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Process Data set: soybean production (en) en

Key Data Set Information
Location BR-RS
Geographical representativeness description The inventory is modelled for the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil.
Reference year 2012
soybean production
Technical purpose of product or process Cultivation of soybeans.
Synonyms soy production
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • ILCD: A.Agriculture, forestry and fishing / 01:Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities / 011:Growing of non-perennial crops / 0111:Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds
General comment on data set Type of process: ordinary transforming activity Parent relation Ecospold2: none Tags: Macroeconomic Scenario: Business-as-Usual This dataset represents the production of 1 kg of soybeans (fresh matter). The yield is 2700 kg/ha at a moisture content at storage of 13%. This activity represents the weighted average of soybean production systems: 73.4% of monoculture plus 26.6% of cropping systems (e.g. crop rotation with other grain in the agricultural cycle, mainly winter maize). Therefore, land occupation and liming are related to the weighted averages of time occupation of both soybean production systems. The total amount of mineral fertilizers (N-P-K) and pesticides applied (active ingredients) are 5 kg N/ha; 45 kg P2O5/ha; 45 kg K2O/ha and 4.51 kg/ha, respectively. [This dataset is meant to replace the following datasets: - soybean production, BR, 2001 - 2006 (bb59b275-b002-411d-b906-e295ea6124e2)] [This dataset is meant to replace the following datasets:] [This dataset is meant to replace the following datasets: - soybean production, BR, 2001 - 2006 (bb59b275-b002-411d-b906-e295ea6124e2)]
Copyright Yes
Data set LCA report, background info
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
Time representativeness
Data set valid until 2015
Time representativeness description Data is valid for the entire period. Time period of the most of the data collected for this dataset.
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system The technology level of this process is: Current/n/n Cultivation of soybeans. Included activities start: This activity starts after the harvest of the previous crop. Included activities end: The dataset includes the inputs of seeds, mineral fertilisers and pesticides.It is assumed that no organic fertilisers are applied. The dataset includes all machine operations and corresponding machine infrastructure and sheds. Operations are: limestone and gypsum application, application of plant protection product, planting with starter fertiliser, fertilising, combine harvesting and drying of grains. The dataset also includes the transportation of products inside the farm: water and fertilisers from sheds to field and grain from harvester to truck. Furthermore, direct field emissions and land use change emissions are included, with important regionalizations added. The dataset doesn't include: seed treatment (electrical operation for inoculatin seeds) and bacterial seed inoculant (Rhyzobium sp. for nitrogen fixation from air), cleaning and storage of harvested grains. The activity ends after harvest at the farm gate.
Mathematical model
Variable / parameter Formula Mean value Minimum value Maximum value Uncertainty distribution type Relative StdDev in % General comment
Math_Rel_for_f054b1e6_24cd_4d22_a001_1271cfa17a83 1/3*T_t*1E-04*occupation_time 1.12660127488584 0.7855668275586501 1.6156874094580322 LOG_NORMAL 1.4341253160944203 %
Math_Rel_for_ba4b7781_39f2_465b_8d98_0bc1c4c82e61 (0.380+0.067)* T_t*1E-04 + 2.67E-02* T_t*1E-04 1.75444269E-4 1.2395299009640719E-4 2.4832552648390327E-4 LOG_NORMAL 1.4154097360906286 % Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Transport Services" for agriculture.
water_drying 0.275*REF_PRODUCT*(REF_PRODUCT_WWM - 0.18)/(0.18-1) 1.67682926829268E-5 1.666112372995189E-5 1.6876150976228802E-5 LOG_NORMAL 1.0064322764005558 %
water_dilution 7*T_t*1E-04*200 0.518518 0.500155589911067 0.5375545565167158 LOG_NORMAL 1.036713395709919 %
lime 0.123*occupation_time 0.112243397260274 0.10826849322556707 0.11636423351971609 LOG_NORMAL 1.036713395709919 % Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Primary energy carriers, metals, salts" for agriculture.
SEED 0.0222 0.02166281922980512 0.0227505014362082 LOG_NORMAL 1.0247973619913604 % Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Primary energy carriers, metals, salts" for agriculture.
SEED_WWM 0.11 % water content on a wet matter basis; ecoinvent report n 15a, pg129 Tab 14.2
SEED_WM 1.0 %
SEED_C_content 0.43596 % calculated in dataset
Math_Rel_[product volume]_for_deb4f70c_bf2a_4cd3_bc3b_c71af8820da3 15700264*1000 1.5700264E10 1.5013595660388456E10 1.6418338101381784E10 LOG_NORMAL 1.0457364348384068 % Comment: Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Land use, occupation" for agriculture.
REF_PRODUCT_C_content 0.43596 %
N_fert N_total * T_t * 1E-04 0.00185185 0.0017862699639680964 0.0019198377018454136 LOG_NORMAL 1.036713395709919 % Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Primary energy carriers, metals, salts" for agriculture.
