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Process Data set: Heat generation for clinker production (en) en

Key Data Set Information
Location BR
Geographical representativeness description Dataset for Ceará region of Brazil.
Reference year 2016
Heat generation for clinker production
General comment on data set Industrial burner used to burn coke and convert solid waste into heat generation for using in a cement kiln in Brazil, northwest region. The studied cement kiln produces 70-90,000 t/year of CP-II-Z-32 and CP-II-F-40 cement types.
Copyright No
Owner of data set
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
  • - 1.0 * 1.0 MJ (Net calorific value)
Time representativeness
Data set valid until 2017
Time representativeness description Primary data was collected from one cement kiln in Brazil from 2016-2017. Technical visits by using semi-structured questionnaries were designed to collect data at the company, and also secondary data from LCA databases and literature was adopted when primary data was not avaiable.
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system Tecnology level was limited to the co-processing of wastes for heat generation at a cement kiln. Thus, the system modelling was a gate-to-gate approach. A variety of wastes can be used as fuel to generate heat, since biomass, oil, industrial waste and other renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Waste is selected in order to avoid sulphur and chloride co-processing emissions that affect clinker and cement quality and also can cause environmental impacts. Ash and moisture content are also common parameters used to select waste for co-processing. The lower the sulphur, chloride, ash and moisture content, the better the waste quality.
Mathematical model
Variable / parameter Formula Mean value Minimum value Maximum value Uncertainty distribution type Relative StdDev in % General comment
Babacu_waste_mix 4.3 LOG_NORMAL 1.93 % [%] Babaçu coconut waste mix (energy basis)
Ind_waste_mix 15.6 LOG_NORMAL 1.61 % [%] Industrial waste mix (energy basis)
Coke_mix 77.7 LOG_NORMAL 3.79 % [%] Coke mix (energy basis)
Chestnut_bark_mix 1.2 LOG_NORMAL 0.73 % [%] Chestnut bark waste mix (energy basis)
Tyer_waste_mix 1.2 LOG_NORMAL 1.23 % [%] Tyer waste mix (energy basis)
Others_mix 100-(Babacu_waste_mix+Chestnut_bark_mix+Coke_mix+Ind_waste_mix+Tyer_waste_mix) 0.0 % [%] Mix of other types of solid waste (energy basis)
Average_waste_cons 7154.28 LOG_NORMAL 2361.74 % [t] Average waste consumption in 2016 (per month)
Babacu_cons (Babacu_waste_mix*Average_waste_cons)/100 307.63403999999997 % [t] Babaçu coconut waste consumption
Tyer_waste_cons (Tyer_waste_mix*Average_waste_cons)/100 85.85135999999999 % [t] Tyer waste consumption
Ind_waste_cons (Ind_waste_mix*Average_waste_cons)/100 1116.0676799999999 % [t] Industrial waste consumption
Coke_cons (Coke_mix*Average_waste_cons)/100 5558.8755599999995 % [t] Coke consumption
Chestnut_bark_cons (Chestnut_bark_mix*Average_waste_cons)/100 85.85135999999999 % [t] Chestnut bark waste consumption
Others_cons (Others_mix*Average_waste_cons)/100 0.0 % [t] Consumption of other types of waste
Heat (Babacu_heat+Chestnut_bark_heat+Coke_heat+Tyer_heat+Ind_waste_heat+Other_waste_heat)/1000 53681.308860000005 % [Kcal] Total heat generation in 2016 (average value per month)
Clinker_prod 64569.94 LOG_NORMAL 21651.96 % [t] Average production of clinker in 2016 (per month)
Chestnut_bark_dist 250.0 % [km] Transport distance for the chestnut bark
Tyer_dist 400.0 % [km] Transport distance for the tyer waste
Coke_dist_import 3500.0 % [km] Transport distance for the coke importation
Ind_waste_dist 100.0 % [km] Transport distance for the industrial waste
Babacu_dist 310.0 % [km] Transport distance for the babaçu
Coke_dist_domestic 260.0 % [km] Transport distance for the coke
Total_inputs Babacu_cons+Chestnut_bark_cons+coke_cons+ind_waste_cons+Tyer_waste_cons 7154.279999999999 % [t] Total of inputs
Domestic_dist Babacu_dist+Coke_dist_domestic+Tyer_dist+Ind_waste_dist+Chestnut_bark_dist 1320.0 % [km] Total distance of domestic transportation (by trucks)
Ind_waste_heat 5497955.34 LOG_NORMAL 1564738.01 % [Cal] Average heat generation in 2016 (per month)
Babacu_heat 1518488.08 LOG_NORMAL 1312203.12 % [Cal] Average heat generation in 2016 (per month)
