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Process Data set: Milk production, from cow, semi-confined system, Central-eastern mesoregion of Paraná (en) en

Key Data Set Information
Location BR-PR
Geographical representativeness description Central-eastern mesoregion of Paraná, Brasil.
Reference year 2020
Milk production, from cow, semi-confined system, Central-eastern mesoregion of Paraná
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • ILCD: ICV_Leite_e_Biogas
General comment on data set Dutch black and white cow milk production, in semi-confined system in the Central-eastern mesoregion of Paraná (Paraná, PR, Brazil, BR). The functional unit used was 1 kg of milk from black and white Dutch cattle, produced in the semi-confined system, with an average of 3.22% protein and 3.53% fat. The dataset was built based on primary data collected with owners and managers of 4 (four) farms & companies in the same region. The consumptions, products and emissions values were calculated using the average monthly records for 2019 year. Secondary data was used to complement this dataset for the calculations of air realeases from combustion of diesel. The following processes and activities were covered in the product system: all relevant inputs/outputs flows for the raw materials reception and storage, pasture and herd handling. Authors of this data set are: Cassiano Moro Piekarski (Dr.), UTFPR, | Antonio Carlos de Francisco (Dr.), UTFPR, | Fabio Neves Puglieri (Dr.), UTFPR, | Daniel Poletto Tesser (Dr.), UTFPR, | Rodrigo Salvador (Me.), UTFPR, | Murillo Vetroni Barros (Me.), UTFPR, | Alyne Martins Maciel (Me.), UFJF, | Vanessa Romário de Paula (Esp.), EMBRAPA, | Marcelo Henrique Otenio (Dr.), EMBRAPA, | Mariane Bigarelli Ferreira (Me.), UTFPR, | Karen Godoi van Mierlo (Eng.), UTFPR, Collaborators to this inventory are: Diogo Aparecido Lopes Silva (Dr.), UFSCar, | Daiane Vitória da Silva (Eng.), UFSCar, Third-party reviewers are: Fernando Rodrigues Teixeira Dias, EMBRAPA, | Luciano Brito Rodrigues, UESB, | Cristiane de Léis, University of Miami, | Júlio Cesar de Carvalho, UFPR, | Clandio Favarini Ruviaro, UFGD,
Copyright No
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
Time representativeness
Data set valid until 2025
Time representativeness description This inventory is valid for 5 years from the date of origin of the data, since the technology used in Brazil is under development, in contrast to Europe, for instance, region for which an inventory for milk production may be valid for 10 years, due to the stability of technological development in the sector.
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system The technological scope of the study was considered the at the semi-confined system, with mostly mechanical milking; manual and automatic cleaning; reproduction by artificial insemination; management of manure in covered and uncovered lagoon, mostly used as fertilizer. The inputs are based on the input of raw materials such as feed, water, electricity, cleaning materials and others. Herd management for the production system reflects the semi-confined system.
Mathematical model
Variable / parameter Formula Mean value Minimum value Maximum value Uncertainty distribution type Relative StdDev in % General comment
Nitrous_oxide_N2O 5.71E-5 % Unit: kg. Input parameter created to enter the value of the N2O emissions from the volatile nitrous oxide emissions (direct emission) from waste management (manure) in the milk production system.
Methane_biogenic_total methane_biogenic_enteric +Methane_biogenic_manure 0.024701999999999998 % Unit: kg. Dependent parameter created to group all of the flows of biogenic methane emissions. Calculations were performed by adding up the flows of biogenic methane emissions from the enteric fermentation of cattle + biogenic methane emissions from the management of cattle waste.
feed_supplement 0.245 % Unit: kg. Input parameter created to enter the consumption of the feed supplement (concentrate) for dairy cows in the milk production system.
Water_consumption 0.00384 % Unit: m3. Input parameter created to enter the water consumed by cattle in the milk production system.
Alkaline_detergent 3.05E-4 % Unit: kg. Input parameter created to enter the consumption of alkaline detergent by the milk production system.
Acid_detergent 1.09E-4 % Unit: kg. Input parameter created to enter the consumption of acid detergent by the milk production system.
Cleaning_water 0.00199 % Unit: m3. Input parameter created to enter the water consumption for cleaning the milking equipment used in the milk production system.
Water_Total water_consumption +cleaning_water 0.00583 % Unit: m3. Dependent parameter created to group the total water consumption, both for cleaning the milking equipment and drinking water for cattle. Calculations were performed by adding up the water used for cleaning + amout of water consumed by cattle.
