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Process Data set: petroleum and gas production, on-shore (en) en

Key Data Set Information
Location BO
Geographical representativeness description Bolivia.
Reference year 2018
petroleum and gas production, on-shore
Technical purpose of product or process All Bolivian production and exploration onshore fields have been included. Data refers to the national average.
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • ISIC rev.4 ecoinvent: B.Mining and quarrying / 06:Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas / 061:Extraction of crude petroleum / 0610:Extraction of crude petroleum
General comment on data set Type of process: ordinary transforming activity; Parent relation Ecospold2: none; Tags: combined production; Combined Production; ; Macroeconomic Scenario: Business-as-Usual; This dataset represents the Bolivian onshore production of petroleum and natural gas. After the exploration phase and drilling, oil and gas are moved to the surface through the wellbore by means of a pump. In Brazil, 31% of dry natural gas sales to the final consumer are imported from Bolivia via pipeline (ANP, 2019). The data are valid for the Bolivian onshore production. Bolivian national statistics compiled by the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy was used to re-contextualize the ‘petroleum and gas production, on-shore’ dataset for the Global region, valid for the 2000-2012 period, available in database version 3.6. The adapted parameters were the petroleum and natural gas production yields, as well as the amount of flaring, venting and natural gas consumed in turbines. This dataset was developed under the Cornerstone project, an initiative from the Brazilian Business Network on Life cycle Assessment (Rede ACV) in collaboration with ecoinvent to increase the quantity and quality of inventories that represent Brazil, through a thorough adaptation of the datasets. More information about this project is available in Technical background is provided in Valebona F.; Rocha T.B.; Motta F. L. Cornerstone Project. Recontextualization of Datasets: Methodology. ACV Brasil, Brazil. References: Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (2019). Anuário Estatístico 2019. Available at: Accessed in: 04/06/2020. Ministry of Mines and Energy (2019). Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry. December 2018. Edition number 142. Available at: Accessed in: 10/06/2020. Comment for [variable] Eq_813a3bfa_6698_4633_b02d_b577233b9a89: From an Norwegian environmental report (OLF 2000; 2001), as assumed for NL onshore production in Fast et al. (2007). Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Reference: Faist Emmenegger M., Heck T., Jungbluth N., Tuchschmid M. (2007) Erdgas. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-V, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland. ; Annual prod. hazardous waste, for underground deposit:7397.40071953151kg Comment for hazardous waste, for underground deposit: From an Norwegian environmental report (OLF 2000; 2001), as assumed for NL onshore production in Fast et al. (2007). Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Reference: Faist Emmenegger M., Heck T., Jungbluth N., Tuchschmid M. (2007) Erdgas. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-V, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland. ; Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Comment for [variable] Eq_d51b2156_8d39_4e96_b145_e8d6650b9296: From an Norwegian environmental report (OLF 2000; 2001), as assumed for NL onshore production in Fast et al. (2007). Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Reference: Faist Emmenegger M., Heck T., Jungbluth N., Tuchschmid M. (2007) Erdgas. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-V, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland. ; Annual prod. waste emulsion paint:73.8477060917969kg Comment for waste emulsion paint: From an Norwegian environmental report (OLF 2000; 2001), as assumed for NL onshore production in Fast et al. (2007). Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Reference: Faist Emmenegger M., Heck T., Jungbluth N., Tuchschmid M. (2007) Erdgas. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-V, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland. Comment for [variable] Eq_aaa45199_1874_44ee_b249_e2d42fc3bedf: From an Norwegian environmental report (OLF 2000; 2001), as assumed for NL onshore production in Fast et al. (2007). Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Reference: Faist Emmenegger M., Heck T., Jungbluth N., Tuchschmid M. (2007) Erdgas. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-V, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland. ; Annual prod. waste mineral oil:6142.07757760819kg Comment for waste mineral oil: From an Norwegian environmental report (OLF 2000; 2001), as assumed for NL onshore production in Fast et al. (2007). Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Reference: Faist Emmenegger M., Heck T., Jungbluth N., Tuchschmid M. (2007) Erdgas. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-V, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland. ; Annual prod. municipal solid waste:7006726.81823118kg Comment for [variable] Eq_23c169a7_aa74_470d_9199_df72125cd062: From an Norwegian environmental report (OLF 2000; 2001), as assumed for NL onshore production in Fast et al. (2007). Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Reference: Faist Emmenegger M., Heck T., Jungbluth N., Tuchschmid M. (2007) Erdgas. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-V, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland. ; Annual prod. spent antifreezer liquid:16.7420349741723kg Comment for spent antifreezer liquid: From an Norwegian environmental report (OLF 2000; 2001), as assumed for NL onshore production in Fast et al. (2007). Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Reference: Faist Emmenegger M., Heck T., Jungbluth N., Tuchschmid M. (2007) Erdgas. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-V, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland. Comment for [variable] nat_gas_vented_amount_MO_m3: Bolivian Flaring and Losses amount (7.30E+07 m³) for the year of 2018 is reported in the Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry (MME, 2018). Brazilian data is used to calculate the share between flaring and losses. For Brazil, this share is calculated based on natural gas composition (compiled from and amount of fugitive emissions. The amount of Flaring and Losses informed by ANP (2019) is used to estimate the amount of flared and vented natural gas. The share of vented natural gas is estimated using the amount of fugitive methane emitted during exploration and production activities in 2012 (MCTI, 2015). Considering that all methane fugitive emissions are due to venting, the final amount of vented natural gas is calculated with the natural gas composition. Thereby, the calculated amount of vented natural gas is 2.15E+8 m³, which corresponds to 15% of Flaring and Losses statistics for 2012. This calculated share was used to estimate the amount of flared and vented natural gas in onshore production. References: [ANP 2019] Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (2019). Anuário Estatístico 2019. Available at: Accessed in 04/06/2020. [MCTI 2015] Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (2015). Third Brazilian Inventory of Anthropic Emissions and Removals of Greenhouse Gases. Reference Reports. Energy Sector. Fugitive Emissions of Green House Gases in the Oil and Gas Industry. Petrobras e Centro de Estudos Integrados sobre Meio Ambiente e Mudanças Climáticas - Centro Clima/COPPE/UFRJ. Available at: Accessed in: 12/06/2020. [MME 2018] Ministry of Mines and Energy (2018). Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry. December 2018. Edition number 142. Available at: Accessed in: 10/06/2020. Comment for [variable] Eq_f250dcd8_77bf_47dd_a059_103b68cb8c60: From an Norwegian environmental report (OLF 2000; 2001), as assumed for NL onshore production in Fast et al. (2007). Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Reference: Faist Emmenegger M., Heck T., Jungbluth N., Tuchschmid M. (2007) Erdgas. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-V, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland. ; Annual prod. waste wood, untreated:1191.2390602687kg Comment for waste wood, untreated: From an Norwegian environmental report (OLF 2000; 2001), as assumed for NL onshore production in Fast et al. (2007). Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Reference: Faist Emmenegger M., Heck T., Jungbluth N., Tuchschmid M. (2007) Erdgas. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-V, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland. Comment for [variable] waste_NG_sweet: Amount of flared gas calculated according to national statistics and standard parameters. Bolivian Flaring and Losses amount (7.30E+07 m³) for the year of 2018 is reported in the Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry (MME, 2018). Brazilian data is used to calculate the share between flaring and venting. For Brazil, the share of vented natural gas is estimated using the amount of fugitive methane emitted during exploration and production activities in 2012 (112,261,860 kg - MCTI, 2015). Considering that all methane fugitive emissions are due to venting, the final amount of vented natural gas in 2012 is calculated with the natural gas composition (0.73%vol of methane; 0.71 kg methane/m³; compiled from Thereby, the calculated amount of vented natural gas in 2012 is 2.15E+8 m³, which corresponds to 15% of the combined Flaring and Losses statistics for 2012. This calculated share was used to split the amount flared and vented natural gas in Bolivian onshore production for 2018, respectively 6.21E+7 m³ and 1.09E+7 m³. References: [ANP 2019] Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (2019). Anuário Estatístico 2019. Available at: Accessed in 04/06/2020. [MCTI 2015] Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (2015). Third Brazilian Inventory of Anthropic Emissions and Removals of Greenhouse Gases. Reference Reports. Energy Sector. Fugitive Emissions of Green House Gases in the Oil and Gas Industry. Petrobras e Centro de Estudos Integrados sobre Meio Ambiente e Mudanças Climáticas - Centro Clima/COPPE/UFRJ. Available at: Accessed in: 12/06/2020. [MME 2018] Ministry of Mines and Energy (2018). Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry. December 2018. Edition number 142. Available at: Accessed in: 10/06/2020.; Annual prod. waste natural gas, sweet:2423935800MJ Comment for [variable] waste_NG_sweet_amount_MO_MJ: Bolivian Flaring and Losses amount (7.30E+07 m³) for the year of 2018 is reported in the Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry (MME, 2018). Brazilian data is used to calculate the share between flaring and losses. For Brazil, the share of vented natural gas is estimated using the amount of fugitive methane emitted during exploration and production activities in 2012 (112,261,860 kg - MCTI, 2015). Considering that all methane fugitive emissions are due to venting, the final amount of vented natural gas in 2012 is calculated with the natural gas composition (0.73%vol of methane; compiled from Thereby, the calculated amount of vented natural gas in 2012 is 2.15E+8 m³, which corresponds to 15% of the combined Flaring and Losses statistics for 2012. This calculated share was used to split the amount flared and vented natural gas in Bolivian onshore production for 2018, respectively 6.21E+7 m³ and 1.09E+7 m³. Assumed energy content of natural gas: 39 MJ/m³ References: [ANP 2019] Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (2019). Anuário Estatístico 2019. Available at: Accessed in 04/06/2020. [MCTI 2015] Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (2015). Third Brazilian Inventory of Anthropic Emissions and Removals of Greenhouse Gases. Reference Reports. Energy Sector. Fugitive Emissions of Green House Gases in the Oil and Gas Industry. Petrobras e Centro de Estudos Integrados sobre Meio Ambiente e Mudanças Climáticas - Centro Clima/COPPE/UFRJ. Available at: Accessed in: 12/06/2020. [MME 2018] Ministry of Mines and Energy (2018). Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry. December 2018. Edition number 142. Available at: Accessed in: 10/06/2020. Comment for waste natural gas, sweet: Amount of flared gas calculated according to national statistics and standard parameters. Bolivian Flaring and Losses amount (7.30E+07 m³) for the year of 2018 is reported in the Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry (MME, 2018). Brazilian data is used to calculate the share between flaring and venting. For Brazil, the share of vented natural gas is estimated using the amount of fugitive methane emitted during exploration and production activities in 2012 (112,261,860 kg - MCTI, 2015). Considering that all methane fugitive emissions are due to venting, the final amount of vented natural gas in 2012 is calculated with the natural gas composition (0.73%vol of methane; 0.71 kg methane/m³; compiled from Thereby, the calculated amount of vented natural gas in 2012 is 2.15E+8 m³, which corresponds to 15% of the combined Flaring and Losses statistics for 2012. This calculated share was used to split the amount flared and vented natural gas in Bolivian onshore production for 2018, respectively 6.21E+7 m³ and 1.09E+7 m³. References: [ANP 2019] Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (2019). Anuário Estatístico 2019. Available at: Accessed in 04/06/2020. [MCTI 2015] Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (2015). Third Brazilian Inventory of Anthropic Emissions and Removals of Greenhouse Gases. Reference Reports. Energy Sector. Fugitive Emissions of Green House Gases in the Oil and Gas Industry. Petrobras e Centro de Estudos Integrados sobre Meio Ambiente e Mudanças Climáticas - Centro Clima/COPPE/UFRJ. Available at: Accessed in: 12/06/2020. [MME 2018] Ministry of Mines and Energy (2018). Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry. December 2018. Edition number 142. Available at: Accessed in: 10/06/2020.; Annual prod. low level radioactive waste:38.5451638485445m3; Annual prod. water discharge from petroleum/natural gas extraction, onshore:7415044231.88102kg Comment for [variable] Eq_79238018_8ec1_4615_9469_2b0df95a43c3: Flow created to close the water balance. Produced water to be discharged. Total amount of produced water obtained from national statistics ( Discharged fraction calculated with standard parameters from Schori (2012). For onshore production, 10% is considered to be discharged and 90% reinjected. Property water in wet mass of water discharge from petroleum/natural gas extraction, onshore: 0,9151392373965 kg Property water in wet mass of Water, salt, sole (in water/natural resource): 990 kg References: [ANP 2020] Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis. Satatistical data. Available at: [Schori 2012] Schori, S., Frischknecht, R. (2012). Life Cycle Inventory of Natural Gas Supply. ESU-services Ltd. Comment for water, salt, sole: Flow created to close the water balance. Produced water to be discharged. Total amount of produced water obtained from national statistics ( Discharged fraction calculated with standard parameters from Schori (2012). For onshore production, 10% is considered to be discharged and 90% reinjected. Property water in wet mass of water discharge from petroleum/natural gas extraction, onshore: 0,9151392373965 kg Property water in wet mass of Water, salt, sole (in water/natural resource): 990 kg References: [ANP 2020] Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis. Satatistical data. Available at: [Schori 2012] Schori, S., Frischknecht, R. (2012). Life Cycle Inventory of Natural Gas Supply. ESU-services Ltd.
Copyright Yes
Data set LCA report, background info
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
Time representativeness
Data set valid until 2022
Time representativeness description Data is valid for the entire period. Data representing the Bolivian situation in 2018 were collected for the petroleum and natural gas production yields, the amount of flaring, venting, natural gas composition and natural gas consumed in turbines. Although scaled according to the amount of produced energy, the remaining parameters refer to the 2000-2012 period, as for the Global region. Data is assumed to be valid from 2018 to 2021.
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system The technology level of this process is: Current; ; All Bolivian production and exploration onshore fields have been included. Data refers to the national average.; Included activities start: From exploration activities (i.e. fuel requirements and emissions from well testing). The production phase of petroleum and natural gas takes into account platform infrastructure, fuel and auxiliary chemicals consumption. Included activities end: The activity ends with the dried natural gas and the produced crude petroleum.
Mathematical model
Variable / parameter Formula Mean value Minimum value Maximum value Uncertainty distribution type Relative StdDev in % General comment
pipeline pipeline_amount_MO_km*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 134.254765608066 % Environmental report. Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products.
_km_to_m_ 1000.0 %
km_to_m_143d4489_6466_4873_ad46_166bb50da4e5 (pipeline_amount_MO_km*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84))*_km_to_m_ 134254.765608066 % Additional equation for unit conversion
pipeline_amount_MO_km 822.0 475.2906720648248 1421.622682104402 LOG_NORMAL 1.729 % Environmental report; Original values from GLO dataset.
petroleum 2.0839240498E9 % Amount of produced crude petroleum.
petroleum_PV petroleum 2.0839240498E9 % kg of onshore petroleum produced in BO in 2018. Refrence(s): Instituto Nacional de Estadística - Bolivia - Produccion de Petroleo y Gas Natural segun Año y Mes, 1990 - 2020
petroleum_amount_MO_kg 5.7792807985E9 %
Eq_813a3bfa_6698_4633_b02d_b577233b9a89 hazwaste_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.50* petroleum +0.50* natural_gas *0.84)/(0.50* 2083924049.8 +0.50*18780980000 *0.84) 7397.40071953151 % Variable comment placed in dataset's general comment for passing the number of characters
pvl[kg]_813a3bfa_6698_4633_b02d_b577233b9a89 hazwaste_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.50* petroleum_PV +0.50* natural_gas_PV *0.84)/(0.50* 2083924049.8 +0.50*18780980000 *0.84) 7397.40071953151 % Calculated from the production volume of reference products
hazwaste_amount_MO_kg 1347100*(0.50*107000000000*4.9E8/1.31E12 +0.50*13500000000 *0.84*5.45e10/6.37e11)/(0.50* 647220000 +0.50*35000000000 *0.84) 45291.9742842229 % Mathematical relation with original values from the GLO dataset.
onshore_petr_field onshore_petr_field_amount_MO_unit*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 2.40090639226103 % Questionnaire. Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products.
onshore_petr_field_amount_MO_unit 14.7 8.49584726716828 25.434779275643 LOG_NORMAL 1.730 % Questionnaire; Original values from GLO dataset.
sweet_gas_burned sweet_gas_burned_amount_MO_MJ*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.50* 2083924049.8 +0.50*18780980000 *0.84) 1.266915E10 % Amount of gas consumed in turbines during exploration and production according to national statistics. [MME 2018] Ministry of Mines and Energy (2018). Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry. December 2018. Edition number 142. Available at: Accessed in: 10/06/2020.