Coke_heat 4.461321212E7 LOG_NORMAL 15927028.3 % [Cal] Average heat generation in 2016 (per month)
Chestnut_bark_heat 433085.33 LOG_NORMAL 522712.31 % [Cal] Average heat generation in 2016 (per month)
Tyer_heat 619101.0 LOG_NORMAL 809255.5 % [Cal] Average heat generation in 2016 (per month)
Other_waste_heat 999466.99 LOG_NORMAL 1.0 % [Cal] Average heat generation in 2016 (per month)
Cd 1.66 % [mg/t clinker] Cd emission rate
CO2_coke 294.0 % [kg/t clinker] CO2 emission rate from coke burning
THC 729.08 % [mg/t clinker] THC emission rate
Pb 122.47 % [mg/t clinker] Pb emission rate
HF 38.92 % [mg/t clinker] HF emission rate
CO 180917.03 % [mg/t clinker] CO emission rate
CO_emission Clinker_prod*CO 1.1681801772078201E10 % [mg] Total CO emission in 2016 (average value per month)
Dioxins_furans 0.19 % [mg/t clinker] Dioxins and furans' emission rate
Cd_emission Clinker_prod*Cd 107186.1004 % [mg] Total Cd emission in 2016 (average value per month)
HF_emission Clinker_prod*HF 2513062.0648000003 % [mg] Total HF emission in 2016 (average value per month)
Pb_emission Clinker_prod*Pb 7907880.5518000005 % [mg] Total Pb emission in 2016 (average value per month)
NOx 1746389.74 % [mg/t clinker] NOx emission rate
HCl_emission Clinker_prod*HCl 3.750054233356E8 % [mg] Total HCl emission in 2016 (average value per month)
PM 92354.99 % [mg/t clinker] PM emission rate
THC_emission Clinker_prod*THC 4.707665185520001E7 % [mg] Total THC emission in 2016 (average value per month)
NOx_emission Clinker_prod*NOx 1.127642807284156E11 % [mg] Total NOx emission in 2016 (average value per month)
VOC 3773.58 % [mg/t clinker] VOC emission rate
Ammonia 0.07 % [mg/t clinker] Ammonia emission rate
HCl 5807.74 % [mg/t clinker] HCl emission rate
PM_emission Clinker_prod*PM 5.963356163000601E9 % [mg] Total PM emission in 2016 (average value per month)
CO2_emission Clinker_prod*(CO2_coke+CO2_others) 2.046867098E7 % [kg] Total CO2 emission in 2016 (average value per month)
VOC_emission Clinker_prod*VOC 2.436598341852E8 % [mg] Total VOC emission in 2016 (average value per month)
Ammonia_emission Clinker_prod*Ammonia 4519.8958 % [mg] Total ammonia emission in 2016 (average value per month)
Dioxins_furans_emission Clinker_prod*Dioxins_furans 12268.2886 % [mg] Total dioxins and furans emission in 2016 (average value per month)
CO2_others 23.0 % [kg/t clinker] CO2 emission rate from burning other residues
Mn 1990.74 % [mg/t clinker] Mn emission rate
Mn_emission Clinker_prod*Mn 1.285419623556E8 % [mg] Total Mn emission in 2016 (average value per month)
Zn 5908.15 % [mg/t clinker] Zn emission rate
Ni 4.28 % [mg/t clinker] Ni emission rate
Ni_emission Clinker_prod*Ni 276359.3432 % [mg] Total Ni emission in 2016 (average value per month)
Zn_emission Clinker_prod*Zn 3.81488891011E8 % [mg] Total Zn emission in 2016 (average value per month)
gd_price_waste 0.5 %
gd_price_product 1.0 %
ei_price_product 1.0 %
temp_olca_param63 Heat 53681.308860000005 %
temp_olca_param64 Chestnut_bark_cons 85.85135999999999 %
temp_olca_param65 Dioxins_furans_emission 12268.2886 %
temp_olca_param66 HCl_emission 3.750054233356E8 %
temp_olca_param67 Ind_waste_cons 1116.0676799999999 %
temp_olca_param68 Coke_cons 5558.8755599999995 %
temp_olca_param69 NOx_emission 1.127642807284156E11 %
temp_olca_param70 PM_emission 5.963356163000601E9 %
temp_olca_param71 CO_emission 1.1681801772078201E10 %
temp_olca_param72 VOC_emission 2.436598341852E8 %
temp_olca_param73 Ammonia_emission 4519.8958 %
temp_olca_param74 CO2_emission 2.046867098E7 %
temp_olca_param75 THC_emission 4.707665185520001E7 %
temp_olca_param76 Cd_emission 107186.1004 %
temp_olca_param77 HF_emission 2513062.0648000003 %
temp_olca_param78 Pb_emission 7907880.5518000005 %
temp_olca_param79 Zn_emission 3.81488891011E8 %
temp_olca_param80 Ni_emission 276359.3432 %
temp_olca_param81 Mn_emission 1.285419623556E8 %
temp_olca_param82 Total_inputs*Domestic_dist 9443649.599999998 %
temp_olca_param83 Coke_cons*Coke_dist_import 1.9456064459999997E7 %
temp_olca_param84 Tyer_waste_cons 85.85135999999999 %
temp_olca_param85 Babacu_cons 307.63403999999997 %
LCI method and allocation
Type of data set LCI result
LCI Method Principle Other
Deviation from LCI method principle / explanations Attributional approach
Modelling constants The LCI is entirely done with an attributional methodology. No allocation or substitution methods have been considered in the process.
