilution 1.0 kg0.1122 kg 0.1043939754722862 0.12058971739554068
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006 Water is used to dilute pesticides in a rate of 200 liters per application. Amount for typical system from May et al. (2016).
Product flow
1: Ores and minerals; electricity, gas and water / 16: Other minerals / 161: Chemical and fertilizer minerals Eq_fl_3 1.0 kg0.0409863013698631 kg 0.03813478556065258 0.044051038318005824
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Primary energy carriers, metals, salts" for agriculture. Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006 Amount for typical system from May et al. (2016) alocated between soybean and maize in cropping system where maize occupies the groudn for four months.
Product flow
3: Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / 34: Basic chemicals / 346: Fertilizers and pesticides / 3463: Mineral or chemical fertilizers, potassic 0.00983 kg0.00983 kg 0.009146103198686037 0.010565034955420365
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Primary energy carriers, metals, salts" for agriculture. Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006 Amount for typical system from May et al. (2016).
Product flow
3: Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / 34: Basic chemicals / 346: Fertilizers and pesticides 2.97E-4 kg2.97E-4 kg 2.763369938972282E-4 3.192080754587842E-4
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Primary energy carriers, metals, salts" for agriculture. Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006 Amount for typical system from May et al. (2016). This exchange represents the input of Imidacloprid (15.5%); Thiodicarb (8.5%); Nicosulfuron (0.5%); Beta-Cyfluthrin (0.8%); Methyl esther (68.2%); Bifenthrin (1.3%); Azoxystrobin (3.8%); and Cyproconazole (1.5%).
Product flow
3: Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / 34: Basic chemicals / 346: Fertilizers and pesticides / 3461: Mineral or chemical fertilizers, nitrogenous / 34611: Urea N_fert 1.0 kg0.01403116471046 kg 0.013054982750725214 0.015080340349061097
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006 The exchange has been updated from 'urea, as N' into 'urea' and therefore its amount has been scaled (multiplied) from 0.0065 kg by 2.1438 kg of 'urea' per kg of 'urea, as N'. Original comment of the exchange is: Urea as Nitrogen fertiliser. Amount for typical system from May et al. (2016).
Product flow
allocatable product 0.00983 kg0.00983 kg 0.009146103198686037 0.010565034955420365
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Primary energy carriers, metals, salts" for agriculture. Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006 Amount for typical system from May et al. (2016).
Product flow
allocatable product 2.8E-4 kg2.8E-4 kg 2.605197248862757E-4 3.0093690615642953E-4
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006 Amount for typical system from May et al. (2016).
Product flow
allocatable product Eq_fl_11__from_ha_to_m2__ 1.0 m21.8699999999999999 m2 0.622355769985227 5.61881188967366
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,3,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.3 Agricultural operation. Amount for typical system from May et al. (2016).
Product flow
allocatable product Eq_fl_12 1.0 t*km6.871689E-4 t*km 2.286970747964714E-4 0.00206474480509838
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,3,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.3 Transports inside the field of: grains (total distance = 0.6 km/ha; total load = 0.6 t/ha), starter fertiliser (total distance = 0.16 km/ha; total load = 0.16 t/ha) and water (total distance = 0.13 km/ha; total load = 0.13 t/ha) respectively. Amount for typical system from May et al. (2016). Transport of water from the water source to the field to supply the pesticide sprayer. Long distances are involved in maize production in Brasil what makes necessary the transportation, e.g., of water from the captation to the application in order to keep the operation of pesticide spraying continuos. Amount for typical system from May et al. (2016).
Product flow
0: Agriculture, forestry and fishery products / 01: Products of agriculture, horticulture and market gardening / 011: Cereals / 0112: Maize (corn) / 01121: Maize (corn), seed SEED 1.0 kg0.0045 kg 0.0041869241499580025 0.00483648599179976
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006 Amount for typical system from May et al. (2016).
Product flow
8: Business and production services / 86: Support and operation services to agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing, mining and utilities / 861: Support and operation services to agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing / 8611: Support and operation services to crop production / 86119: Other support services to crop production Eq_fl_20__from_ha_to_m2__ 1.0 m20.20493150684931502 m2 0.18292891659312419 0.2295805566538265
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,3,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006 Agricultural operation. Amount for typical system from May et al. (2016) alocated between soybean and maize in cropping system where maize occupies the ground for four months and limestone is applied each three years.
Product flow
allocatable product Eq_fl_21__from_ha_to_m2__ 1.0 m20.0 m2
General comment Calculated value. Land use change (LUC) from Novaes et al. (2017).
Product flow
allocatable product Eq_fl_22__from_ha_to_m2__ 1.0 m25.609999999999999 m2 1.8670673099556812 16.85643566902098
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,3,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.3 Agricultural operation. Amount for typical system from May et al. (2016).