_MJ_to_J_ 1000000.0 %
MJ_to_J_83c9cb22_ce88_4c3a_9c7b_aaf2177457ba (sweet_gas_burned_amount_MO_MJ*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.50* 2083924049.8 +0.50*18780980000 *0.84))*_MJ_to_J_ 1.266915E16 % Additional equation for unit conversion
sweet_gas_burned_amount_MO_MJ 324850000*39 1.266915E10 1.0654313394388224E10 1.5065012242557224E10 LOG_NORMAL 1.189 % Amount of gas consumed in turbines during exploration and production according to national statistics. Assumed energy content of natural gas: 39 MJ/m³ [MME 2018] Ministry of Mines and Energy (2018). Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry. December 2018. Edition number 142. Available at: Accessed in: 10/06/2020.
Eq_d51b2156_8d39_4e96_b145_e8d6650b9296 waste_em_paint_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.50* petroleum+0.50* natural_gas *0.84)/(0.50* 2083924049.8 +0.50*18780980000 *0.84) 73.8477060917969 % Variable comment placed in dataset's general comment for passing the number of characters
pvl[kg]_d51b2156_8d39_4e96_b145_e8d6650b9296 waste_em_paint_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.50* petroleum_PV+0.50* natural_gas_PV *0.84)/(0.50* 2083924049.8 +0.50*18780980000 *0.84) 73.8477060917969 % Calculated from the production volume of reference products
waste_em_paint_amount_MO_kg 13448*(0.50* 107000000000*4.9E8/1.31E12 +0.50* 13500000000 *0.84*5.45e10/6.37e11)/(0.50* 647220000 +0.50*35000000000 *0.84) 452.146440631155 % Mathematical relation with original values from the GLO dataset.
Eq_aaa45199_1874_44ee_b249_e2d42fc3bedf waste_min_oil_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.50* petroleum+0.50* natural_gas *0.84)/(0.50* 2083924049.8 +0.50*18780980000 *0.84) 6142.07757760819 % Variable comment placed in dataset's general comment for passing the number of characters
pvl[kg]_aaa45199_1874_44ee_b249_e2d42fc3bedf waste_min_oil_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.50* petroleum_PV +0.50* natural_gas_PV *0.84)/(0.50* 2083924049.8 +0.50*18780980000 *0.84) 6142.07757760819 % Calculated from the production volume of reference products
waste_min_oil_amount_MO_kg 1118500*(0.50* 107000000000*4.9E8/1.31E12 +0.50* 13500000000 *0.84*5.45e10/6.37e11)/(0.50* 647220000 +0.50*35000000000 *0.84) 37606.0227428575 % Mathematical relation with original values from the GLO dataset.
natural_gas 1.878098E10 % Amount of produced natural gas. Without reinjected, flared and consumed natural gas.
natural_gas_PV natural_gas 1.878098E10 % m3 of onshore natural gas produced in BR in 2018 (ANP, 2019). Refrence(s): Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (2019). Anuário Estatístico 2019. Available at: Accessed in 04/06/2020
natural_gas_price_EUR2005 0.166 % Temporary price data. Calculated as 90% of purchasers price based on: 2005 price for Europe-27 Import (US$ and kg) in UN Commodity Trade Statistics Database - Natural gas in gaseous state (; accessed 4 January 2011), using density of natural gas of 0.8 kg/m3 for unit conversion.
natural_gas_amount_MO_m3 1.878098E10 %
chem_inorg chem_inorg_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 23192.4290953107 % Generic value. Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products.
chem_inorg_amount_MO_kg 142000.0 82113.66944449402 245562.0377996889 LOG_NORMAL 1.729 % Original values from GLO dataset.
MSW MSW_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 7006726.81823118 % EcoSpold01Location=CH
pvl[kg]_ce5e1f6e_dce6_4859_853b_8948f7825040 MSW_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.5* petroleum_PV +0.5*natural_gas_PV *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 7006726.81823118 % Calculated from the production volume of reference porducts
MSW_amount_MO_kg 4.29E7 4.2473137867839314E7 4.333115216791081E7 LOG_NORMAL 1.010 % Environmental report; Original values from the GLO dataset.
Eq_23c169a7_aa74_470d_9199_df72125cd062 spent_antifreezer_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.50* petroleum+0.50* natural_gas *0.84)/(0.50* 2083924049.8 +0.50*18780980000 *0.84) 16.7420349741723 % Variable comment placed in dataset's general comment for passing the number of characters
pvl[kg]_23c169a7_aa74_470d_9199_df72125cd062 spent_antifreezer_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.50* petroleum_PV +0.50* natural_gas_PV *0.84)/(0.50* 2083924049.8 +0.50*18780980000 *0.84) 16.7420349741723 % Calculated from the production volume of reference products
spent_antifreezer_amount_MO_kg 3048.8*(0.50* 107000000000*4.9E8/1.31E12 +0.50* 13500000000 *0.84*5.45e10/6.37e11)/(0.50* 647220000 +0.50*35000000000 *0.84) 102.506251353083 % Mathematical relation with original values from the GLO dataset.
nat_gas_vented nat_gas_vented_amount_MO_m3*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 1.08478E7 % EcoSpold01Location=GLO
nat_gas_vented_amount_MO_m3 73000000*0.1486 1.08478E7 6104242.577835873 1.927753744047948E7 LOG_NORMAL 1.777 % Variable comment placed in dataset's general comment for passing the number of characters
chem_org chem_org_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 17312.658338753 % EcoSpold01Location=GLO
chem_org_amount_MO_kg 106000.0 61296.11944448145 183306.87328709173 LOG_NORMAL 1.729 % Original values from GLO dataset.
Eq_f250dcd8_77bf_47dd_a059_103b68cb8c60 waste_wood_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.50* petroleum+0.50* natural_gas *0.84)/(0.50* 2083924049.8 +0.50*18780980000 *0.84) 1191.2390602687 % Variable comment placed in dataset's general comment for passing the number of characters
pvl[kg]_f250dcd8_77bf_47dd_a059_103b68cb8c60 waste_wood_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.50* petroleum_PV +0.50* natural_gas_PV *0.84)/(0.50* 2083924049.8 +0.50*18780980000 *0.84) 1191.2390602687 % Calculated from the production volume of reference products
waste_wood_amount_MO_kg 216930*(0.50* 107000000000*4.9E8/1.31E12 +0.50* 13500000000 *0.84*5.45e10/6.37e11)/(0.50* 647220000 +0.50*35000000000 *0.84) 7293.58472383376 % Mathematical relation with original values from the GLO dataset.
waste_NG_sweet waste_NG_sweet_amount_MO_MJ*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 2.4239358E9 % Variable comment placed in dataset's general comment for passing the number of characters
MJ_to_J_ed3a67b0_8d88_481e_8d51_2ab2fc38ca8b (waste_NG_sweet_amount_MO_MJ*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84))*_MJ_to_J_ 2.4239358E15 % Additional equation for unit conversion
pvl[MJ]_ed3a67b0_8d88_481e_8d51_2ab2fc38ca8b waste_NG_sweet_amount_MO_MJ*(0.5* petroleum_PV +0.5*natural_gas_PV *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 2.4239358E9 % Calculated from the production volume of reference products
waste_NG_sweet_amount_MO_MJ 73000000*39*(1-0.1486) 2.4239358E9 2.0349353022081475E9 2.8872980660102854E9 LOG_NORMAL 1.191 % Variable comment placed in dataset's general comment for passing the number of characters
waste_NG_sweet_price_EUR2005 0.0 % Waste products are assigned a price of zero as they are assumed to require further treatment.
