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Process Data set: Charcoal_conventional_production_from _planted_forests (BFCV) (en) en

Key Data Set Information
Location BR
Geographical representativeness description The data is based on a Charcoal Production Unit (CPU) located in the Campos Gerais region of Paraná. The data set represents the specific situation of the region, focusing on the main technologies and the specific characteristics of the region.
Reference year 2017
Charcoal_conventional_production_from _planted_forests (BFCV)
Class name : Hierarchy level
General comment on data set The conventional process of charcoal production in rudimentary circular kilns, of the hot-tail type, with low volumetric capacity and low gravimetric yield, when compared to the industrial rectangular kilns. The production of charcoal with these types of kilns is mostly done by small and medium producers and depends on the knowledge of the carbonizer. It represents about 70% of the charcoal production system in Brazil (CGEE, 2015). One of the important characteristics of charcoal suitable for use in the steel industry is the fixed carbon content (% FC), identified in laboratory analysis. However, there is no difference in the production process of charcoal for steelmaking or domestic use.
Copyright No
Owner of data set
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
Time representativeness
Data set valid until 2027
Time representativeness description The data on charcoal production are based on on-site collection in a smallholder production unit in 2017, but the use of this technology is expected for at least 10 years. All calculations were made in 2020-2021. Other processes such as forest wood and polypropylene come from the EcoInvent v3.5 database. These specific flows are not available in the ILCD database, but their use is suggested to ensure completeness of the environmentally relevant material/energy flows.
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system Carbonization of wood in circular masonry kilns in a craft process using wood from planted forests of the species Eucalyptus Dunnii Maiden with release of gases to the atmosphere.
LCI method and allocation
Type of data set Unit process, black box
LCI Method Principle Other
Deviation from LCI method principle / explanations None
Modelling constants All data used in the calculation of the inventory results refer to the production of 1 kg of charcoal.
Data sources, treatment and representativeness
Data cut-off and completeness principles All relevant mass and energy flows are included in the inventory; no specific cut-off rule is applied. Infrastructure is not included.
Deviation from data cut-off and completeness principles / explanations None.
Data selection and combination principles The data is based on a Charcoal Production Unit (CPU) located in the Campos Gerais region of Paraná.
Deviation from data selection and combination principles / explanations None.
Data treatment and extrapolations principles There are no missing data other than those that were not considered within the studies and scored as suggested, according to the Qualidata Guide.
Sampling procedure The data were collected through a production unit. However, the representativeness is on a national level, since the charcoal production process is used all over Brazil. The production of charcoal with these types of kilns represents more than 70% of the charcoal production system in Brazil (CGEE, 2015), emphasizing that variations can occur depending on the raw material and the conduct of the process.
Completeness of product model No statement
Type of review
Not reviewed
Commissioner and goal
Intended applications Provide a high-quality, up-to-date dataset on charcoal production in the Brazilian context, which could be used to optimize management of impacts and lead to subsequent improvements. LCI data can be used in the development of LCI data.
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2021-09-21T21:59:24.441-03:00
Data set format(s)
Data entry by
Publication and ownership
UUID 8dbe0710-5cee-4806-ad16-1fb13416ac04
Date of last revision 2021-09-21T21:13:13.449-03:00
Data set version 00.00.011
Owner of data set
Copyright No
Access and use restrictions The dataset can be used to conduct LCA studies, to distribute it to third parties, to convert it to other formats, to develop own datasets, and so on, provided the copyright and license conditions for the datasets are met.


Type of flow Classification Flow Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow
3.17888 kg3.17888 kg
General comment Suggested Flow, is available in the ecoinvent v3.5 database.
Product flow Materials production / Plastics 0.00111 kg0.00111 kg


Type of flow Classification Flow Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to soil / unspecified 0.07439 kg0.07439 kg
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to soil / unspecified 0.03581 kg0.03581 kg
General comment 3-Ethyl-5-Methylphenol for 4-methyl-syringol, 4-ethyl-syringol
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / low population density 0.1601 kg0.1601 kg
Product flow 0.04064 kg0.04064 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / air / low population density 0.49629 kg0.49629 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / low population density 0.27212 kg0.27212 kg
Product flow 1.0 kg1.0 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / low population density 0.00227 kg0.00227 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / low population density 0.01422 kg0.01422 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / low population density 9.4E-4 kg9.4E-4 kg
Product flow 0.01259 kg0.01259 kg
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to soil / unspecified 0.01523 kg0.01523 kg
General comment Guayacol was launched for Guayacol 4-Ethyl-guaiacol and 4-propyl-guaiacol.
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / low population density 0.0051 kg0.0051 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / high population density 0.01454 kg0.01454 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / low population density 0.01951 kg0.01951 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / low population density 0.06407 kg0.06407 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / high population density 0.00315 kg0.00315 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / air / low population density 3.4E-4 kg3.4E-4 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / low population density 0.01278 kg0.01278 kg
Elementary flow
Elementary flows / Emission to air / low population density 0.01246 kg0.01246 kg
General comment Phenol was launched, 2,4-dimethyl launched for 2,6 Xylenol, 3,5 xylenol
Product flow Materials production / Plastics 0.00111 kg0.00111 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / air / high population density 0.01731 kg0.01731 kg
Elementary flow Elementary flows / Emission to air / low population density 0.91416 kg0.91416 kg