Math_Rel_for_1d32b849_121f_4d23_853c_fa2bf55c42e9 0.00017037037037037*LUC_crop_specific+(0.0000567339238476357*(1-LUC_crop_specific)) 1.7037037037037 %
Math_Rel_for_cf52c0fe_72b3_4f42_a475_16a5b2a6f850 1*T_t*1E-04 3.7037 2.5825497663526042 5.311569933218904 LOG_NORMAL 1.4341253160944203 %
Math_Rel_for_f66846ab_83a7_41ec_8139_d879268bada0 1*T_t*1E-04 3.7037 2.5825497663526042 5.311569933218904 LOG_NORMAL 1.4341253160944203 %
Math_Rel_for_7225e2a6_7fd6_40e2_b341_f097b027d119 7*T_t*1E-04 25.925900000000002 18.07784836446823 37.18098953253234 LOG_NORMAL 1.4341253160944203 %
Math_Rel_for_e97b784a_ec09_4b1b_9f14_cc0ce9799c9e T_t 3.7037 3.3868138117280497 4.050235546606854 LOG_NORMAL 1.0935646911485417 %
Math_Rel_for_4b420f19_0421_461e_a0b6_7efbf580089b T_t 3.7037 3.3868138117280497 4.050235546606854 LOG_NORMAL 1.0935646911485417 %
Math_Rel_for_aa7cac3a_3625_41d4_bc54_33e2cf11ec46 44/12*0.13*lime 0.0535026860273973 0.048584053080772016 0.05891927969424916 LOG_NORMAL 1.1012396585860786 % Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "CO2" for combustion emissions.
NH3 17/14*N_fert*0.093 2.09126775E-4 1.8377499704566588E-4 2.3797583308372058E-4 LOG_NORMAL 1.1379500931132351 % Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "CH4, NH3" for agriculture.
Math_Rel_for_db4566b1_bd88_427d_92da_2d25879063b9 water_dilution/1000 5.18518E-4 4.1351780492798426E-4 6.501797821518791E-4 LOG_NORMAL 1.2539194052123148 %
Math_Rel_for_09872080_d143_4fb1_a3a5_647b077107ff water_drying/1000 1.67682926829268E-5 1.337270371064046E-5 2.1026087587401584E-5 LOG_NORMAL 1.2539194052123148 %
Math_Rel_for_b2631209_8374_431e_b7d5_56c96c6b6d79 soil_eroded * 0.00095 * 1.86 * 0.2 * T_t*1E-04 1.047110064E-4 8.397536404543923E-5 1.3056680356119668E-4 LOG_NORMAL 1.2469253047041353 % Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "NO3, PO4" for agriculture.
Math_Rel_for_cc6a1abb_b123_4ca6_8f16_38209df609be 44/12 * (REF_PRODUCT_C_content* REF_PRODUCT * REF_PRODUCT_DM - SEED_C_content * SEED * SEED_DM) 1.35912884184 1.310997665762096 1.4090270768312358 LOG_NORMAL 1.036713395709919 % Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Primary energy carriers, metals, salts" for agriculture.
Math_Rel_for_e063ee9c_9850_42b5_b01e_4cc9b5ad7152 T_t*occupation_time 3.37980382465753 3.2319843815901823 3.5343840020505777 LOG_NORMAL 1.0457364348384068 % Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Land use, occupation" for agriculture.
N2O 44/28*(0.01*((N_total+ Ncrop_residues)*T_t*1E-04)+ 0.01*14/17*NH3 + 0.0075*14/62*NO3) 8.51284548563429E-4 6.992604570213539E-4 0.0010363597359841995 LOG_NORMAL 1.2174069619060879 % Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "NOX, N2O" for agriculture.
Math_Rel_for_77357947_ccc5_438e_9996_95e65e1e1bce N2O*0.21 1.7876975519832E-4 1.4684469597448427E-4 2.1763554455668182E-4 LOG_NORMAL 1.2174069619060879 % Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "NOX, N2O" for agriculture.
NO3 62/14*((21.37 + precipitation/(Clay_content*root_depth) * (0.0037*N_total + 0.0000601*Norg_soil - 0.00362*Nuptake_plant)) * T_t * 1E-04) 0.0717347147147429 0.057529279776516985 0.089447831003545 LOG_NORMAL 1.2469253047041353 % Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "NO3, PO4" for agriculture.
Nuptake_plant 78.0 % This value represents the N taken by plant during its growth (kg N/ha). Used in the SQCB-NO3 model for the calculation of leaching of NO3. From Nemececk & Schnetzer (2011),
cropping_system_ratio 0.266 % In RS, 26.6% of soybean is produced in cropping systems.
Clay_content 55.0 % This value represents the fraction of clay content into soil (%). Used in the SQCB-NO3 model for the calculation of leaching of NO3. From Folegatti et al. (2015).
Norg_soil 10000.0 % Norg is the mass of organic nitrogen contained in the upper 50 cm of soil per ha (kg N/ha). Used in the SQCB-NO3 model for the calculation of leaching of NO3. From Folegatti et al. (2015).
soil_eroded 800.0 % This value represents the quantity of soil eroded (kg/(ha*yr)). Used for the calculation of P emissions through water erosion to surface water. From Silva et al. (1994).