low_level_waste low_level_waste_amount_MO_m3*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 38.5451638485445 % EcoSpold01Location=CH
pvl[m3]_3b7b13a8_16d0_46dd_b059_5191406e84cd low_level_waste_amount_MO_m3*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.5* petroleum_PV +0.5*natural_gas_PV *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 38.5451638485445 % Calculated from the production volume of reference products
low_level_waste_price_EUR2005 0.0 % Waste products are assigned a price of zero as they are assumed to require further treatment.
low_level_waste_amount_MO_m3 236.0 133.79292382423213 416.28509496637906 LOG_NORMAL 1.763 % Generic value, basic uncertainty estimated = 3; Original values from the GLO dataset.
water_discharge water_discharge_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(1* petroleum +0*natural_gas *0.84)/(1* 2083924049.8 +0*18780980000 *0.84) 7.41504423188102E9 % EcoSpold01Location=GLO
pvl[kg]_9c708695_5e6c_48c0_a6a9_5db7bbf140a7 water_discharge_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(1* petroleum_PV +0*natural_gas_PV *0.84)/(1* 2083924049.8 +0*18780980000 *0.84) 7.41504423188102E9 % Calculated from the production volume of reference products
water_discharge_amount_MO_kg 4.54E10 4.105301186804269E10 5.020727849701302E10 LOG_NORMAL 1.105 % Original values from the GLO dataset.
prop[dimensi]_c74c3729-e577-4081-b572-a283d2561a75 0.00168491083678025+0.00101223214050809 0.00269714297728834 % Carbon content of inventoried emissions
water_discharge_price_EUR2005 0.0 % Waste products are assigned a price of zero as they are assumed to require further treatment.
onshore_well onshore_well_amount_MO_m*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 78723.5973516883 % Environmental report. Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products.
onshore_well_amount_MO_m 482000.0 278698.4232788875 833603.567851973 LOG_NORMAL 1.729 % Environmental report; Original values from GLO dataset.
offshore_plattform offshore_plattform_amount_MO_unit*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 0.801935400408277 % EcoSpold01Location=OCE
offshore_plattform_amount_MO_unit 4.91 2.8377285769929426 8.495562329483478 LOG_NORMAL 1.730 % Questionnaire; Original values from GLO dataset.
TOC TOC_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 1068158.35410797 % Extrapolation for sum parameter. Scaled according to energy content of reference products.
TOC_amount_MO_kg 6540000.0 4844143.962826555 8829547.66171788 LOG_NORMAL 1.350 % Extrapolation for sum parameter
AOX AOX_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 12.7231706093289 % Extrapolation for sum parameter. Scaled according to energy content of reference products.
AOX_amount_MO_kg 77.9 57.70012457250591 105.17152337122675 LOG_NORMAL 1.350 % Extrapolation for sum parameter; Original values from the GLO dataset.
halon halon_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 1123.68952236435 % Environmental report. Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products.
halon_amount_MO_kg 6880.0 3072.0062879228058 15408.301794852781 LOG_NORMAL 2.239 % Environmental report; Original values from the GLO dataset.
N2 N2_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 953.829478286016 % Extrapolation for sum parameter. Scaled according to energy content of reference products.
N2_amount_MO_kg 5840.0 4325.657605949095 7884.489043491197 LOG_NORMAL 1.350 % Extrapolation for sum parameter; Original values from the GLO dataset.
DOC DOC_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 1068158.35410797 % Extrapolation for sum parameter. Scaled according to energy content of reference products.
DOC_amount_MO_kg 6540000.0 4844143.962826555 8829547.66171788 LOG_NORMAL 1.350 % Extrapolation for sum parameter
BOD BOD_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 3887181.77794644 % Extrapolation for sum parameter. Scaled according to energy content of reference products.
BOD_amount_MO_kg 2.38E7 1.762853613383364E7 3.2131993019707274E7 LOG_NORMAL 1.350 % Extrapolation for sum parameter
Eq_79238018_8ec1_4615_9469_2b0df95a43c3 water_discharge*0.9151392373965/990 6854341.33699486 % Variable comment placed in dataset's general comment for passing the number of characters
S2 S2_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 3315.53739883667 % Extrapolation for sum parameter. Scaled according to energy content of reference products.
S2_amount_MO_kg 20300.0 15036.104349446341 27406.699928573853 LOG_NORMAL 1.350 % Extrapolation for sum parameter; Original values from the GLO dataset.
gas_ground gas_ground_amount_MO_m3*(0* petroleum +1*natural_gas *0.84)/(0* 2083924049.8 + 1*18780980000 *0.84) 1.878098E10 % ANP Statistical Yearbook 2019 - Table 3.32 - Natural Gas Balance in Brazil - 2009/2019
gas_ground_amount_MO_m3 1.878098E10 1.579414931339019E10 2.2332650069438156E10 LOG_NORMAL 1.189 % Production; ANP Statistical Yearbook 2019 - Table 3.32 - Natural Gas Balance in Brazil - 2009/2019
oils oils_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 1234751.8588771 % Environmental report. Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products.
oils_amount_MO_kg 7560000.0 4371286.473004958 1.307477795220107E7 LOG_NORMAL 1.729 % Environmental report; Original values from the GLO dataset.
COD COD_amount_MO_kg*(18780980000*39+2083924049.8*42)/(1.35E10*39+1.07E11*42)*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.5* 2083924049.8 +0.5*18780980000 *0.84) 3887181.77794644 % Extrapolation for sum parameter. Scaled according to energy content of reference products.
COD_amount_MO_kg 2.38E7 1.762853613383364E7 3.2131993019707274E7 LOG_NORMAL 1.350 % Extrapolation for sum parameter
oil_ground oil_ground_amount_MO_kg*(1* petroleum +0*natural_gas *0.84)/(1* 2083924049.8 + 0*18780980000 *0.84) 2.0839240498E9 % Instituto Nacional de Estadística - Bolivia - Produccion de Petroleo y Gas Natural segun Año y Mes, 1990 - 2020
oil_ground_amount_MO_kg 2.0839240498E9 2.0839240498E9 2.0839240498E9 LOG_NORMAL 1.0 % Instituto Nacional de Estadística - Bolivia - Produccion de Petroleo y Gas Natural segun Año y Mes, 1990 - 2020
LCI method and allocation
Type of data set Unit process, black box
LCI Method Principle Not applicable
Deviation from LCI method principle / explanations System model: Undefined
LCI method approaches
  • Not applicable
Data sources, treatment and representativeness
Data cut-off and completeness principles None
Data selection and combination principles None
Data treatment and extrapolations principles All flows contained in the original Global dataset that could not be updated with Bolivian data were scaled according to the energy content of the reference products. The uncertainty information was adjusted accordingly. Assumed energy contents are 39 MJ/m³ of natural gas and 42 MJ/kg of petroleum. The carbon content properties of all air and water emissions were adjusted to consider 100% fossil carbon. However, waste treatment flows of ‘waste wood, untreated’ and ‘Municipal Solid Waste’ are responsible for unbalanced non-fossil carbon emissions, as in the original dataset representing the global geography.