Product flow
3: Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / 36: Rubber and plastics products / 364: Packaging products of plastics / 3649: Other articles for the conveyance or packing of goods, of plastics; stoppers, lids, caps and other closures, of plastics / 36490: Other articles for the conveyance or packing of goods, of plastics; stoppers, lids, caps and other closures, of plastics 0.001154 kg0.001154 kg 7.339501473077521E-4 0.0018144502114822783
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,3,1,5,4); Basic Variance: 0.0006 Total amount of active substance/s of pesticides needed for the production of maize grain is calculated to be circa 5.77E-04 kg. Pesticide/s used in this dataset is/are: 'atrazine', 'pesticide, unspecified'. The total amount of active substance/s is doubled in order to account for the packaging of the dilluted product of pesticide/s that is/are applied. Therefore, 1.15E-03 kg of packaging for pesticides is justified with this exchange.
Product flow
3: Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / 36: Rubber and plastics products / 364: Packaging products of plastics / 3641: Sacks and bags, of plastics / 36410: Sacks and bags, of plastics 0.134382602739726 kg0.134382602739726 kg 0.08546805119273919 0.21129163081510816
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,3,1,5,4); Basic Variance: 0.0006 Total amount of active substance/s of fertilisers needed for the production of 'maize grain' is calculated to be circa 6.72E-02 kg. Fertiliser/s used in this dataset is/are: 'lime', 'phosphate fertiliser, as P2O5', 'potassium fertiliser, as K2O', 'urea, as N'. The total amount of active substance/s is doubled in order to account for the packaging of the dilluted product of fertiliser/s that is/are applied. Therefore, 1.34E-01 kg of packaging for fertilisers is justified with this exchange.
Product flow
8: Business and production services / 86: Support and operation services to agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing, mining and utilities / 861: Support and operation services to agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing / 8611: Support and operation services to crop production / 86119: Other support services to crop production Eq_fl_23__from_ha_to_m2__ 1.0 m21.8699999999999999 m2 1.6692263639122584 2.0949225794661674
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (3,3,1,2,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006 Maize seeds planting operation with the application of starter fertiliser inside the groove. Amount for typical system from May et al. (2016).
Elementary flow
Land use / Land transformation Eq_fl_24 1.0 m21.87 m2 1.5636971615730613 2.236302582069126
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (1,1,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.008 Amount for typical system from May et al. (2016).
Elementary flow
Land use / Land transformation Eq_fl_25 1.0 m21.87 m2 1.5636971615730613 2.236302582069126
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (1,1,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.008 Amount for typical system from May et al. (2016).
Elementary flow
Land use / Land occupation Eq_fl_28 1.0 m2*a0.614794520547945 m2*a 0.5621930970560534 0.6723175799828291
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Land use, occupation" for agriculture. Pedigree: (1,1,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.002 Occupation may range around 120 days. Users must adjust this mathematical relation to their needs. The final amount was allocated due to being a cropping system. The fallow period considered is around 70 days.
Elementary flow
Resources / Resources from biosphere / Renewable energy resources from biosphere 15.91 MJ15.91 MJ 14.803102939073739 17.099664917674264
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Primary energy carriers, metals, salts" for agriculture. Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006 Calorific value of maize based on Ecoinvent database.
Elementary flow
Resources / Resources from air / Renewable material resources from air Eq_fl_34 1.0 kg1.47413854573333 kg 1.3715791727810775 1.584366761424738
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Primary energy carriers, metals, salts" for agriculture. Pedigree: (2,2,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006 CO2 absorbed during photosyntesis. See "3.1 CO2 from the Atmosphere" in Nemececk & Schnetzer (2011).


Type of flow Classification Flow Variable Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow
allocatable product REF_PRODUCT 1.0 kg1.0 kg
General comment 1 Kg of maize grain produced used as reference. The corn cob, straw and biomass are left on the field. Production Volume Comment: Production Volume of maize grain in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil, 2015 harvest, according to the Municipal Agricultural Production Data of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (SIDRA - IBGE). See more in: <>.
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 1.2E-10 kg1.2E-10 kg 6.40177648027519E-11 2.249375629462932E-10
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,3,1,3,1); Basic Variance: 0.09 Emissions of heavy metals to soil and surface water estimated from mineral fertilisers and liming as recommended by Canals (2003), metal content in maize from Anjos & Mattiazzo (2000).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water -1.39E-10 kg-1.39E-10 kg
General comment Emissions of heavy metals to soil and surface water estimated from mineral fertilisers and liming as recommended by Canals (2003), metal content in maize from Anjos & Mattiazzo (2000). Nemecek & Schnetzer (2011) state that "some of the values for emissions of heavy metals to the soil are negative. This means that more heavy metals are exported than imported. It must, however, be borne in mind that these heavy metals are transferred either to the water bodies or to the products harvested from the field".