Methane_biogenic_enteric 0.0243 % Unit: kg. Input parameter created to enter the biogenic methane emissions from the enteric fermentation of cattle in the milk production system.
N2O_diesel 5.38E-11 % Unit: kg. Input parameter created to enter the N2O emissions generated by the burning of diesel in the milk production system.
grass_Jiggs 9.72E-5 % Unit: kg. Input parameter created to enter the consumption of seedlings of the Jiggs grass for cultivating pasture in the milk production system.
Feed_supplement_Total feed_supplement_calf +feed_supplement 0.24694 % Unit: kg. Dependent parameter created to group all of the inputs that are similar and/or related to feed supplements (concentrate), since no specific flows were found in the database for the phases of calves and grown animals (cows). Calculations were performed by adding up the inputs of concentrate for cows + concentrate for calves.
Soap_Detergents_Total neutral_detergent +alkaline_detergent +acid_detergent 5.137E-4 % Unit: kg. Dependent parameter created to group the total detergent inputs (cleaning materials), since no specific flows were found in the database for each type of this input (acid, alkaline, and neutral). Calculations were performed by adding up the inputs of acid detergent + alkaline detergent + neutral detergent.
Neutral_detergent 9.97E-5 % Unit: kg. Input parameter created to enter the consumption of neutral detergent used for cleaning the milking equipment in the milk production system.
Ammonium_NO2 7.79E-5 % Unit: kg. Input parameter created to enter the value of the ammonia emissions volatilized in the form of N2O (indirect emissions) in the milk production inventory.
N2O_Emissions_fertilizer 1.77E-4 % Unit: kg. Input parameter created to enter the N2O emissions from the use of fertilizers in the milk production system.
feed_supplement_calf 0.00194 % Unit: kg. Input parameter created to enter the consumption of the feed supplement (concentrate) for calves in the milk production system.
grass_Tifton 9.72E-5 % Unit: kg. Input parameter created to enter the consumption of seedlings of the Tifton grass for cultivating pasture in the milk production system.
Methane_biogenic_manure 4.02E-4 % Unit: kg. Input parameter created to enter the biogenic methane emissions from the management of cattle waste in the milk production system.
Grass_seed_total grass_Jiggs +grass_Tifton 1.944E-4 % Unit: kg. Dependent parameter created to group the consumption of all inputs that are similar and/or related to grass seedlings for pasture purposes, since, no specific flows for those seedlings were found in the database. Calculations were performed by adding up the inputs of Tifton + Jiggs grasses.
Dinitrogen_monoxide_total n2O_diesel +Nitrous_oxide_N2O +Ammonium_NO2 +N2O_Emissions_fertilizer 3.120000538E-4 % Unit: kg. Dependent parameter created to group all N2O emissions from the inventory. Calculations were performed by adding up the ammonia emmissions volatilized in the form of N2O (indirect emission) + N2O emissions from volatile nitrous oxides + NO2 emissions from diesel + NO2 emissions from fertilizers.
temp_olca_param21 water_Total 0.00583 %
temp_olca_param22 soap_Detergents_Total 5.137E-4 %
temp_olca_param23 feed_supplement_Total 0.24694 %
temp_olca_param24 dinitrogen_monoxide_total 3.120000538E-4 %
temp_olca_param25 methane_biogenic_total 0.024701999999999998 %
temp_olca_param26 grass_seed_total 1.944E-4 %
LCI method and allocation
Type of data set Unit process, black box
LCI Method Principle Other
Deviation from LCI method principle / explanations Attributional method
LCI method approaches
  • Allocation - physical causality
Modelling constants No allocation rules were used for this dataset, as well as any of the transportation activities for the inputs. This is a G2G product system type.
Data sources, treatment and representativeness
Data cut-off and completeness principles Input flows with less than 1% mass representativeness were disregarded from the system boundaries. Cut-off rules were used for: (i) direct CO2 emissions due to the land use and transformation, since it was assumed there was no transformation in the land in the last 20 years for the geographical scope under study and in accordance with IPCC (OGLE et al., 2019). (ii) transportation activities were not modelled. (iii) only the input and output emissions of heavy metals from fertilizers were taken into account for the inventory construction.
Deviation from data cut-off and completeness principles / explanations None.