Percentage supply or production covered 100 %
Annual supply or production volume Annual prod. petroleum:2083924049.8kg; Annual prod. natural gas, high pressure:18780980000m3
Sampling procedure Data is based on the Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry from the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy and the Bolivian National Statistics Institute. They are based on the direct report from producers. This activity results in the production of 1.88E+10 m³ of natural gas and 2.08E+9 kg of petroleum, produced in Bolivian onshore fields over 2018 (MME, 2019; INE,2020). Bolivian Flaring and Losses amount (7.30E+07 m³) for the year of 2018 is reported in the Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry (MME, 2018). Brazilian data is used to calculate the share between flaring and venting. For Brazil, the share of vented natural gas is estimated using the amount of fugitive methane emitted during exploration and production activities in 2012 (112,261,860 kg - MCTI, 2015). Considering that all methane fugitive emissions are due to venting, the final amount of vented natural gas in 2012 is calculated with the natural gas composition (0.73%vol of methane; 0.71 kg methane/m³; compiled from Thereby, the calculated amount of vented natural gas in 2012 is 2.15E+8 m³, which corresponds to 15% of the combined Flaring and Losses statistics for 2012. This calculated share was used to split the amount flared and vented natural gas in Bolivian onshore production for 2018, respectively 6.21E+7 m³ and 1.09E+7 m³. Another adaptation is the amount of natural gas consumed in turbines during field exploration and production activities (3.25E+8 m³ - retrieved from MME, 2019). References: [ANP 2019] Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (2019). Anuário Estatístico 2019. Available at: Accessed in 04/06/2020. [MCTI 2015] Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (2015). Third Brazilian Inventory of Anthropic Emissions and Removals of Greenhouse Gases. Reference Reports. Energy Sector. Fugitive Emissions of Green House Gases in the Oil and Gas Industry. Petrobras e Centro de Estudos Integrados sobre Meio Ambiente e Mudanças Climáticas - Centro Clima/COPPE/UFRJ. Available at: Accessed in: 12/06/2020. [MME 2019] Ministry of Mines and Energy (2019). Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry. December 2018. Edition number 142. Available at: Accessed in: 10/06/2020. [Bolivian National Statistics Institute 2020] Instituto Nacional de Estadística - Bolivia - Produccion de Petroleo y Gas Natural segun Año y Mes, 1990 - 2020 (2018 data)
Uncertainty adjustments Uncertainties calculated using a basic uncertainty (or informed) and a Pedigree Matrix additional uncertainty (log-normal) as it is in the standard procedure on Ecospold2 datasets (ecoinvent association)
Completeness of product model All relevant flows quantified
Reviewer name and institution
Reviewer name and institution
Review details
Date of last review: 2021-08-31; Major version: 3.4; Minor version: 0.1
Subsequent review comments
Validation warnings: - Mass and/or economic deficit in activity dataset exceeds either 0.1% of input or output sum: Property 'carbon content, non-fossil': - Input='0', Output='1413972.49973732' - Input < output by 1413972.49973732 kg (100% of output) Property 'wet mass': - Input='24456563106.7189', Output='25343235023.0603' - Input < output by 886671916.341366 kg (3.5% of output) Property 'carbon content, fossil': - Input='11011912676.0944', Output='11313359946.1528' - Input < output by 301447270.058395 kg (2.66% of output) Property 'dry mass': - Input='17670765183.094', Output='18555831697.8661' - Input < output by 885066514.772045 kg (4.77% of output) Property 'price': - Input='0', Output='3517756097.5616' - Input < output by 3517756097.5616 EUR2005 (100% of output) - Amount of property 'amount in multioutput activity_kg=5779280798.5' of exchange 'petroleum' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'heating value, gross=0' of exchange 'natural gas, high pressure' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'amount in multioutput activity_m3=18780980000' of exchange 'natural gas, high pressure' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, non-fossil=0' of exchange 'water discharge from petroleum/natural gas extraction, onshore' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, fossil=0.00269714297728834' of exchange 'water discharge from petroleum/natural gas extraction, onshore' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, fossil=0.75' of exchange 'Oils, unspecified' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, non-fossil=0' of exchange 'Oils, unspecified' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, fossil=0.60238' of exchange 'Gas, natural, in ground' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, fossil=0.448712086640254' of exchange 'AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen as Cl' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, non-fossil=0' of exchange 'AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen as Cl' deviates from the default amount in the master file. - Uncertainty shall always be provided for all primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Property(ies): heating value, net=8.18, amount in multioutput activity_kg=452.146440631155, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.27, wet mass=1, price=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, price=0, dry mass=2500, wet mass=2500, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, price=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.554666666666667, amount in multioutput activity_kg=45291.9742842229, heating value, net=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=0.0247058823529412, price=0, wet mass=0.0247058823529412, carbon content, fossil=0.589285714285714, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0.25, water in wet mass=0.2, carbon content, fossil=0, amount in multioutput activity_kg=7293.58472383376, dry mass=0.8, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0.486319612590799, price=0, heating value, net=13.99, water content=0.297016861219196, water in wet mass=0.229, dry mass=0.771, price=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.171548638132296, carbon content, non-fossil=0.261654993514916, heating value, net=11.74, carbon content, fossil=0.00269714297728834, water content=10.7840091146996, dry mass=0.0848607626035, water in wet mass=0.9151392373965, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, price=0, water in wet mass=0.1, price=0, dry mass=0.9, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.864444444444444, water content=0.111111111111111, amount in multioutput activity_kg=37606.0227428575, heating value, net=34.7, water in wet mass=0.518, price=0, amount in multioutput activity_kg=102.506251353083, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.431327800829876, water content=1.0746887966805, dry mass=0.482, wet mass=1, heating value, net=0.56, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.85, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=28.2857142857143, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=990, dry mass=35, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1025, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.080659345200465, carbon content, fossil=0.75, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.60238, dry mass=0.8, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=0.8, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.448712086640254 - Pedigree information shall always be provided for all uncertainties of primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Property(ies): heating value, net=8.18, amount in multioutput activity_kg=452.146440631155, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.27, wet mass=1, price=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, price=0, dry mass=2500, wet mass=2500, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, price=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.554666666666667, amount in multioutput activity_kg=45291.9742842229, heating value, net=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=0.0247058823529412, price=0, wet mass=0.0247058823529412, carbon content, fossil=0.589285714285714, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0.25, water in wet mass=0.2, carbon content, fossil=0, amount in multioutput activity_kg=7293.58472383376, dry mass=0.8, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0.486319612590799, price=0, heating value, net=13.99, water content=0.297016861219196, water in wet mass=0.229, dry mass=0.771, price=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.171548638132296, carbon content, non-fossil=0.261654993514916, heating value, net=11.74, carbon content, fossil=0.00269714297728834, water content=10.7840091146996, dry mass=0.0848607626035, water in wet mass=0.9151392373965, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, price=0, water in wet mass=0.1, price=0, dry mass=0.9, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.864444444444444, water content=0.111111111111111, amount in multioutput activity_kg=37606.0227428575, heating value, net=34.7, water in wet mass=0.518, price=0, amount in multioutput activity_kg=102.506251353083, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.431327800829876, water content=1.0746887966805, dry mass=0.482, wet mass=1, heating value, net=0.56, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.85, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=28.2857142857143, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=990, dry mass=35, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1025, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.080659345200465, carbon content, fossil=0.75, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.60238, dry mass=0.8, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=0.8, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.448712086640254
Reviewer name and institution
Review details
Date of last review: 2021-05-18; Major version: 3.0; Minor version: 0.15
Subsequent review comments