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil -3.48E-5 kg-3.48E-5 kg
General comment Emissions of heavy metals to soil and surface water estimated from mineral fertilisers and liming as recommended by Canals (2003), metal content in maize from Anjos & Mattiazzo (2000). Nemecek & Schnetzer (2011) state that "some of the values for emissions of heavy metals to the soil are negative. This means that more heavy metals are exported than imported. It must, however, be borne in mind that these heavy metals are transferred either to the water bodies or to the products harvested from the field".
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Eq_fl_26 1.0 kg0.0290610381278539 kg 0.02396334487306712 0.035243157478310874
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "CO2" for combustion emissions. Pedigree: (4,3,1,3,1); Basic Variance: 0.0006 Emissions of CO2 to air from limestone and urea application based on IPCC (2006).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified -3.48E-9 kg-3.48E-9 kg
General comment Emissions of heavy metals to soil and surface water estimated from mineral fertilisers and liming as recommended by Canals (2003), metal content in maize from Anjos & Mattiazzo (2000). Nemecek & Schnetzer (2011) state that "some of the values for emissions of heavy metals to the soil are negative. This means that more heavy metals are exported than imported. It must, however, be borne in mind that these heavy metals are transferred either to the water bodies or to the products harvested from the field".
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Eq_fl_27 1.0 m31.122E-4 m3 7.135979768451454E-5 1.7641361674897022E-4
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,3,1,5,4); Basic Variance: 0.0006 Emissions of water related to pesticide dilution.
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water NO3 1.0 kg0.00962885900724638 kg 0.006192898335730006 0.01497116870892419
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "NO3, PO4" for agriculture. Pedigree: (4,3,1,3,1); Basic Variance: 0.04 See "2.2.2 The SQCB-NO3 model" in Nemececk & Schnetzer (2011), as "SALCA-NO3 model" has "Geographic scope of application: Europe". U= 196 Kg N/ha for Nitrogen uptake also from Nemececk & Schnetzer (2011), table 2.16. Norg = 6,5 t/ha for typical system from May et al. (2016).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Eq_fl_30 1.0 kg4.98124897516304E-5 kg 3.360985875818282E-5 7.382608041017663E-5
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "NOX, N2O" for agriculture. Pedigree: (4,3,1,3,1); Basic Variance: 0.03 Emissions of NOx to the air. See "2.5 EMISSIONS OF NOX TO THE AIR" in Nemecek & Schnetzer (2011).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks NH3 1.0 kg0.0015895 kg 0.0012274790848250574 0.0020582918937149
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "CH4, NH3" for agriculture. Pedigree: (4,3,1,3,1); Basic Variance: 0.008 NH3 emissions from applied mineral fertilisers are calculated according to EEA/EMEP (2013), page 35. For urea it is 20% to soils with pH<=7 (brazilian conditions).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 1.2E-6 kg1.2E-6 kg 7.721421630308487E-7 1.8649415469654501E-6
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Heavy metals" for agriculture. Pedigree: (4,3,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.04 Emissions of heavy metals to soil and surface water estimated from mineral fertilisers and liming as recommended by Canals (2003), metal content in maize from Anjos & Mattiazzo (2000).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks N2O 1.0 kg2.37202332150621E-4 kg 9.726098530516488E-5 5.784945135108114E-4
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "NOX, N2O" for agriculture. Pedigree: (4,3,5,3,5); Basic Variance: 0.03 Emissions of N2O to the air. See "2.4 EMISSIONS OF N2O TO THE AIR" in Nemecek & Schnetzer (2011), with "nitrogen contained in the crop residues" Ncr = 30 kg N/ha from Coelho (2007).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 1.14E-6 kg1.14E-6 kg 7.335350548793063E-7 1.771694469617178E-6
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Heavy metals" for agriculture. Pedigree: (4,3,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.04 Emissions of heavy metals to soil and surface water estimated from mineral fertilisers and liming as recommended by Canals (2003), metal content in maize from Anjos & Mattiazzo (2000).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Eq_fl_33 1.0 kg1.65875358E-5 kg 1.0668441896633265E-5 2.579067745620023E-5
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "NO3, PO4" for agriculture. Pedigree: (4,3,1,3,1); Basic Variance: 0.04 Due to phosphorus low mobility in Brazilian soils, its emissions through leaching and run-off were disregarded (Novais & Smyth, 1999). Only P emission by water erosion through surface water was considered, as in "2.3.3 Phorsphorous Emissions Through Water Erosion to Surface Water" Nemecek and Schnetzer (2011).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 2.19E-6 kg2.19E-6 kg 1.409159447531299E-6 3.4035183232119473E-6