Data selection and combination principles Primary data were collected for the semi-confined production plant. All inputs were measured. For outputs,data for the flows “milk” and “meat” were measured, and the remaining output flows were calculated.
Deviation from data selection and combination principles / explanations None.
Data treatment and extrapolations principles All the input/output data were converted to the functional unit of 1 kg milk of fat and protein corrected milk (FPCM). All the collected input/output flows were compared with 02 prior milk production datasets available in literature and LCA databases as follows: - SAMSON, R.; LAFONTAINE, M.; SAAD, R.; TOM, M.; CHARRON-DOUCET, F.; CLEMENT, E.; COUTURE J.M.; LAMARCHE, V.; GILBERT, D.; REVERET, J.P. Environmental and socioeconomic life cycle assessment of canadian milk. Quantis Canada, AGECO and CIRAIG for Dairy Farmers of Canada, 1-253. 2012. - milk production, from cow_GLO_2011_Undefined (Ecoinvent 3.6)
Data source(s) used for this data set
Sampling procedure Average data for historical series of data from 2019. All the primary data were 'in loco' mesuared, or calculated based on reports of consumptions of resources and emissions at the milk farm level assuming 04 different representative farms in the region of study.
Data collection period The temporal scope of all inventory data corresponds to the average data for 01 year of measurements during 2019.
Completeness of product model No statement
Commissioner and goal
Project CNPq Grant Number 440165/2019-9. Project title in Brazil: "Inventários de Ciclo de Vida de leite bovino e biogás proveniente de dejetos de bovinocultura de leite".
Intended applications This LCI can be used for any types of LCA studies.
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2021-06-21T16:16:08.914-03:00
Data set format(s)
Publication and ownership
UUID 15156bff-45ab-4e05-a10a-ff9ecadb68bf
Date of last revision 2021-04-30T12:07:33.476-03:00
Data set version 00.00.108
Copyright No
Access and use restrictions The data set can be used free of charge by anybody to perform LCA studies, to distribute it to third parties, to convert it to other LCA formats, to develop own data sets, etc.


Type of flow Classification Flow Variable Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow
4.2600000000000003E-7 kg4.2600000000000003E-7 kg
General comment Diesel used in agricultural machinery (e.g., 95cv tractors) to transport and manage food, inputs, animals, waste, etc. and in the production and management of pasture.
Product flow
0.3816 MJ0.3816 MJ
General comment The values were calculated through the average monthly consumption for the year 2019 of 4 rural properties representative of the milk production system in the Central-eastern mesoregion of Paraná [PR, BR].
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Resource / biotic 0.0324 m2*a0.0324 m2*a
General comment It was assumed that approximately 7% of the total area of the propery is used for herd management.
Product flow
C:Manufacturing / 10:Manufacture of food products / 105:Manufacture of dairy products / 1050:Manufacture of dairy products temp_olca_param23 1.0 kg0.24694 kg
General comment The protein feed is comprised of several items representing less than 1% of its composition (cobalt, copper, ethoxyquin, fluorine, phosphorus, iodine, etc.); items above 1% (ether extract, FDA, moisture, fibrous matter (unspecified) and mineral matter (unspecified)). These items were not found or it was not possible to indicate an adequate equivalent in the database. Therefore, it was decided to indicate it only as protein feed. For each 100 cows in lactation there are 14 dry cows, 6 heifers in prepartum state, 30 heifers older than one year, 30 heifers between three and twelve months, and 15 heifers between zero and three months. Each lactating cow in the semi-confined system produces 28 liters of milk per day. The animals mentioned consume daily the following amounts of ready concentrate: lactating cow (6.5kg), dry cow (0kg), heifer in prepartum state (2.94kg), heifer bigger than one year (1.2kg), heifer between three and twelve months (1.78kg), heifer smaller than three months (0kg). the ready concentrate varies, according to the producer and season, between 16.5% and 23.5% of protein. Ready concentrate for calves: lactating cow (0kg), dry cow (0kg), heifer in prepartum state (0kg), heifer bigger than one year (0kg), heifer between three and twelve months (0kg), heifer smaller than three months (0.4kg). The animals are fed with milk only for the first 75 days after birth.
Product flow
6.48E-6 kg6.48E-6 kg
General comment The insecticide data were informed by technicians who manage the application on the farms for the system under study. The insecticide used contains the following formulation: 141 g/L Tiametoxam + 106 g/L Lambda-cyhalothrin.