Validation warnings: - Skipping check for combined production for dataset 'petroleum and gas production, on-shore, BO, 2018 - 2021': dataset contains mathematical relation with dependent variables. Exchange 'Water, salt, sole' with mathematical relation: 'water_discharge*0,9151392373965/990*(0.5* petroleum +0.5*natural_gas *0.84)/(0.50* 2083924049,8 +0.50*18780980000 *0.84)' - Mass and/or economic deficit in activity dataset exceeds either 0.1% of input or output sum: Property 'dry mass': - Input='17670765183.094', Output='18555831697.8661' - Input < output by 885066514.772049 kg (4.77% of output) Property 'carbon content, fossil': - Input='11011912676.0944', Output='11313359946.1528' - Input < output by 301447270.058395 kg (2.66% of output) Property 'wet mass': - Input='24456563106.7189', Output='25343235023.0603' - Input < output by 886671916.341366 kg (3.5% of output) Property 'carbon content, non-fossil': - Input='0', Output='1413972.49973732' - Input < output by 1413972.49973732 kg (100% of output) Property 'price': - Input='0', Output='3517756097.5616' - Input < output by 3517756097.5616 EUR2005 (100% of output) - Property 'net heating value=0' of master data exchange was removed from exchange 'waste mineral oil'. Property 'net heating value=0' of master data exchange was removed from exchange 'waste wood, untreated'. Property 'heating value, net=' of master data exchange was removed from exchange 'municipal solid waste'. Amount of property 'heating value, gross=0' of exchange 'natural gas, high pressure' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, fossil=0.00269714297728834' of exchange 'water discharge from petroleum/natural gas extraction, onshore' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, non-fossil=0' of exchange 'water discharge from petroleum/natural gas extraction, onshore' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, fossil=0.448712086640254' of exchange 'AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen as Cl' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, non-fossil=0' of exchange 'AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen as Cl' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, fossil=0.60238' of exchange 'Gas, natural, in ground' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, fossil=0.75' of exchange 'Oils, unspecified' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, non-fossil=0' of exchange 'Oils, unspecified' deviates from the default amount in the master file. - Uncertainty shall always be provided for all primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Property(ies): dry mass=0.0247058823529412, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=0.0247058823529412, carbon content, fossil=0.589285714285714, price=0, carbon content, fossil=0.27, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, amount in multioutput activity_kg=452.146440631155, dry mass=1, price=0, dry mass=0.9, water content=0.111111111111111, water in wet mass=0.1, wet mass=1, amount in multioutput activity_kg=37606.0227428575, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.864444444444444, price=0, amount in multioutput activity_kg=7293.58472383376, water in wet mass=0.2, carbon content, non-fossil=0.486319612590799, wet mass=1, water content=0.25, dry mass=0.8, carbon content, fossil=0, price=0, water in wet mass=0.229, carbon content, fossil=0.171548638132296, price=0, wet mass=1, water content=0.297016861219196, dry mass=0.771, carbon content, non-fossil=0.261654993514916, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0.482, water in wet mass=0.518, carbon content, fossil=0.431327800829876, water content=1.0746887966805, wet mass=1, amount in multioutput activity_kg=102.506251353083, price=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0.9151392373965, carbon content, fossil=0.00269714297728834, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0.0848607626035, water content=10.7840091146996, price=0, amount in multioutput activity_kg=45291.9742842229, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.554666666666667, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, price=0, wet mass=2500, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=2500, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, price=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.448712086640254, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.080659345200465, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.60238, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=0.8, wet mass=0.8, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.75, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.85, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1025, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=35, water in wet mass=990, water content=28.2857142857143, carbon content, fossil=0 - Pedigree information shall always be provided for all uncertainties of primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Property(ies): dry mass=0.0247058823529412, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=0.0247058823529412, carbon content, fossil=0.589285714285714, price=0, carbon content, fossil=0.27, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, amount in multioutput activity_kg=452.146440631155, dry mass=1, price=0, dry mass=0.9, water content=0.111111111111111, water in wet mass=0.1, wet mass=1, amount in multioutput activity_kg=37606.0227428575, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.864444444444444, price=0, amount in multioutput activity_kg=7293.58472383376, water in wet mass=0.2, carbon content, non-fossil=0.486319612590799, wet mass=1, water content=0.25, dry mass=0.8, carbon content, fossil=0, price=0, water in wet mass=0.229, carbon content, fossil=0.171548638132296, price=0, wet mass=1, water content=0.297016861219196, dry mass=0.771, carbon content, non-fossil=0.261654993514916, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0.482, water in wet mass=0.518, carbon content, fossil=0.431327800829876, water content=1.0746887966805, wet mass=1, amount in multioutput activity_kg=102.506251353083, price=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0.9151392373965, carbon content, fossil=0.00269714297728834, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0.0848607626035, water content=10.7840091146996, price=0, amount in multioutput activity_kg=45291.9742842229, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.554666666666667, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, price=0, wet mass=2500, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=2500, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, price=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.448712086640254, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.080659345200465, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.60238, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=0.8, wet mass=0.8, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.75, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.85, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1025, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=35, water in wet mass=990, water content=28.2857142857143, carbon content, fossil=0 - It is unusual to have more than one reference product. This occurs only when no alternative production routes exist for these products. If you are in doubt which of the products is the reference product or if you think there should indeed be more than one reference product for this activity, please consult the ecoinvent Data Quality Guideline Chapter 11.1 for further advice.
Reviewer name and institution
Review details
Date of last review: 2021-07-09; Major version: 3.2; Minor version: 0.1
Subsequent review comments
Validation warnings: - Mass and/or economic deficit in activity dataset exceeds either 0.1% of input or output sum: Property 'dry mass': - Input='17670765183.094', Output='18555831697.8661' - Input < output by 885066514.772049 kg (4.77% of output) Property 'wet mass': - Input='24456563106.7189', Output='25343235023.0603' - Input < output by 886671916.341362 kg (3.5% of output) Property 'carbon content, non-fossil': - Input='0', Output='1413972.49973732' - Input < output by 1413972.49973732 kg (100% of output) Property 'carbon content, fossil': - Input='11011912676.0944', Output='11313359946.1528' - Input < output by 301447270.058395 kg (2.66% of output) Property 'price': - Input='0', Output='3517756097.5616' - Input < output by 3517756097.5616 EUR2005 (100% of output) - Amount of property 'carbon content, non-fossil=0' of exchange 'water discharge from petroleum/natural gas extraction, onshore' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, fossil=0.00269714297728834' of exchange 'water discharge from petroleum/natural gas extraction, onshore' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'amount in multioutput activity_m3=18780980000' of exchange 'natural gas, high pressure' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'heating value, gross=0' of exchange 'natural gas, high pressure' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Property 'net heating value=0' of master data exchange was removed from exchange 'waste mineral oil'. Property 'heating value, net=' of master data exchange was removed from exchange 'municipal solid waste'. Property 'net heating value=0' of master data exchange was removed from exchange 'waste wood, untreated'. Amount of property 'amount in multioutput activity_kg=5779280798.5' of exchange 'petroleum' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, fossil=0.448712086640254' of exchange 'AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen as Cl' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, non-fossil=0' of exchange 'AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen as Cl' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, fossil=0.60238' of exchange 'Gas, natural, in ground' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, fossil=0.75' of exchange 'Oils, unspecified' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, non-fossil=0' of exchange 'Oils, unspecified' deviates from the default amount in the master file. - Uncertainty shall always be provided for all primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Property(ies): dry mass=0.0848607626035, carbon content, fossil=0.00269714297728834, price=0, water content=10.7840091146996, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0.9151392373965, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=1.0746887966805, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, amount in multioutput activity_kg=102.506251353083, carbon content, fossil=0.431327800829876, price=0, dry mass=0.482, water in wet mass=0.518, amount in multioutput activity_kg=452.146440631155, price=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.27, price=0, wet mass=1, water content=0.111111111111111, carbon content, fossil=0.864444444444444, water in wet mass=0.1, amount in multioutput activity_kg=37606.0227428575, dry mass=0.9, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, price=0, water content=0, dry mass=2500, wet mass=2500, dry mass=0.771, wet mass=1, price=0, carbon content, fossil=0.171548638132296, water in wet mass=0.229, carbon content, non-fossil=0.261654993514916, water content=0.297016861219196, carbon content, fossil=0.554666666666667, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, amount in multioutput activity_kg=45291.9742842229, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, price=0, water in wet mass=0.2, dry mass=0.8, price=0, amount in multioutput activity_kg=7293.58472383376, carbon content, non-fossil=0.486319612590799, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0.25, dry mass=0.0247058823529412, water content=0, wet mass=0.0247058823529412, carbon content, fossil=0.589285714285714, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, price=0, dry mass=35, wet mass=1025, water in wet mass=990, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=28.2857142857143, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.85, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.448712086640254, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.080659345200465, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, wet mass=0.8, carbon content, fossil=0.60238, dry mass=0.8, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.75, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1 - Pedigree information shall always be provided for all uncertainties of primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Property(ies): dry mass=0.0848607626035, carbon content, fossil=0.00269714297728834, price=0, water