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Heavy metals" for agriculture. Pedigree: (4,3,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.04 Emissions of heavy metals to soil and surface water estimated from mineral fertilisers and liming as recommended by Canals (2003), metal content in maize from Anjos & Mattiazzo (2000).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 8.26E-12 kg8.26E-12 kg 4.4065561439227565E-12 1.5483202249469848E-11
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Heavy metals" for agriculture. Pedigree: (4,3,1,3,1); Basic Variance: 0.09 Emissions of heavy metals to soil and surface water estimated from mineral fertilisers and liming as recommended by Canals (2003), metal content in maize from Anjos & Mattiazzo (2000).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 8.25E-8 kg8.25E-8 kg 5.3084773708370854E-8 1.282147313538747E-7
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Heavy metals" for agriculture. Pedigree: (4,3,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.04 Emissions of heavy metals to soil and surface water estimated from mineral fertilisers and liming as recommended by Canals (2003), metal content in maize from Anjos & Mattiazzo (2000).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 2.19E-10 kg2.19E-10 kg 1.1683242076502223E-10 4.1051105237698506E-10
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Heavy metals" for agriculture. Pedigree: (4,3,1,3,1); Basic Variance: 0.09 Emissions of heavy metals to soil and surface water estimated from mineral fertilisers and liming as recommended by Canals (2003), metal content in maize from Anjos & Mattiazzo (2000).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 1.14E-10 kg1.14E-10 kg 6.081687656261431E-11 2.1369068479897853E-10
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Heavy metals" for agriculture. Pedigree: (4,3,1,3,1); Basic Variance: 0.09 Emissions of heavy metals to soil and surface water estimated from mineral fertilisers and liming as recommended by Canals (2003), metal content in maize from Anjos & Mattiazzo (2000).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 2.8E-4 kg2.8E-4 kg 1.8620869150472185E-4 4.2103297846337066E-4
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,3,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.033 "All pesticides applied for crop production were assumed to end up as emissions to the soil. The amounts of pesticides used as inputs were thus simultaneously calculated as outputs (emissions to agricultural soil)", as recomended by Nemecek & Schnetzer (2011), "2.9 EMISSIONS OF PESTICIDES TO AGRICULTURAL SOIL" (page 21).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 1.5E-6 kg1.5E-6 kg 9.975465616324386E-7 2.255533813196629E-6
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,3,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.033 "All pesticides applied for crop production were assumed to end up as emissions to the soil. The amounts of pesticides used as inputs were thus simultaneously calculated as outputs (emissions to agricultural soil)", as recomended by Nemecek & Schnetzer (2011), "2.9 EMISSIONS OF PESTICIDES TO AGRICULTURAL SOIL" (page 21).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 4.59E-5 kg4.59E-5 kg 3.052492478595262E-5 6.901933468381683E-5
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Pesticides" for agriculture. Pedigree: (4,3,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.033 "All pesticides applied for crop production were assumed to end up as emissions to the soil. The amounts of pesticides used as inputs were thus simultaneously calculated as outputs (emissions to agricultural soil)", as recomended by Nemecek & Schnetzer (2011), "2.9 EMISSIONS OF PESTICIDES TO AGRICULTURAL SOIL" (page 21).
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil -1.39E-6 kg-1.39E-6 kg
General comment Emissions of heavy metals to soil and surface water estimated from mineral fertilisers and liming as recommended by Canals (2003), metal content in maize from Anjos & Mattiazzo (2000). Nemecek & Schnetzer (2011) state that "some of the values for emissions of heavy metals to the soil are negative. This means that more heavy metals are exported than imported. It must, however, be borne in mind that these heavy metals are transferred either to the water bodies or to the products harvested from the field".
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Eq_fl_35 1.0 m34.8780487804878E-5 m3 3.102465009543692E-5 7.669823779356116E-5
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Pedigree: (4,3,1,5,4); Basic Variance: 0.0006 Evaporated water related to the service dataset "drying of maize grain".
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil 2.49E-4 kg2.49E-4 kg 1.6559272923098478E-4 3.7441861299064035E-4
General comment Uncertainty Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Pesticides" for agriculture. Pedigree: (4,3,1,1,1); Basic Variance: 0.033 "All pesticides applied for crop production were assumed to end up as emissions to the soil. The amounts of pesticides used as inputs were thus simultaneously calculated as outputs (emissions to agricultural soil)", as recomended by Nemecek & Schnetzer (2011), "2.9 EMISSIONS OF PESTICIDES TO AGRICULTURAL SOIL" (page 21). This exchange represents the emissions of methyl ester (74.1%); thiodicarb (10.1%); azoxystrobin (4.5%); cyproconazole (1.8%); bifenthrin (1.5%); beta-cyfluthrin (0.9%); and methyl ester (81.1%).