Product flow
A:Agriculture, forestry and fishing / 01:Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities / 016:Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities / 0164:Seed processing for propagation temp_olca_param26 1.0 kg1.944E-4 kg
General comment The seed consumption values were informed by the technicians who manage the crop about the properties, according to the average representative of the semi-confined system of milk production in the Central-eastern mesoregion of Paraná [PR, BR]. 2,500kg/ha (seedlings + earth) of Jiggs seedlings and 2,500kg/ha (seedlings + earth) of Tifton were used. Of the 2,500, 10% is green mass, which is equivalent to 250kg, of which 12%, or 30kg, corresponds to dry mass.
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Resource / unspecified temp_olca_param21 1.0 m30.00583 m3
General comment Water consumption and cleaning. Water is obtained through an artesian well. The animals consume daily the following amounts of WATER for dessedentation: lactating cow (112l), dry cow (60l), heifer in prepartum state (48.86l), heifer bigger than one year (36l), heifer between three and twelve months (20.14l), heifer smaller than three months (6.86l). Also, the most representative hydrographic basin for water supply in the region of the ICV is the Tibagi River Basin. It was considered that 50L/animal/day is spent for cleaning. Also, the most representative hydrographic basin for water supply in the region of the CPVC is the Tibagi River Basin.
Product flow
C:Manufacturing / 20:Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products / 201:Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms / 2011:Manufacture of basic chemicals 5.59E-5 kg5.59E-5 kg
General comment The sanitizer consumption values were calculated through the average monthly consumption for the year 2019 of 4 rural properties representative of the milk production system in the Central-eastern mesoregion of Paraná [PR, BR]. The cleaning and disinfection of milking equipment and tanks occurs 2 times a day (after the end of the 2 daily milking), in order not to increase the microbial load of the milk. The manufacturer's specification of sanitizer shows that for every 10 liters of water, dissolve 25 ml of the product and circulate for 5 minutes with a good drainage. After this step there is no need to rinse. The objective is to reduce bacterial contamination between milkings.
Product flow
AGRIBALYSE / Agricultural / Animal feed / Feed ingredients / Transformation / Minerals and Vitamins 0.0081 kg0.0081 kg
General comment The mass consumption values of the food were calculated in dry matter, considering a representative average diet for this product system. According to technical data, the following distribution was considered as the average and representative herd: for every 100 lactating cows there are 14 dry cows, 6 heifers in the pre-calving state, 30 heifers older than one year, 30 heifers between three and twelve months, and 15 heifers between zero and three months. Each lactating cow in the semiconfined system produces 28 liters of milk per day. The animals consume the following amounts of sodium bicarbonate every day: lactating cow (0.25 kg), dry cow (0 kg), pre-calf heifer (0 kg), heifer older than one year (0 kg), heifer between three and twelve months (0kg), heifer less than three months (0kg)
Product flow
A:Agriculture, forestry and fishing / 01:Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities / 011:Growing of non-perennial crops / 0119:Growing of other non-perennial crops 0.376 kg0.376 kg
General comment The mass consumption values ​for the food were calculated in dry matter, considering a representative average diet for this product system. According to technical data, the following distribution was considered as the average and representative herd: for every 100 lactating cows there are 14 dry cows, 6 heifers in the pre-calving state, 30 heifers older than one year, 30 heifers between three and twelve months, and 15 heifers between zero and three months. Each lactating cow in the semiconfined system produces 28 liters of milk per day. The daily animals consumption of maize silage (kg, in dry mass) are: lactating cow (8kg), dry cow (7.5kg), pre-calf heifer (5kg), heifer larger than one year (4kg), heifer between three and twelve months (3.5kg), heifer less than three months (0kg).
Product flow
A:Agriculture, forestry and fishing / 01:Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities / 011:Growing of non-perennial crops / 0111:Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds 0.0329 kg0.0329 kg
General comment The food mass values were calculated in dry matter, considering an average diet representative for this product system, considering the rural properties (approx. 1 million liters of milk/day) for the Central-eastern mesoregion of Paraná. According to technical data, the following distribution was considered as medium and representative herd: for each 100 cows in lactation there are 14 dry cows, 6 heifers in pre calving state, 30 heifers bigger than one year, 30 heifers between three and twelve months, and 15 heifers between zero and three months. Each lactating cow in the semi-confined system produces 28 liters of milk per day. The animals mentioned consume daily the following amounts of oat: lactating cow (0.6kg), dry cow (0.53kg), heifer in prepartum state (0kg), heifer bigger than one year (0.80kg), heifer between three and twelve months (0.11kg), heifer smaller than three months (0kg).