LUC_crop_specific 1.0 % This parameter allows to switch between a 'crop specific' and a 'country specific' approach when calculating the LUC of a crop. By default, the chosen approach is 'crop specific', so the value of the parameter is 1. If you want to apply a 'country specific' approach, turn the parameter to 0.
occupation_time ((115+250) / 365)*(1- cropping_system_ratio) + cropping_system_ratio* ((115+130) / 365) 0.912547945205479 % Liming is proportional to the weighted averages of time occupation of both soybean production systems (monoculture and cropping system). The time occupation for monoculture system is: 115 days of soybean production plus 250 days of fallow time. The time occupation for cropping system is: 115 days of soybean production plus 130 days of fallow time.
N_total 5.0 4.781319492585747 5.228682174192034 LOG_NORMAL 1.0457364348384068 % This value represents the total nitrogen in mineral and organic fertilisers (kg N/ha). From Folegatti et al. (2015).
root_depth 0.49 0.4724844525131118 0.5081648691780754 LOG_NORMAL 1.037071161587909 % This value represents the rooting depth of the crop (m).
T_t 3.7037 3.3738635086995625 4.065782049163955 LOG_NORMAL 1.097762251036519 % Variance of log-transformed data as recommended by Ecoinvent for "Land use, transformation" for agriculture.
Ncrop_residues 108.0 % This value represents the nitrogen contained in the crop residues (kg N/ha). Used for the calculation of emissions of N2O to the air. From Duarte & Cantarella (2007).
precipitation 1787.8 1697.2754508702772 1883.1526953159755 LOG_NORMAL 1.0533352138471728 % This value represents the average annual precipitation in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Used in the SQCB-NO3 model for the calculation of leaching of NO3. See, visited in Feb, 19th, 2015
LCI method and allocation
Type of data set Unit process, black box
LCI Method Principle Not applicable
LCI method approaches
  • Not applicable
Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations Users of this dataset must decide the allocation criteria for land occupation, land-use changes and liming suitable for their needs, considering that the soybean production can be part of a crop system, i.e., rotation or succession with other grains in the agricultural cycle, mainly winter maize. Authors suggested an allocation by occupation time of soybean plus fallow time.
Data sources, treatment and representativeness
Data cut-off and completeness principles None
Data selection and combination principles None
Percentage supply or production covered 100 %
Annual supply or production volume Annual Production of soybean is 15700264000 kg
Sampling procedure The main source of data for agricultural inputs and operations is the annual soybean production cost survey conducted by Embrapa Soja (CNPSO). Data are also provided by the ProspecSoy project, as well as consultation with relevant experts. Emissions from the agricultural process are estimated according to Nemecek and Schnetzer (2011) and Canals (2003).
Uncertainty adjustments Uncertainties calculated using a basic uncertainty (or informed) and a Pedigree Matrix additional uncertainty (log-normal) as it is in the standard procedure on Ecospold2 datasets (ecoinvent association)
Completeness of product model All relevant flows quantified
Reviewer name and institution
Reviewer name and institution
Review details
Date of last review: 2018-10-18; Major version: 3.3; Minor version: 0.2
Subsequent review comments
Validation warnings: - Mass and/or economic deficit in activity dataset exceeds either 0.1% of input or output sum: Property 'wet mass': - Input='22,6397894524937', Output='1,66354650392193' - Input > output by 20,9762429485717 kg (1260,94% of output) Property 'carbon content, fossil': - Input='0,0957217780214043', Output='0,0150930064155271' - Input > output by 0,0806287716058772 kg (534,21% of output) Property 'water in wet mass': - Input='0,520785012538502', Output='0,665286292682927' - Input < output by 0,144501280144425 kg (21,72% of output) Property 'dry mass': - Input='22,1190044399552', Output='0,998260211239002' - Input > output by 21,1207442287162 kg (2115,76% of output) - Amount of property 'water content=0,149425287356322' of exchange 'soybean' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, non-fossil=0,43596' of exchange 'soybean' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'water in wet mass=0,13' of exchange 'soybean' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'dry mass=0,87' of exchange 'soybean' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'wet mass=1' of exchange 'Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'dry mass=1' of exchange 'Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass' deviates from the default amount in the master file. - Due to the use of the reference product property(s) 'carbon content, non-fossil', 'wet mass', 'water in wet mass', 'dry mass' by other exchanges this dataset will be subdivided by linking rule 3 (see Data Quality Guidelines for details) prior to the calculation of the database. If this is not intended, do not use the properties in question in mathematical relations of other exchanges. - The total water in wet mass of all input exchanges (0,520785012538502) and output exchanges (0,665286292682927) is unbalanced. - Uncertainty shall always be provided for all primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Exchange(s): land use change, annual crop, Nickel, Nickel, ion, Zinc, ion, Copper, ion, Copper, Zinc -- Property(ies): wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0,272916486782489, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0, wet mass=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1000, dry mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0, wet mass=1000, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,272916486782489, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,446770017785933, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,619197040190902, carbon content, fossil=0,213119671335434, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,614091096352962, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,32970687551739, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,420946605914281, wet mass=1, water content=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,56540244787527, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0,588436811443917, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,329386599387079, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,441218299165522, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1 -- Parameter(s): nitrogen in crop residues, LUC_crop_specific, occupation time, ratio of cropping system production, soil eroded, nitrogen uptake by plant, clay content into soil, organic nitrogen into soil - Pedigree information shall always be provided for all uncertainties of primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Exchange(s): land use change, annual crop, Nickel, Nickel, ion, Zinc, ion, Copper, ion, Copper, Zinc -- Property(ies): wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0,272916486782489, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon 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mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,32970687551739, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,420946605914281, wet mass=1, water content=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,56540244787527, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0,588436811443917, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,329386599387079, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,441218299165522, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1 -- Parameter(s): nitrogen in crop residues, LUC_crop_specific, occupation time, ratio of cropping system production, soil eroded, nitrogen uptake by plant, clay content into soil, organic nitrogen into soil - The specified geography shall not overlap with the geography Brazil of the related dataset soybean production, BR, 2001 - 2006.