Data sources, treatment and representativeness
Data cut-off and completeness principles It was assumed 1 % of the total mass and energy of material resources consumed as cutoff criterion for the dataset construction.
Deviation from data cut-off and completeness principles / explanations None.
Data selection and combination principles All the input/output data was collected for the Brazilian Northwest region as it accounts for more than 50% of the national production of cement in the country. Data for one company, located in the State of Ceará was collected (70-90,000 t of cement/mont in 2016).
Deviation from data selection and combination principles / explanations None.
Data treatment and extrapolations principles Primary data was collected directly at the company based on questionnaries application and analyzes of raw material consumption and waste generation statistcs and reports. Technical visits were schedulled for data caollection. After that, all input/output data was treated in terms of consistency content and for calculation of average, standard deviation and adapt flows to the LCA Reference Flow. See also 'General information' section for more details.
Data source(s) used for this data set
Sampling procedure The data was collected during 1 year of sampling between 01/2016-12/2016. Abrupt variation of input/outputs measurement and calculations were excluded due to statistical reasons. See also 'General information' section.
Data collection period 01/2016-12/2016
Completeness of product model No statement
Commissioner and goal
Project This dataset is part of results of the project entitled: "Avaliação do ciclo de vida do óleo lubrificante (OLUC) no Brasil: comparação entre diferentes estratégias de fim de vida" (in Portuguese - restricted access).
Intended applications This dataset can be used for any types of LCA studies requiring data about co-processing of wast for generation of heat at cement kilns.
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2020-04-16T09:52:09.748-03:00
Data set format(s)
Data entry by
Publication and ownership
UUID 30fbe6d2-7893-4a10-8573-3cef0cfaf719
Date of last revision 2020-04-16T09:51:18.937-03:00
Data set version 00.00.066
Owner of data set
Copyright No
Access and use restrictions The data set can be used free of charge by anybody to perform LCA studies, to distribute it to third parties, to convert it to other formats, to develop own data sets, etc.


Type of flow Classification Flow Variable Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Resource / biotic temp_olca_param64 1.0 kg85851.35999999999 kg
General comment Assumed as "chestnut shell"
Product flow
temp_olca_param67 1.0 kg1116067.68 kg
General comment Industrial waste composed of 70% from footwear residues (leather, fabric, rubber and foam), 10% waste contaminated with oil (paper, wood, plastic, rubber), and 20% soil contaminated with oil.
Product flow Valuable substances / Energy carrier / Fuels / Crude oil products / Refinery products temp_olca_param68 1.0 kg5558875.56 kg
Product flow
H:Transportation and storage / 49:Land transport and transport via pipelines / 492:Other land transport / 4923:Freight transport by road temp_olca_param82 1.0 t*km9443649.599999998 t*km
General comment Assumed as "tipper bitrem"
Product flow
H:Transportation and storage / 50:Water transport / 501:Sea and coastal water transport / 5012:Sea and coastal freight water transport temp_olca_param83 1.0 t*km1.9456064459999997E7 t*km
General comment Taken as a coke import vessel
Product flow
C:Manufacturing / 20:Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products / 201:Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms / 2013:Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms temp_olca_param84 1.0 kg85851.35999999999 kg
General comment Assumed as "Waste tire"
Product flow
A:Agriculture, forestry and fishing / 01:Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities / 012:Growing of perennial crops / 0126:Growing of oleaginous fruits temp_olca_param85 1.0 kg307634.04 kg
General comment Assumed as "Babassu coconut"


Type of flow Classification Flow Variable Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow
Energy carriers and technologies / Heat and steam temp_olca_param63 1.0 MJ224.92468412340003 MJ
General comment Heat used for the production of clinker.
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified temp_olca_param65 1.0 kg0.0122682886 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified temp_olca_param66 1.0 kg375.0054233356 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified temp_olca_param69 1.0 kg112764.2807284156 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified temp_olca_param70 1.0 kg5963.356163000601 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / air / unspecified temp_olca_param71 1.0 kg11681.8017720782 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified temp_olca_param72 1.0 kg243.6598341852 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / air / unspecified temp_olca_param73 1.0 kg0.0045198958 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / air / unspecified temp_olca_param74 1.0 kg2.046867098E7 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified temp_olca_param75 1.0 kg47.076651855200005 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified temp_olca_param76 1.0 kg0.10718610039999998 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified temp_olca_param77 1.0 kg2.5130620648 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified temp_olca_param78 1.0 kg7.9078805518 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified temp_olca_param79 1.0 kg381.48889101099996 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified temp_olca_param80 1.0 kg0.2763593432 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified temp_olca_param81 1.0 kg128.5419623556 kg