Product flow
A:Agriculture, forestry and fishing / 01:Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities / 011:Growing of non-perennial crops / 0119:Growing of other non-perennial crops 0.00389 kg0.00389 kg
General comment The mass consumption values of the food were calculated in dry matter, considering a representative average diet values for the product system. According to technical data, the following distribution was considered as the average and representative herd: for every 100 lactating cows there are 14 dry cows, 6 heifers in the pre-calving state, 30 heifers older than one year, 30 heifers between three and twelve months, and 15 heifers between zero and three months. Each lactating cow in the semiconfined system produces 28 liters of milk per day. The animals consume the following amounts of hay or haylage every day: lactating cow (0kg), dry cow (0kg), pre-calf heifer (2kg), heifer older than one year (0kg), heifer between three and twelve months (0kg), heifer less than three months (0kg).
Product flow
C:Manufacturing / 10:Manufacture of food products / 108:Manufacture of prepared animal feeds / 1080:Manufacture of prepared animal feeds 0.00443 kg0.00443 kg
General comment The mass consumption values of the food were calculated in dry matter, considering a representative average diet for this product system. According to technical data, the following distribution was considered as the average and representative herd: for every 100 lactating cows there are 14 dry cows, 6 heifers in the pre-calving state, 30 heifers older than one year, 30 heifers between three and twelve months, and 15 heifers between zero and three months. Each lactating cow in the semiconfined system produces 28 liters of milk per day. The animals consume the following amounts of mineral salt every day: lactating cow (0.12 kg), dry cow (0.12 kg), pre-calf heifer (0 kg), heifer older than one year (0 kg), heifer between three and twelve months (0kg), heifer less than three months (0kg).
Product flow
A:Agriculture, forestry and fishing / 01:Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities / 016:Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities / 0161:Support activities for crop production 0.0769 kg0.0769 kg
General comment The food mass values were calculated in dry matter, considering an average diet representative for this product system, considering the rural properties (approx. 1 million liters of milk/day) for the Central-eastern mesoregion of Paraná. According to technical data, the following distribution was considered as medium and representative herd: for each 100 cows in lactation there are 14 dry cows, 6 heifers in pre calving state, 30 heifers bigger than one year, 30 heifers between three and twelve months, and 15 heifers between zero and three months. Each lactating cow in the semi-confined system produces 28 liters of milk per day. The mentioned animals consume daily the following amounts of ryegrass silage: lactating cow (1.4kg), dry cow (1.23kg), heifer in prepartum state (0kg), heifer bigger than one year (1.86kg), heifer between three and twelve months (0.25kg), heifer smaller than three months (0kg).
Product flow
C:Manufacturing / 20:Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products / 202:Manufacture of other chemical products / 2023:Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, pe temp_olca_param22 1.0 kg5.137E-4 kg
General comment The neutral alkaline and acid detergents consumptions were calculated through the average monthly consumption for the year 2019 of 4 rural properties representative of the milk production system in the Central-eastern mesoregion of Paraná [PR, BR]. The cleaning and disinfection of milking equipment and tanks occurs 2 times a day, in order not to increase the microbial load of the milk. The manufacturer's specification of neutral, alkaline and acid detergents showed that for every 10 liters of water, dissolve 25 ml of detergent, and circulate for 10 minutes.
Product flow
C:Manufacturing / 20:Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products / 201:Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms / 2012:Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds 0.00554 kg0.00554 kg
General comment The fertilizer values used were obtained through the average consumption of 4 representative properties of the semiconfined milk production system in the Central-eastern mesoregion of Paraná [PR, BR].
Product flow
C:Manufacturing / 20:Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products / 201:Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms / 2012:Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds 0.00157 kg0.00157 kg
General comment The fertilizer values used were obtained through the average consumption of 4 representative properties of the semiconfined milk production system in the Central-eastern mesoregion of Paraná [PR, BR].
Product flow
C:Manufacturing / 20:Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products / 202:Manufacture of other chemical products / 2021:Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products 6.48E-6 kg6.48E-6 kg
General comment The insecticide data were informed by technicians who manage the application on the farms for the system under study. The insecticide used contains the following formulation: 141 g/L Tiametoxam + 106 g/L Lambda-cyhalothrin + 872 g/L of other ingredients.