Reviewer name and institution
Reviewer name and institution
Review details
Date of last review: 2018-07-16; Major version: 3.2; Minor version: 0.6
Subsequent review comments
Validation warnings: - Mass and/or economic deficit in activity dataset exceeds either 0.1% of input or output sum: Property 'carbon content, fossil': - Input='0,0957217780214043', Output='0,0150930064155271' - Input > output by 0,0806287716058772 kg (534,21% of output) Property 'dry mass': - Input='22,1190044399552', Output='0,998260211239002' - Input > output by 21,1207442287162 kg (2115,76% of output) Property 'water in wet mass': - Input='0,520785012538502', Output='0,665286292682927' - Input < output by 0,144501280144425 kg (21,72% of output) Property 'wet mass': - Input='22,6397894524937', Output='1,66354650392193' - Input > output by 20,9762429485717 kg (1260,94% of output) - Amount of property 'water content=0,149425287356322' of exchange 'soybean' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, non-fossil=0,43596' of exchange 'soybean' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'water in wet mass=0,13' of exchange 'soybean' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'dry mass=0,87' of exchange 'soybean' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'wet mass=1' of exchange 'Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'dry mass=1' of exchange 'Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass' deviates from the default amount in the master file. - Due to the use of the reference product property(s) 'water in wet mass', 'wet mass', 'dry mass', 'carbon content, non-fossil' by other exchanges this dataset will be subdivided by linking rule 3 (see Data Quality Guidelines for details) prior to the calculation of the database. If this is not intended, do not use the properties in question in mathematical relations of other exchanges. - The total water in wet mass of all input exchanges (0,520785012538502) and output exchanges (0,665286292682927) is unbalanced. - Uncertainty shall always be provided for all primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Exchange(s): land use change, annual crop, Zinc, Copper, Copper, ion, Zinc, ion, Nickel, ion, Nickel -- Property(ies): carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,441218299165522, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,588436811443917, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,329386599387079, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0,56540244787527, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,32970687551739, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0,614091096352962, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,420946605914281, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,619197040190902, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,213119671335434, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,446770017785933, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,272916486782489, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=1000, wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=0, wet mass=1000, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=0, dry mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0,272916486782489, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0 -- Parameter(s): nitrogen uptake by plant, occupation time, soil eroded, ratio of cropping system production, LUC_crop_specific, nitrogen in crop residues, clay content into soil, organic nitrogen into soil - Pedigree information shall always be provided for all uncertainties of primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Exchange(s): land use change, annual crop, Zinc, Copper, Copper, ion, Zinc, ion, Nickel, ion, Nickel -- Property(ies): carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,441218299165522, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,588436811443917, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,329386599387079, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0,56540244787527, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,32970687551739, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0,614091096352962, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,420946605914281, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,619197040190902, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,213119671335434, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,446770017785933, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,272916486782489, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=1000, wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=0, wet mass=1000, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=0, dry mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0,272916486782489, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0 -- Parameter(s): nitrogen uptake by plant, occupation time, soil eroded, ratio of cropping system production, LUC_crop_specific, nitrogen in crop residues, clay content into soil, organic nitrogen into soil - The specified geography shall not overlap with the geography Brazil of the related dataset soybean production, BR, 2001 - 2006.