content=10.7840091146996, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0.9151392373965, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=1.0746887966805, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, amount in multioutput activity_kg=102.506251353083, carbon content, fossil=0.431327800829876, price=0, dry mass=0.482, water in wet mass=0.518, amount in multioutput activity_kg=452.146440631155, price=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.27, price=0, wet mass=1, water content=0.111111111111111, carbon content, fossil=0.864444444444444, water in wet mass=0.1, amount in multioutput activity_kg=37606.0227428575, dry mass=0.9, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, price=0, water content=0, dry mass=2500, wet mass=2500, dry mass=0.771, wet mass=1, price=0, carbon content, fossil=0.171548638132296, water in wet mass=0.229, carbon content, non-fossil=0.261654993514916, water content=0.297016861219196, carbon content, fossil=0.554666666666667, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, amount in multioutput activity_kg=45291.9742842229, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, price=0, water in wet mass=0.2, dry mass=0.8, price=0, amount in multioutput activity_kg=7293.58472383376, carbon content, non-fossil=0.486319612590799, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0.25, dry mass=0.0247058823529412, water content=0, wet mass=0.0247058823529412, carbon content, fossil=0.589285714285714, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, price=0, dry mass=35, wet mass=1025, water in wet mass=990, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=28.2857142857143, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.85, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.448712086640254, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0.080659345200465, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, wet mass=0.8, carbon content, fossil=0.60238, dry mass=0.8, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.75, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1
Reviewer name and institution
Reviewer name and institution
Reviewer name and institution
Review details
Date of last review: 2021-06-22; Major version: 3.1; Minor version: 0.2
Subsequent review comments
Validation warnings: - Mass and/or economic deficit in activity dataset exceeds either 0.1% of input or output sum: Property 'carbon content, non-fossil': - Input='0', Output='1413972.49973732' - Input < output by 1413972.49973732 kg (100% of output) Property 'dry mass': - Input='17670765183.094', Output='18555831697.8661' - Input < output by 885066514.772049 kg (4.77% of output) Property 'carbon content, fossil': - Input='11011912676.0944', Output='11313359946.1528' - Input < output by 301447270.058395 kg (2.66% of output) Property 'wet mass': - Input='24456563106.7189', Output='25343235023.0603' - Input < output by 886671916.341362 kg (3.5% of output) Property 'price': - Input='0', Output='3517756097.5616' - Input < output by 3517756097.5616 EUR2005 (100% of output) - Property 'heating value, net=' of master data exchange was removed from exchange 'municipal solid waste'. Property 'net heating value=0' of master data exchange was removed from exchange 'waste wood, untreated'. Property 'net heating value=0' of master data exchange was removed from exchange 'waste mineral oil'. Amount of property 'carbon content, non-fossil=0' of exchange 'water discharge from petroleum/natural gas extraction, onshore' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, fossil=0.00269714297728834' of exchange 'water discharge from petroleum/natural gas extraction, onshore' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'heating value, gross=0' of exchange 'natural gas, high pressure' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, fossil=0.75' of exchange 'Oils, unspecified' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, non-fossil=0' of exchange 'Oils, unspecified' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, fossil=0.60238' of exchange 'Gas, natural, in ground' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, non-fossil=0' of exchange 'AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen as Cl' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, fossil=0.448712086640254' of exchange 'AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen as Cl' deviates from the default amount in the master file. - Uncertainty shall always be provided for all primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Property(ies): carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0.0247058823529412, wet mass=0.0247058823529412, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.589285714285714, price=0, water content=0, price=0, water content=0, dry mass=2500, wet mass=2500, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, price=0, water content=0, amount in multioutput activity_kg=45291.9742842229, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.554666666666667, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0.229, price=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.261654993514916, water content=0.297016861219196, carbon content, fossil=0.171548638132296, dry mass=0.771, price=0, dry mass=0.8, water in wet mass=0.2, water content=0.25, amount in multioutput activity_kg=7293.58472383376, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.486319612590799, wet mass=1, water content=0.111111111111111, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0.1, dry mass=0.9, carbon content, fossil=0.864444444444444, amount in multioutput activity_kg=37606.0227428575, wet mass=1, price=0, dry mass=0.0848607626035, carbon content, non-fossil=0, price=0, carbon content, fossil=0.00269714297728834, wet mass=1, water content=10.7840091146996, water in wet mass=0.9151392373965, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.27, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, amount in multioutput activity_kg=452.146440631155, price=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0.482, carbon content, fossil=0.431327800829876, amount in multioutput activity_kg=102.506251353083, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0.518, price=0, water content=1.0746887966805, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.85, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.75, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1025, water content=28.2857142857143, water in wet mass=990, dry mass=35, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.080659345200465, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=0.8, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.60238, water content=0, dry mass=0.8, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.448712086640254, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1 - Pedigree information shall always be provided for all uncertainties of primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Property(ies): carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0.0247058823529412, wet mass=0.0247058823529412, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.589285714285714, price=0, water content=0, price=0, water content=0, dry mass=2500, wet mass=2500, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, price=0, water content=0, amount in multioutput activity_kg=45291.9742842229, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0.554666666666667, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0.229, price=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.261654993514916, water content=0.297016861219196, carbon content, fossil=0.171548638132296, dry mass=0.771, price=0, dry mass=0.8, water in wet mass=0.2, water content=0.25, amount in multioutput activity_kg=7293.58472383376, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0.486319612590799, wet mass=1, water content=0.111111111111111, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0.1, dry mass=0.9, carbon content, fossil=0.864444444444444, amount in multioutput activity_kg=37606.0227428575, wet mass=1, price=0, dry mass=0.0848607626035, carbon content, non-fossil=0, price=0, carbon content, fossil=0.00269714297728834, wet mass=1, water content=10.7840091146996, water in wet mass=0.9151392373965, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.27, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, amount in multioutput activity_kg=452.146440631155, price=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0.482, carbon content, fossil=0.431327800829876, amount in multioutput activity_kg=102.506251353083, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0.518, price=0, water content=1.0746887966805, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.85, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.75, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1025, water content=28.2857142857143, water in wet mass=990, dry mass=35, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0.080659345200465, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=0.8, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.60238, water content=0, dry mass=0.8, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0.448712086640254, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1
Reviewer name and institution
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Intended applications Can be used for any types of LCA studies
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2021-09-20T15:45:28
Data set format(s)
Converted original data set from
Data entry by
Publication and ownership
UUID 545219ec-9e99-43b2-a30a-507a20a7b87e
Date of last revision 2021-09-20T11:13:41
Data set version 03.02.000
Permanent data set URI
Workflow and publication status Data set finalised; entirely published
Unchanged re-publication of
Copyright Yes
License type License fee
Access and use restrictions License type for this dataset: Licensees


Type of flow Classification Flow Variable Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow
km_to_m_143d4489_6466_4873_ad46_166bb50da4e5 1.0 m134254.765608066 m 70.04941993908363 257.3089413752615
General comment [km] Pedigree: (2,3,1,5,5). Environmental report. Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. ; Environmental report. Uncertainty has been increased to reflect the extrapolation from a different region and time period.
Product flow
onshore_petr_field 1.0 Item(s)2.40090639226103 Item(s) 1.250786700841533 4.608580744040212
General comment [unit] Pedigree: (2,3,3,5,5). Questionnaire. Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. ; Questionnaire. Uncertainty has been increased to reflect the extrapolation from a different region and time period.
Product flow
MJ_to_J_83c9cb22_ce88_4c3a_9c7b_aaf2177457ba 1.0 MJ1.266915E16 MJ 1.0654313394388224E10 1.5065012242557224E10
General comment [MJ] Pedigree: (1,1,1,1,1). Amount of gas consumed in turbines during exploration and production according to national statistics. [MME 2018] Ministry of Mines and Energy (2018). Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry. December 2018. Edition number 142. Available at: Accessed in: 10/06/2020.
Product flow
chem_inorg 1.0 kg23192.4290953107 kg 12082.429355067909 44518.26296964028
General comment [kg] Pedigree: (2,3,3,5,5). Generic value. Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. ; . Uncertainty has been increased to reflect the extrapolation from a different region and time period.