Product flow
A:Agriculture, forestry and fishing / 01:Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities / 016:Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities / 0161:Support activities for crop production 0.00587 kg0.00587 kg
General comment The fertilizer values used were obtained through the average consumption of 4 representative properties of the semiconfined milk production system in the Central-eastern mesoregion of Paraná [PR, BR].
Product flow
C:Manufacturing / 10:Manufacture of food products / 104:Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats / 1040:Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats 0.0311 kg0.0311 kg
General comment The food mass values were calculated in dry matter, considering an average diet representative for this product system, considering the rural properties (approx. 1 million liters of milk/day) for the Central-eastern mesoregion of Paraná. According to technical data, the following distribution was considered as medium and representative herd: for each 100 cows in lactation there are 14 dry cows, 6 heifers in pre calving state, 30 heifers bigger than one year, 30 heifers between three and twelve months, and 15 heifers between zero and three months. Each lactating cow in the semi-confined system produces 28 liters of milk per day. The animals mentioned consume daily the following amounts of soybean meal: lactating cow (0.75kg), dry cow (0.85kg), heifer in prepartum state (0kg), heifer bigger than one year (0kg), heifer between three and twelve months (0.3kg), heifer smaller than three months (0kg).
Product flow
A:Agriculture, forestry and fishing / 01:Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities / 011:Growing of non-perennial crops / 0111:Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds 0.0667 kg0.0667 kg
General comment The food mass values were calculated in dry matter, considering an average diet representative for this product system, considering the rural properties (approx. 1 million liters of milk/day) for the Central-eastern mesoregion of Paraná. According to technical data, the following distribution was considered as medium and representative herd: for each 100 cows in lactation there are 14 dry cows, 6 heifers in pre calving state, 30 heifers bigger than one year, 30 heifers between three and twelve months, and 15 heifers between zero and three months. Each lactating cow in the semi-confined system produces 28 liters of milk per day. The animals mentioned consume daily the following amounts of soybean meal: lactating cow (2.00kg), dry cow (0kg), heifer in prepartum state (1.50kg), heifer bigger than one year (0kg), heifer between three and twelve months (0kg), heifer smaller than three months (0kg).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Resource / land 0.391 m2*a0.391 m2*a
General comment This value is the mean area (per year), used for pasture, of preperties representative of the semiconfined system in the Central-eastern mesoregion of Paraná [PR, BR].


Type of flow Classification Flow Variable Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow
1.0 kg1.0 kg
General comment Production of milk was based on Fat and Protein Corrected Milk(FPCM) content. The correction calculation was performed using the following formula: (density in kg / l) * (0.1226 * (% of fat) + 0.0776 *% of protein) +0.2534). An average density of 1.032 kg / l was assumed.
Product flow
0.0158 kg0.0158 kg
General comment For the semi-confined system, a cow has an average of 2.8 lactations before being sent for slaughter. Each lactation lasts an average of 425 days (365 days in lactation + 60 days dry). During each period of 425 days, a cow has an average production of 28l / day of milk, thus producing a total of 33,320 liters of milk in its 2.8 lactations. On being slaughtered, the animal weighs, on average, 580 kg each one.
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / air / unspecified 9.95E-7 kg9.95E-7 kg
General comment The emission of pollutants is generated by a diesel engine, the average used fuel is S50 diesel. Currently, Brazil follows the EURO 5 system (regulatory standard with the objective of reducing pollutant emissions from transport acitivities). Emissions were calculated by using the GHG Procotol tool, for mobile combustion, considering the calculation of emissions by type of fuel (commercial diesel oil ). The diesel consumption values were obtained through the average consumption of 04 representative companies of the production system of the inventory for the production of 1 liter of milk FPCM.
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / air / unspecified 6.76E-11 kg6.76E-11 kg
General comment The emission of pollutants is generated by a diesel engine, the average used fuel is S50 diesel. Currently, Brazil follows the EURO 5 system (regulatory standard with the objective of reducing pollutant emissions from transport acitivities). Emissions were calculated by using the GHG Procotol tool, for mobile combustion, considering the calculation of emissions by type of fuel (commercial diesel oil ). The diesel consumption values were obtained through the average consumption of 04 representative companies of the production system of the inventory for the production of 1 liter of milk FPCM.