Reviewer name and institution
Review details
Date of last review: 2018-04-15; Major version: 3.1; Minor version: 0.2
Subsequent review comments
Validation warnings: - Mass and/or economic deficit in activity dataset exceeds either 0.1% of input or output sum: Property 'wet mass': - Input='22,8651887949594', Output='1,77098685716394' - Input > output by 21,0942019377955 kg (1191,1% of output) Property 'carbon content, fossil': - Input='0,12277090620519', Output='0,0444152501610058' - Input > output by 0,0783556560441839 kg (176,42% of output) Property 'water in wet mass': - Input='0,520785012538502', Output='0,665286292682927' - Input < output by 0,144501280144425 kg (21,72% of output) Property 'dry mass': - Input='22,3444037824209', Output='1,10570056448101' - Input > output by 21,2387032179399 kg (1920,84% of output) - Amount of property 'water content=0,149425287356322' of exchange 'soybean' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, non-fossil=0,43596' of exchange 'soybean' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'water in wet mass=0,13' of exchange 'soybean' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'dry mass=0,87' of exchange 'soybean' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'wet mass=1' of exchange 'Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'dry mass=1' of exchange 'Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass' deviates from the default amount in the master file. - Due to the use of the reference product property(s) 'carbon content, non-fossil', 'dry mass', 'water in wet mass', 'wet mass' by other exchanges this dataset will be subdivided by linking rule 3 (see Data Quality Guidelines for details) prior to the calculation of the database. If this is not intended, do not use the properties in question in mathematical relations of other exchanges. - The total water in wet mass of all input exchanges (0,520785012538502) and output exchanges (0,665286292682927) is unbalanced. - Uncertainty shall always be provided for all primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Exchange(s): land use change, annual crop, Nickel, Nickel, ion, Zinc, ion, Copper, ion, Zinc, Copper -- Property(ies): water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0,272916486782489, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=0, dry mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0, wet mass=1000, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1000, dry mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,272916486782489, water content=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,446770017785933, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,213119671335434, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,619197040190902, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0,420946605914281, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,32970687551739, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,614091096352962, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,588436811443917, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0,329386599387079, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,56540244787527, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0,441218299165522, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0 -- Parameter(s): organic nitrogen into soil, nitrogen uptake by plant, nitrogen in crop residues, clay content into soil, soil eroded, occupation time, ratio of cropping system production, LUC_crop_specific - Pedigree information shall always be provided for all uncertainties of primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Exchange(s): land use change, annual crop, Nickel, Nickel, ion, Zinc, ion, Copper, ion, Zinc, Copper -- Property(ies): water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0,272916486782489, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=0, dry mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0, wet mass=1000, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1000, dry mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,272916486782489, water content=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,446770017785933, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,213119671335434, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,619197040190902, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0,420946605914281, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,32970687551739, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,614091096352962, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,588436811443917, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0,329386599387079, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,56540244787527, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0,441218299165522, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, wet mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0 -- Parameter(s): organic nitrogen into soil, nitrogen uptake by plant, nitrogen in crop residues, clay content into soil, soil eroded, occupation time, ratio of cropping system production, LUC_crop_specific - The specified geography shall not overlap with the geography Brazil of the related dataset soybean production, BR, 2001 - 2006.
Reviewer name and institution
Reviewer name and institution
Reviewer name and institution
Review details
Date of last review: 2017-11-14; Major version: 3.0; Minor version: 0.103
Subsequent review comments
Validation warnings: - Mass and/or economic deficit in activity dataset exceeds either 0.1% of input or output sum: Property 'water in wet mass': - Input='0,520785012538502', Output='0,665286292682927' - Input < output by 0,144501280144425 kg (21,72% of output) Property 'carbon content, fossil': - Input='0,12277090620519', Output='0,0444152501610058' - Input > output by 0,0783556560441839 kg (176,42% of output) Property 'dry mass': - Input='22,3444037824209', Output='1,10570056448101' - Input > output by 21,2387032179399 kg (1920,84% of output) Property 'wet mass': - Input='22,8651887949594', Output='1,77098685716394' - Input > output by 21,0942019377955 kg (1191,1% of output) - Amount of property 'water content=0,149425287356322' of exchange 'soybean' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'carbon content, non-fossil=0,43596' of exchange 'soybean' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'water in wet mass=0,13' of exchange 'soybean' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'dry mass=0,87' of exchange 'soybean' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'dry mass=1' of exchange 'Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass' deviates from the default amount in the master file. Amount of property 'wet mass=1' of exchange 'Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass' deviates from the default amount in the master file. - Due to the use of the reference product property(s) 'wet mass', 'dry mass', 'water in wet mass', 'carbon content, non-fossil' by other exchanges this dataset will be subdivided by linking rule 3 (see Data Quality Guidelines for details) prior to the calculation of the database. If this is not intended, do not use the properties in question in mathematical relations of other exchanges. - The total water in wet mass of all input exchanges (0,520785012538502) and output exchanges (0,665286292682927) is unbalanced. - The dataset contains user added exchange master data entries. The following user added exchanges do not contain product information data. Please consider adding the appropriate data before submitting the dataset for review. - limestone and gypsum application, by spreader - planting with starter fertiliser, by no till planter - Uncertainty shall always be provided for all primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Exchange(s): Copper, Zinc, Copper, ion, Zinc, ion, Nickel, Nickel, ion -- Property(ies): water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0, wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0,272916486782489, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,56540244787527, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,441218299165522, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0,329386599387079, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,614091096352962, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0,32970687551739, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,588436811443917, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,420946605914281, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0,213119671335434, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0,619197040190902, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,446770017785933, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0,272916486782489, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=1000, wet mass=1000, dry mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0, wet mass=1000 -- Parameter(s): clay content into soil, nitrogen in crop residues, nitrogen uptake by plant, organic nitrogen into soil, soil eroded, ratio of cropping system production, occupation time - Pedigree information shall always be provided for all uncertainties of primary data inputs (exchange amounts, properties and parameters), except for the amount and properties of reference products. -- Exchange(s): Copper, Zinc, Copper, ion, Zinc, ion, Nickel, Nickel, ion -- Property(ies): water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0, wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0,272916486782489, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,56540244787527, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,441218299165522, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0,329386599387079, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,614091096352962, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0,32970687551739, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,588436811443917, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0,420946605914281, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0,213119671335434, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0,619197040190902, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0,446770017785933, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, dry mass=1, wet mass=1, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, water content=0, carbon content, fossil=0,272916486782489, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water content=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, water content=0, carbon content, non-fossil=0, water in wet mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, wet mass=1, dry mass=1, carbon content, non-fossil=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=1000, wet mass=1000, dry mass=0, carbon content, fossil=0, water in wet mass=1000, carbon content, non-fossil=0, dry mass=0, wet mass=1000 -- Parameter(s): clay content into soil, nitrogen in crop residues, nitrogen uptake by plant, organic nitrogen into soil, soil eroded, ratio of cropping system production, occupation time - The specified geography shall not overlap with the geography Brazil of the related dataset soybean production, BR, 2001 - 2006. - The input exchange 'application of plant protection product, by field sprayer' has an activity link and therefore requires a valid product exchange for that input to be available. If the valid product exchange is not available the dataset will be put on hold at the end of its review and will remain on hold until such a valid product exchange has been accepted into the ecoinvent database. - The input exchange 'combine harvesting' has an activity link and therefore requires a valid product exchange for that input to be available. If the valid product exchange is not available the dataset will be put on hold at the end of its review and will remain on hold until such a valid product exchange has been accepted into the ecoinvent database. - The input exchange 'limestone and gypsum application, by spreader' has an activity link and therefore requires a valid product exchange for that input to be available. If the valid product exchange is not available the dataset will be put on hold at the end of its review and will remain on hold until such a valid product exchange has been accepted into the ecoinvent database. - The input exchange 'drying of maize grain' has an activity link and therefore requires a valid product exchange for that input to be available. If the valid product exchange is not available the dataset will be put on hold at the end of its review and will remain on hold until such a valid product exchange has been accepted into the ecoinvent database. - The input exchange 'planting with starter fertiliser, by no till planter' has an activity link and therefore requires a valid product exchange for that input to be available. If the valid product exchange is not available the dataset will be put on hold at the end of its review and will remain on hold until such a valid product exchange has been accepted into the ecoinvent database.
Reviewer name and institution
Reviewer name and institution
Commissioner and goal
Intended applications Can be used for any types of LCA studies
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2020-12-10T15:53:10
Data set format(s)
Converted original data set from
Data entry by
Publication and ownership
UUID 8b0edc95-e59e-4d7b-9f1f-c56cca7f270d
Date of last revision 2020-08-14T11:53:10
Data set version 03.01.000
Permanent data set URI
Workflow and publication status Data set finalised; entirely published
Unchanged re-publication of
Copyright Yes
License type License fee
Access and use restrictions License type for this dataset: Licensees


Type of flow Classification Flow Variable Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow
A:Agriculture, forestry and fishing / 01:Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities / 016:Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities / 0161:Support activities for crop production Math_Rel_for_f054b1e6_24cd_4d22_a001_1271cfa17a83 1.0 m21.12660127488584 m2 7.855668275586501E-5 1.6156874094580323E-4
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (2,2,1,1,1)
Product flow
0.0264343859611873 kg0.0264343859611873 kg 0.025498258313799062 0.0274048820333291
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (2,2,1,1,1)
Product flow
Math_Rel_for_ba4b7781_39f2_465b_8d98_0bc1c4c82e61 1.0 t*km1.75444269E-4 t*km 1.2395299009640719E-4 2.4832552648390327E-4
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (2,2,1,1,1)
Product flow
water_drying 1.0 m31.67682926829268E-5 m3 0.01666112372995189 0.016876150976228802
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (2,2,1,1,1)
Product flow
water_dilution 1.0 kg0.518518 kg 0.500155589911067 0.5375545565167158
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (2,2,1,1,1)
Product flow
lime 1.0 kg0.112243397260274 kg 0.10826849322556707 0.11636423351971609
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (2,2,1,1,1)
Product flow
SEED 1.0 kg0.0222 kg 0.02166281922980512 0.0227505014362082
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (1,1,1,1,1)
Product flow
C:Manufacturing / 20:Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products / 201:Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms / 2012:Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds 0.0167 kg0.0167 kg 0.016108598643662937 0.017313113708355646
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (2,2,1,1,1)
Product flow
C:Manufacturing / 20:Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products / 201:Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms / 2012:Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds N_fert 1.0 kg0.00185185 kg 0.0017862699639680964 0.0019198377018454136
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (2,2,1,1,1)
Product flow
C:Manufacturing / 20:Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products / 202:Manufacture of other chemical products / 2021:Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products 4.05E-4 kg4.05E-4 kg 3.9065763177745445E-4 4.198689252625172E-4
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (2,2,1,1,1)
Product flow
Math_Rel_for_1d32b849_121f_4d23_853c_fa2bf55c42e9 1.0 m21.7037037037037 m2
General comment Calculated value. Land use change (LUC) from Novaes et al. (2017).