Product flow
nat_gas_vented 1.0 m31.08478E7 m3 6104242.577835873 1.927753744047948E7
General comment [m3] Pedigree: (2,1,1,1,1). EcoSpold01Location=GLO
Product flow
chem_org 1.0 kg17312.658338753 kg 9019.278250966154 33231.9427801539
General comment [kg] Pedigree: (2,3,3,5,5). EcoSpold01Location=GLO; . Uncertainty has been increased to reflect the extrapolation from a different region and time period.
Product flow
onshore_well 1.0 m78723.5973516883 m 41012.18978269522 151111.28698145476
General comment [m] Pedigree: (2,3,3,5,5). Environmental report. Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. ; Environmental report. Uncertainty has been increased to reflect the extrapolation from a different region and time period.
Product flow
offshore_plattform 1.0 Item(s)0.801935400408277 Item(s) 0.41777977558720647 1.5393286702882634
General comment [unit] Pedigree: (2,3,3,5,5). EcoSpold01Location=OCE; Questionnaire. Uncertainty has been increased to reflect the extrapolation from a different region and time period.
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Natural resource / in water Eq_79238018_8ec1_4615_9469_2b0df95a43c3 1.0 m36854341.33699486 m3 6688484.564085604 7024310.9203406675
General comment [m3] Pedigree: (2,1,1,1,1). Exchange comment placed in dataset's general comment for passing the number of characters
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Natural resource / in ground gas_ground 1.0 MJ1.878098E10 MJ 1.579414931339019E10 2.2332650069438156E10
General comment [m3] Pedigree: (1,1,1,1,1). ANP Statistical Yearbook 2019 - Table 3.32 - Natural Gas Balance in Brazil - 2009/2019; Production
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Natural resource / in ground oil_ground 1.0 MJ2.0839240498E9 MJ 2.0839240498E9 2.0839240498E9
General comment [kg] Pedigree: (1,1,1,1,1). Instituto Nacional de Estadística - Bolivia - Produccion de Petroleo y Gas Natural segun Año y Mes, 1990 - 2020


Type of flow Classification Flow Variable Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow
natural_gas 1.0 m31.878098E10 m3
General comment [m3] Amount of produced natural gas. Without reinjected, flared and consumed natural gas.
Waste flow
Eq_813a3bfa_6698_4633_b02d_b577233b9a89 1.0 kg7397.40071953151 kg 5790.274559771403 9450.594585878442
General comment [kg] Pedigree: (1,1,5,5,3). Exchange comment placed in dataset's general comment for passing the number of characters
Waste flow
Eq_d51b2156_8d39_4e96_b145_e8d6650b9296 1.0 kg73.8477060917969 kg 57.80388410645513 94.34458911060285
General comment [kg] Pedigree: (1,1,5,5,3). Exchange comment placed in dataset's general comment for passing the number of characters
Waste flow
Eq_aaa45199_1874_44ee_b249_e2d42fc3bedf 1.0 kg6142.07757760819 kg 4807.677303172974 7846.848819170838
General comment [kg] Pedigree: (1,1,5,5,3). Exchange comment placed in dataset's general comment for passing the number of characters
Product flow
petroleum 1.0 kg2.0839240498E9 kg
General comment [kg] Amount of produced crude petroleum.
Waste flow
MSW 1.0 kg7006726.81823118 kg 4672891.662047778 1.0506175673631117E7
General comment [kg] Pedigree: (3,2,5,5,5). EcoSpold01Location=CH; Environmental report. Uncertainty has been increased to reflect the extrapolation from a different region and time period.
Waste flow
Eq_23c169a7_aa74_470d_9199_df72125cd062 1.0 kg16.7420349741723 kg 13.104735415211138 21.38888929806695
General comment [kg] Pedigree: (1,1,5,5,3). Exchange comment placed in dataset's general comment for passing the number of characters
Waste flow
Eq_f250dcd8_77bf_47dd_a059_103b68cb8c60 1.0 kg1191.2390602687 kg 932.435795598847 1521.8747557824993
General comment [kg] Pedigree: (1,1,5,5,3). Exchange comment placed in dataset's general comment for passing the number of characters
Waste flow
MJ_to_J_ed3a67b0_8d88_481e_8d51_2ab2fc38ca8b 1.0 MJ2.4239358E15 MJ 2.0349353022081475E9 2.8872980660102854E9
General comment [MJ] Pedigree: (2,1,1,1,1). Exchange comment placed in dataset's general comment for passing the number of characters
Waste flow
low_level_waste 1.0 m338.5451638485445 m3 20.979680786316813 70.81755300491281
General comment [m3] Pedigree: (3,5,5,5,3). EcoSpold01Location=CH; Generic value from the GLO dataset. Uncertainty has been increased to reflect the extrapolation from a different time period.
Waste flow
water_discharge 1.0 kg7.41504423188102E9 kg 4.953775733001065E9 1.1099186544612223E10
General comment [kg] Pedigree: (2,2,5,5,5). EcoSpold01Location=GLO; Environmental report. Uncertainty has been increased to reflect the extrapolation from a different region and time period.
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water TOC 1.0 kg1068158.35410797 kg 674017.9231954201 1692777.3434295524
General comment [kg] Pedigree: (3,5,5,5,5). Extrapolation for sum parameter. Scaled according to energy content of reference products.; Extrapolation for sum parameter. Uncertainty has been increased to reflect the extrapolation from a different region.
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to water / surface water AOX 1.0 kg12.7231706093289 kg 8.028439788520384 20.16320413656917
General comment [kg] Pedigree: (3,5,5,5,5). Extrapolation for sum parameter. Scaled according to energy content of reference products.; Extrapolation for sum parameter. Uncertainty has been increased to reflect the extrapolation from a different region.
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to air / non-urban air or from high stacks halon 1.0 kg1123.68952236435 kg 466.00777969070583 2709.5645130848966
General comment [kg] Pedigree: (2,2,3,5,5). Environmental report. Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. ; Environmental report. Uncertainty has been increased to reflect the extrapolation from a different region and time period.
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to water / surface water N2 1.0 kg953.829478286016 kg 601.8753320277145 1511.5932241022304
General comment [kg] Pedigree: (3,5,5,5,5). Extrapolation for sum parameter. Scaled according to energy content of reference products.; Extrapolation for sum parameter. Uncertainty has been increased to reflect the extrapolation from a different region.
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water DOC 1.0 kg1068158.35410797 kg 674017.9231954201 1692777.3434295524
General comment [kg] Pedigree: (3,5,5,5,5). Extrapolation for sum parameter. Scaled according to energy content of reference products.; Extrapolation for sum parameter. Uncertainty has been increased to reflect the extrapolation from a different region.
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water BOD 1.0 kg3887181.77794644 kg 2452848.0997019904 6160260.05712896
General comment [kg] Pedigree: (3,5,5,5,5). Extrapolation for sum parameter. Scaled according to energy content of reference products.; Extrapolation for sum parameter. Uncertainty has been increased to reflect the extrapolation from a different region.
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to water / surface water S2 1.0 kg3315.53739883667 kg 2092.135143863463 5254.33946049235
General comment [kg] Pedigree: (3,5,5,5,5). Extrapolation for sum parameter. Scaled according to energy content of reference products.; Extrapolation for sum parameter. Uncertainty has been increased to reflect the extrapolation from a different region.
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to water / surface water oils 1.0 kg1234751.8588771 kg 644250.1395857309 2366490.9936702815
General comment [kg] Pedigree: (2,3,1,5,5). Environmental report. Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. ; Environmental report. Uncertainty has been increased to reflect the extrapolation from a different region and time period.
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water COD 1.0 kg3887181.77794644 kg 2452848.0997019904 6160260.05712896
General comment [kg] Pedigree: (3,5,5,5,5). Extrapolation for sum parameter. Scaled according to energy content of reference products.; Extrapolation for sum parameter. Uncertainty has been increased to reflect the extrapolation from a different region.