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / air / unspecified 1.07E-7 kg1.07E-7 kg
General comment The emission of pollutants is generated by a diesel engine, the average used fuel is S50 diesel. Currently, Brazil follows the EURO 5 system (regulatory standard with the objective of reducing pollutant emissions from transport acitivities). Emissions were calculated by using the GHG Procotol tool, for mobile combustion, considering the calculation of emissions by type of fuel (commercial diesel oil ). The diesel consumption values were obtained through the average consumption of 04 representative companies of the production system of the inventory for the production of 1 liter of milk FPCM.
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / air / unspecified temp_olca_param24 1.0 kg3.120000538E-4 kg
General comment Emissions of N2O (diesel): The emission of pollutants is generated by the diesel engine, the average fuel being the S50 diesel. Emissions of Nitrous Oxide (NO2) (direct emission): nitrous oxide emissions, due to waste management, of all categories (lactating cow, dry cow, heifer in prepartum state, heifer bigger than one year), heifer between three and twelve months, and heifer smaller than three months). The calculations were based on IPCC methodology (2019) - chapter 10, Tier 2. Emissions of Volatilized Ammonia in the form of NO2 (indirect emission): ammonia emissions by volatilization in the form of NO2, due to waste management, of all categories. The calculations were based on the methodology of IPCC (2019) - chapter 10, Tier 2.
Product flow
1.67 kg1.67 kg
General comment For the semi-confined system the manure falls by gravity into one in the channel, in the sequence a scraping occurs using a tractor (95cv), being destined to an open lagoon (representativity of the system). The use of the manure is destined to ploughing with the help of a fertilizer distributor tanker. Each animal produces daily a quantity of manure that corresponds to approximately 10% of its weight. Of this amount, 50% is collected.
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified temp_olca_param25 1.0 kg0.024701999999999998 kg
General comment Emissions of enteric methane and manure management Methane emissions due to the animals enteric fermentation, considering all categories (lactating cow, dry cow, heifer in prepartum state, heifer bigger than one year). The waste is stored in open lagoon (representativity of the system). The use of the manure is destined to the ploughing with the help of a fertilizer distributor tanker. The calculations were based on the methodology of IPCC (2019) - chapter 10, Tier 2. Methane emissions due to manure management, considering all categories (lactating cow, dry cow, heifer in prepartum state, heifer bigger than one year). The waste is stored in open lagoon (representativity of the system). The use of the manure is destined to the ploughing with the help of a fertilizer distributor tanker. The calculations were based on the methodology of IPCC (2019) -chapter 10, Tier 2.
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / air / unspecified 0.00242 kg0.00242 kg
General comment Direct ammonia emissions from the application of mineral and organic fertilizers (manure from the milk production system's own animals) in the pasture area. Emissions were determined using the Agrammon 5.1.4 Single Farm Model (v2748 2020-02-12). Source of calculation media: KUPPER & HÄNI (2020).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / air / unspecified 3.72E-5 kg3.72E-5 kg
General comment NOx emissions due to the use of fertilizers. Emissions were calculated according to: Nemecek & Schnetzer (2011), (see page 18).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to water / unspecified 0.00117 kg0.00117 kg
General comment Nitrate (NO3-N) emissions, due to the use of fertilizers, to groundwater. The emissions were calculated according to: Nemecek & Schnetzer (2011), (see page 12).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to water / unspecified 2.54E-4 kg2.54E-4 kg
General comment Phosphorus emissions, due to the use of fertilizers, for surface water. The emissions were calculated according to: Nemecek & Schnetzer (2011), (see page 17).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to water / unspecified 1.58E-12 kg1.58E-12 kg
General comment Cadmium emissions, due to the use of fertilizers, to the water. Emissions were calculated according to: CANALS (2003).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to water / unspecified 1.06E-9 kg1.06E-9 kg
General comment Copper Emissions, due to the use of fertilizers, to surface water. Emissions were calculated according to: CANALS (2003).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to water / unspecified 1.31E-9 kg1.31E-9 kg
General comment Zinc emissions, due to the use of fertilizers, to surface water. The emissions were calculated according to: CANALS (2003).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to water / unspecified 8.5E-11 kg8.5E-11 kg
General comment Lead Emissions, due to the use of fertilizers, to surface water. Emissions were calculated according to: CANALS (2003).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to water / unspecified 2.83E-11 kg2.83E-11 kg