Product flow
0.00126 kg0.00126 kg 0.0012153792988631917 0.001306258878594498
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (2,2,1,1,1)
Product flow
6.85E-6 kg6.85E-6 kg 6.311637329286156E-6 7.434283301145713E-6
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (2,2,1,1,1)
Product flow
9.26E-7 kg9.26E-7 kg 8.932073259899329E-7 9.59996604427385E-7
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (2,2,1,1,1)
Product flow
A:Agriculture, forestry and fishing / 01:Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities / 016:Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities / 0161:Support activities for crop production Math_Rel_for_cf52c0fe_72b3_4f42_a475_16a5b2a6f850 1.0 m23.7037 m2 2.582549766352604E-4 5.311569933218904E-4
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (2,2,1,1,1)
Product flow
A:Agriculture, forestry and fishing / 01:Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities / 016:Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities / 0161:Support activities for crop production Math_Rel_for_f66846ab_83a7_41ec_8139_d879268bada0 1.0 m23.7037 m2 2.582549766352604E-4 5.311569933218904E-4
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (2,2,1,1,1)
Product flow
A:Agriculture, forestry and fishing / 01:Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities / 016:Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities / 0161:Support activities for crop production Math_Rel_for_7225e2a6_7fd6_40e2_b341_f097b027d119 1.0 m225.925900000000002 m2 0.001807784836446823 0.0037180989532532333
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (2,2,1,1,1)
Product flow
C:Manufacturing / 22:Manufacture of rubber and plastics products / 222:Manufacture of plastics products / 2220:Manufacture of plastics products 0.294990494520548 kg0.294990494520548 kg 0.23525474866592397 0.36989430543249213
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,5,4)
Product flow
C:Manufacturing / 22:Manufacture of rubber and plastics products / 222:Manufacture of plastics products / 2220:Manufacture of plastics products 0.003345552 kg0.003345552 kg 0.002668075783892608 0.00419505257394687
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,5,4)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Land occupation / land Math_Rel_for_e97b784a_ec09_4b1b_9f14_cc0ce9799c9e 1.0 m23.7037 m2 3.3868138117280497 4.050235546606854
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (1,1,1,1,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Land occupation / land Math_Rel_for_4b420f19_0421_461e_a0b6_7efbf580089b 1.0 m23.7037 m2 3.3868138117280497 4.050235546606854
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (1,1,1,1,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Resources from air / in air Math_Rel_for_cc6a1abb_b123_4ca6_8f16_38209df609be 1.0 kg1.35912884184 kg 1.310997665762096 1.4090270768312358
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (2,2,1,1,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Land occupation / land Math_Rel_for_e063ee9c_9850_42b5_b01e_4cc9b5ad7152 1.0 m2*a3.37980382465753 m2*a 3.2319843815901823 3.5343840020505777
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (1,1,1,1,1)
Elementary flow
Resources / Resources from biosphere / Renewable energy resources from biosphere 20.5 MJ20.5 MJ 19.774028275155104 21.252624612053342
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (2,2,1,1,1)


Type of flow Classification Flow Variable Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow
REF_PRODUCT 1.0 kg1.0 kg
General comment 1Kg of soybean used as reference. The yield is 2700 kg/ha at a moisture content at storage of 13%.
