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Process Data set: Melamine-urea-formaldehyde resin, at plant, with solid state and molar ratio 1.35, , for indoor/outdoor use (en) en

Key Data Set Information
Location BR
Geographical representativeness description Data for Brazil used for Center-South Region.
Reference year 2012
Melamine-urea-formaldehyde resin, at plant, with solid state and molar ratio 1.35, , for indoor/outdoor use
General comment on data set This dataset represents melamine-urea-formaldehyde (MUF) resin production (solid state of 65% and molar ratio of 1.35), for indoor/outdoor use at wood-based panels industry. The processes starts from reception of raw materials at the factory gate. Includes the inputs to the production processes and the main process emissions to air, water and soil. Transport activities for inputs and capital goods, such as industrial machinery, as well as personnel activities were not included within the system boundary. The reference flow was the production of 1 kg of resin, and dataset was based on primary and secondary data for amino resins.
Copyright No
Owner of data set
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
Time representativeness
Data set valid until 2013
Time representativeness description Data from 2012 to 2013, current technology for production of amino resins in Brazil (see 'Technology').
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system A Brazilian MUF resin industrial unit with an annual production volume of 17,000,000 tons (2011-2012) and considered a state-of the-art company was selected for this study. This company is a market leader in the amino resins market, with a 30% marketshare in Brazil. The MUF resin production depends on the reaction of urea, melamine and formaldehyde in a three-step process (Dunky, 1998): the first step is methylolation, the second step is condensation and the third step adds the final urea and melamine. The process begins with the conversion of methanol by catalytic oxidation in a reactor vessel for the obtaining of an aqueous form of formaldehyde, which is cooled and sent to the absorber with water for the production of an aqueous solution. Formaldehyde is then sent to a resin batch reactor, where it is mixed with a combination of urea and melamine. It was assumed 10% of melamine with UF resin (neat resin basis). Other inputs, such as small quantities of catalysts and additives, namely sodium hydroxide and formic acid are also used during the process. This reaction is controlled by parameters such as pH, temperature, viscosity, ratio of formaldehyde to urea, and charging rate until the desired degree of polymerization is achieved. Water can also be removed for the control of the percentage of resin solids, but most of the water is usually recycled for re-use in the manufacturing process. Many production facilities, as emission controllers are employed so as to reduce local emissions (e.g., free formaldehyde and particulate matter) in the production of resins. Therefore, it is considered that few emissions are generated in the resin industrial production.
Mathematical model
Variable / parameter Formula Mean value Minimum value Maximum value Uncertainty distribution type Relative StdDev in % General comment
gd_price_waste 0.5 % This parameter was added by GreenDelta during the implementation of the ecoinvent database in openLCA. It is used by those exchanges which did not have a price specified by ecoinvent for being wastes (i.e. negative reference product), and that were considered that they should have a cost/revenue specified. The prices used for them, equal to the prices of the same product in other processes of the database, are modified by this parameter with value 0.5 (i.e. half the price of the normal product), considering that the reference product of a waste treatment process might have a lower price in reality than the same flow produced by a production process. However, you can modify this value to 0 if you prefer to consider no price for them like ecoinvent, or also 1 if you do not want to distinguish wastes from other products.
gd_price_product 1.0 % This parameter was added by GreenDelta during the implementation of the ecoinvent database in openLCA. It is used by those exchanges which did not have a price specified by ecoinvent and that were considered to be products or co-products of waste treatments (i.e. positive reference product), and that they should have a cost/revenue specified. The prices used for them, equal to the prices of the same product in other processes of the database, are modified by this parameter with value 1. However, you can modify this value to 0 if you prefer to consider no price for them like ecoinvent.
ei_price_product 1.0 % This parameter was added by GreenDelta during the implementation of the ecoinvent database in openLCA. It is used by those exchanges which did not have a price specified by ecoinvent in this specific system model, but yes in at least one of the other two system models. The prices used for them, equal to the prices of the same product and provider in the other system model, are modified by this parameter with value 1. However, you can modify this value to 0 if you prefer to consider no price for them in this system model like ecoinvent.
LCI method and allocation
Type of data set Unit process, black box
LCI Method Principle Other
Deviation from LCI method principle / explanations Attributional
Modelling constants The LCI is entirely done with an attributional methodology. No allocation or substitution methods have been considered in the process.
Data sources, treatment and representativeness
Data cut-off and completeness principles It was assumed 1 % of the total mass of material resources consumed as cutoff criterion for the LCI construction.
Deviation from data cut-off and completeness principles / explanations None.
Data selection and combination principles All the input/output data was collected for the Brazilian Center-South region as it accounts for more than 30% of the national production of amino resins in the country. Data for 01 company, located in the States of Minas Gerais was collected.
Deviation from data selection and combination principles / explanations None.
Data treatment and extrapolations principles see 'Geography' and 'Technology' in 'General information' section.
Data source(s) used for this data set
Sampling procedure Average values representing one year of MUF resin production were obtained from on-site measurements and internal companies documents such as records of raw material consumption, emissions and waste management inventories. When process input/output data was not avaiable, secondary data were used from literature - Wilson (2009).
Data collection period The data was collected during 2 years of sampling between 01/2012-12/2013.
Completeness of product model No statement
Commissioner and goal
Project SILVA, D.A.L. (2012). Life cycle assessment of MDP wood-based panel production in Brazil. 207p. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, 2012 (in Portuguese).
Intended applications This LCI can be used for any types of LCA studies.
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2021-01-19T16:34:24.735-02:00
Data set format(s)
Data entry by
Publication and ownership
UUID 43a37de0-55c6-409e-be5a-7e9c28099f0c
Date of last revision 2020-05-13T13:44:47.614-03:00
Data set version 00.00.009
Unchanged re-publication of
Owner of data set
Copyright No
Access and use restrictions The data set can be used free of charge by anybody to perform LCA studies, to distribute it to third parties, to convert it to other formats, to develop own data sets etc.


Type of flow Classification Flow Variable Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow Energy carriers and technologies / Electricity 0.045 MJ0.045 MJ
Elementary flow AGRIBALYSE / Elementary flows / water / river 7.0E-5 kg7.0E-5 kg
Product flow 5.0E-5 kg5.0E-5 kg
Product flow Valuable substances / Materials / Plastics 0.1 kg0.1 kg
Product flow chemicals / organics 0.16 kg0.16 kg
Product flow 0.39 kg0.39 kg
Product flow water supply / production 0.23 kg0.23 kg


Type of flow Classification Flow Variable Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow
1.0 kg1.0 kg
General comment MUF resin with 65% solid conten and 1.35 molar ratio.
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to water / unspecified 1.3E-4 kg1.3E-4 kg
General comment Emissions data reported in survey Wilson (2009) for US region.
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to water / fossil- 6.662E-4 kg6.662E-4 kg
General comment Emissions data reported in survey Wilson (2009) for US region.
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified 2.26E-5 kg2.26E-5 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / air / unspecified 8.9E-6 kg8.9E-6 kg
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / water / unspecified 7.84E-5 kg7.84E-5 kg
General comment Emissions data reported in survey Wilson (2009) for US region.
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified 4.0E-6 kg4.0E-6 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified 7.8E-5 kg7.8E-5 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / air / unspecified 2.0E-6 kg2.0E-6 kg
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / water / unspecified 3.94E-4 kg3.94E-4 kg
General comment Emissions data reported in survey Wilson (2009) for US region.
Elementary flow
5.09E-5 kg5.09E-5 kg
General comment Emissions data reported in survey Wilson (2009) for US region.