General comment Nickel emissions, due to the use of fertilizers, for surface water. Emissions were calculated according to: CANALS (2003).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to water / unspecified 2.54E-10 kg2.54E-10 kg
General comment Chromium emissions, due to the use of fertilizers, to the water. The emissions were calculated according to: CANALS (2003).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to soil / unspecified 1.58E-8 kg1.58E-8 kg
General comment Cadmium emissions, due to the use of fertilizers, to the soil. Emissions were calculated according to: CANALS (2003).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to soil / unspecified 1.06E-5 kg1.06E-5 kg
General comment Copper emissions, due to the use of fertilizers, to the soil. Emissions were calculated according to: CANALS (2003).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to soil / unspecified 1.31E-5 kg1.31E-5 kg
General comment Zinc emissions, due to the use of fertilizers, to the soil. Emissions were calculated according to: CANALS (2003).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to soil / unspecified 8.5E-7 kg8.5E-7 kg
General comment Lead emissions, due to the use of fertilizers, to the soil. Emissions were calculated according to: CANALS (2003).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to soil / unspecified 2.83E-7 kg2.83E-7 kg
General comment Nickel emissions, due to the use of fertilizers, to the soil. Emissions were calculated according to: CANALS (2003).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to soil / unspecified 2.54E-6 kg2.54E-6 kg
General comment Chromium emissions, due to the use of fertilizers, to the soil. The emissions were calculated according to: CANALS (2003).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified 0.0161 kg0.0161 kg
General comment Emissions of Lambda-Cialotrina, due to the use of fertilizers, to the air. The emissions were calculated according to PestLCI 2.0.8. software, using as inputs: Active ingredient name; Lambda-Cyhalothrin; Grass - all phases; Soil 2; Temperate Maritime I; February; IMAG conventional boom cereals; No tillage; Slope 30. Other secondary inputs and the model parameters were followed by the software standard.
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to water / unspecified 1.71E-6 kg1.71E-6 kg
General comment Emissions of Lambda-Cialotrina, due to the use of fertilizers, into the water. Emissions were calculated according to PestLCI 2.0.8. software, using as inputs: Active ingredient name; Lambda-Cyhalothrin; Grass - all phases; Soil 2; Temperate Maritime I; February; IMAG conventional boom cereals; No tillage; Slope 30. Other secondary inputs and the model parameters were followed by the software standard.
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified 0.00769 kg0.00769 kg
General comment CO2 emissions due to the use of fertilizers. Emissions were calculated according to: Nemecek & Schnetzer (2011) (see page 19).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to water / unspecified 3.77E-5 kg3.77E-5 kg
General comment Nitrous oxide emissions by leaching (Indirect), due to waste management, of all categories (lactating cow, dry cow, heifer in prepartum state, heifer bigger than one year), heifer between three and twelve months, and heifer smaller than three months). The waste is stored in open lagoon (representativity of the system). The use of the manure is destined to the ploughing with the help of a fertilizer distributor tanker truck. The calculations were based on the methodology of IPCC (2019) - chapter 10, Tier 2.
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified 0.0154 kg0.0154 kg
General comment Thiamethoxam emissions, due to the use of fertilizers, into the air. Emissions were calculated according to PestLCI 2.0.8. software, using as inputs: Active ingredient name; Thiamethoxam; Grass - all phases; Soil 2; Temperate Maritime I; February; IMAG conventional boom cereals; No tillage; Slope 30. Other secondary inputs and model parameters were followed by the software standard.
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to water / unspecified 0.00272 kg0.00272 kg
General comment Thiamethoxam emissions, due to the use of fertilizers, to water. Emissions were calculated according to PestLCI 2.0.8. software, using as inputs: Active ingredient name; Thiamethoxam; Grass - all phases; Soil 2; Temperate Maritime I; February; IMAG conventional boom cereals; No tillage; Slope 30. Other secondary inputs and model parameters were followed by the software standard.
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to water / ground water 2.28E-6 kg2.28E-6 kg
General comment Phosphate emissions (as P), due to the use of fertilizers, for groundwater. The emissions were calculated according to: Nemecek & Schnetzer (2011), (see page 16).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / water / surface water 8.42E-6 kg8.42E-6 kg
General comment Phosphate emissions (as P), due to the use of fertilizers, to surface water. The emissions were calculated according to: Nemecek & Schnetzer (2011), (see page17).