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to soil / agricultural 3.61E-7 kg3.61E-7 kg 2.895777656467304E-7 4.5003800519334336E-7
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,1,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to soil / agricultural 7.17E-6 kg7.17E-6 kg 5.751447589160822E-6 8.938427970183579E-6
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,1,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to soil / agricultural -6.24E-6 kg-6.24E-6 kg
General comment Emissions of heavy metals to soil and surface water estimated from mineral fertilisers and liming as recommended by Canals (2003) and regionalized following Folegatti et al. (2015).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to soil / agricultural -2.68E-5 kg-2.68E-5 kg
General comment Emissions of heavy metals to soil and surface water estimated from mineral fertilisers and liming as recommended by Canals (2003) and regionalized following Folegatti et al. (2015).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to water / surface water 3.67E-10 kg3.67E-10 kg 2.680560999044456E-10 5.02465715378284E-10
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,3,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to soil / agricultural 3.67E-6 kg3.67E-6 kg 2.943906924995846E-6 4.575178612353379E-6
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,1,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to water / surface water -6.24E-10 kg-6.24E-10 kg
General comment Emissions of heavy metals to soil and surface water estimated from mineral fertilisers and liming as recommended by Canals (2003) and regionalized following Folegatti et al. (2015).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to soil / agricultural 1.11E-5 kg1.11E-5 kg 9.051987327238616E-6 1.3611375662142717E-5
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,1,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to water / surface water 7.17E-10 kg7.17E-10 kg 5.236954322383855E-10 9.816564521150671E-10
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,3,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to water / surface water 3.61E-11 kg3.61E-11 kg 2.6367371135014943E-11 4.942510170342248E-11
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,3,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to soil / agricultural 7.83E-6 kg7.83E-6 kg 6.385320790295348E-6 9.601537967079052E-6
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,1,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to water / surface water -2.68E-9 kg-2.68E-9 kg
General comment Emissions of heavy metals to soil and surface water estimated from mineral fertilisers and liming as recommended by Canals (2003) and regionalized following Folegatti et al. (2015).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to soil / agricultural 1.25E-5 kg1.25E-5 kg 1.0193679422566009E-5 1.5328125745656214E-5
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,1,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to soil / agricultural 2.78E-4 kg2.78E-4 kg 2.2670743035786803E-4 3.4089751658339417E-4
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,1,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to soil / agricultural 5.06E-5 kg5.06E-5 kg 4.12640143025472E-5 6.204825301841634E-5
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,1,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to soil / agricultural 1.85E-5 kg1.85E-5 kg 1.5086645545397693E-5 2.2685626103571194E-5
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,1,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to soil / agricultural 1.39E-5 kg1.39E-5 kg 1.1335371517893404E-5 1.704487582916971E-5
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,1,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to soil / agricultural 8.67E-6 kg8.67E-6 kg 7.070336047491784E-6 1.063158801718715E-5
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,1,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to soil / agricultural 0.00126 kg0.00126 kg 0.0010275228857946537 0.0015450750751621464
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,1,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to soil / agricultural 3.7E-6 kg3.7E-6 kg 3.017329109079539E-6 4.537125220714239E-6
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,1,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to water / surface water 9.26E-11 kg9.26E-11 kg 6.763486335463667E-11 1.2678017777664605E-10
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,3,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to water / surface water 1.99E-10 kg1.99E-10 kg 1.4534922038415442E-10 2.7245416174462813E-10
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,3,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to soil / agricultural 1.99E-6 kg1.99E-6 kg 1.5959255879181776E-6 2.4813813563612293E-6
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,3,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to air / non-urban air or from high stacks Math_Rel_for_aa7cac3a_3625_41d4_bc54_33e2cf11ec46 1.0 kg0.0535026860273973 kg 0.048584053080772016 0.05891927969424916
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,3,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to water / surface water -8.94E-11 kg-8.94E-11 kg
General comment Emissions of heavy metals to soil and surface water estimated from mineral fertilisers and liming as recommended by Canals (2003) and regionalized following Folegatti et al. (2015).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to soil / agricultural 9.26E-7 kg9.26E-7 kg 7.426266806091621E-7 1.1546528321560293E-6
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,3,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to air / non-urban air or from high stacks NH3 1.0 kg2.09126775E-4 kg 1.8377499704566588E-4 2.3797583308372058E-4
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,3,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to water / surface water Math_Rel_for_db4566b1_bd88_427d_92da_2d25879063b9 1.0 m35.18518E-4 m3 4.1351780492798426E-4 6.501797821518791E-4
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,5,4)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to soil / agricultural -8.94E-7 kg-8.94E-7 kg
General comment Emissions of heavy metals to soil and surface water estimated from mineral fertilisers and liming as recommended by Canals (2003) and regionalized following Folegatti et al. (2015).
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to air / non-urban air or from high stacks Math_Rel_for_09872080_d143_4fb1_a3a5_647b077107ff 1.0 m31.67682926829268E-5 m3 1.337270371064046E-5 2.1026087587401584E-5
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,5,4)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to water / surface water Math_Rel_for_b2631209_8374_431e_b7d5_56c96c6b6d79 1.0 kg1.047110064E-4 kg 8.397536404543923E-5 1.3056680356119668E-4
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,3,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to air / non-urban air or from high stacks N2O 1.0 kg8.51284548563429E-4 kg 6.992604570213539E-4 0.0010363597359841995
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,3,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to air / non-urban air or from high stacks Math_Rel_for_77357947_ccc5_438e_9996_95e65e1e1bce 1.0 kg1.7876975519832E-4 kg 1.4684469597448427E-4 2.1763554455668182E-4
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,3,1)
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emissions to water / ground water NO3 1.0 kg0.0717347147147429 kg 0.057529279776516985 0.089447831003545
General comment Pedigree Matrix [reliab, complet, tempCorr, geogCorr, furtherTechCorr]: (4,3,1,3,1)