Key Data Set Information | |
Location | BR |
Geographical representativeness description | Located in River Tocantins in the State of Para - Brazil. -3 45 South and 49 41 W. |
Reference year | 1984 |
Name |
Classification |
Class name
Hierarchy level
General comment on data set | Additional remarks: Diesel consumption derived from flow diagram in Pires, A.C. (2012) 2012Z. The LCI covers all relevant process steps / technologies for the construction and operation of an specific hydropower plant in Brazil. The inventory is based on data from power plant construction reports of Eletronorte. The dam construction started in 1975. The first equipments were installed in 1984. New equipments were installed in 2010. The current installed capacity of energy production of the overall system is 8.37 GW, which represented around 10% of the total installed capacity in Brazil. The estimate for the Tucuruí average electricity production is 7.21E04 GWh/year, considering a 60 years life span, which was the time frame considered for LCI modeling purposes. |
Copyright | No |
Quantitative reference | |
Reference flow(s) |
Time representativeness | |
Data set valid until | 2046 |
Time representativeness description | The dataset represents the country specific situation for hydroelectric power of Tucuruí Hydroeletricity Plant. |
Technological representativeness | |
Technology description including background system | Eletricity generation started in 1984 with a generation of 4,240 MW for the first phase, 12 generators with type 330 MW Francis tubines and 2 stand-by of 20 MW, resulting in 1.74W/m2 (MCT, 2006). Second phase after 2010 operating 11 tubines. (Pires, 2012). Reservoir has an area of 2,430 km2, and total volume of 45.8E+9 cubic meters. The dam has an extension of 8.0 km which 1.19 km is a concrete structure. (MCT, 2006). |
LCI method and allocation | |
Type of data set | Unit process, black box |
LCI Method Principle | Other |
Deviation from LCI method principle / explanations | The LCI method chosen was the "attributional method". No allocation procedure was made, due to the consideration of only one product and one function for the dam. Also, considering that only the ‘‘Definition’’ and ‘‘Inventory’’ phases of LCA were conducted in the original study, no impact assessment criteria definition was made. This process is a "gate-to-gate" dataset. Background emissions and burdens (e.g. from the production of materials consumed in the dam construction, transports, etc.) are not considered in this dataset, and should be modelled specifically for LCIA purposes. In the original study, complete system process data could be found. |
Data sources, treatment and representativeness | |
Data cut-off and completeness principles | The core of the product system under study is the Tucuruí Power Plant itself. Besides, the product system’s boundaries encompass the processes involved with the delivery of the basic materials for the construction and operation of the plant, such as cement, steel, copper, diesel oil and lubricants. It is important to note that the study addresses the construction and operation of the plant, but not the dam dismantling, according to previous considerations based on international experience (Ribeiro and da Silva, 2010). |
Deviation from data cut-off and completeness principles / explanations | None. |
Data selection and combination principles | The dam construction and operation were modelled using primary data from power plant construction reports, according to references. A questonnaire was prepared for gathering data. |
Deviation from data selection and combination principles / explanations | None. |
Data treatment and extrapolations principles | References were used in the search for missing data. No cut-off limit was established. |
Data source(s) used for this data set | |
Sampling procedure | The dam construction and operation were modelled using primary data from power plant construction reports (DIAS A. 2011). The steps used for the inventory follow below: - Characterization of the technologies and raw materials demanded; - Identification of the main aspects and determination of the adequate level of detail for each; - Quantification of the flows. |
Data collection period | The dataset primary data was collected in 2011 and 2012, taking into consideration data and informations published from 1988 to 2010. |
Completeness | |
Completeness of product model | No statement |
Commissioner and goal | |
Project | IBICT "Adaptação de Inventários ao Contexto Brasileiro" |
Intended applications | This dataset was made for IBICT, with the ultimate goal to be disseminated publicly. It was made to be used in conjunction with the "Construction, Tucuruí power plant - BR" process. |
Data generator | |
Data set generator / modeller | |
Data entry by | |
Time stamp (last saved) | 2015-05-26T13:38:52.944-03:00 |
Data set format(s) | |
Data entry by | |
Publication and ownership | |
UUID | c7b641d6-03ea-49f1-8071-de5d3ebdb5e2 |
Date of last revision | 2015-03-10T11:18:44.373-03:00 |
Data set version | 00.00.003 |
Unchanged re-publication of | |
Copyright | No |
Access and use restrictions | All information can be accessed by everybody. |
Type of flow | Classification | Flow | Mean amount | Resulting amount | Minimum amount | Maximum amount |
Elementary flow | Elementary flows / resource / land | 0.0337 m2*a | 0.0337 m2*a | |||
Product flow | Materials production / Metals and semimetals | 1.12431E-4 kg | 1.12431E-4 kg | |||
Product flow | Materials production / Others chemicals | 1.43226E-6 kg | 1.43226E-6 kg | |||
Product flow | Energy carriers and technologies / Crude oil based fuels | 3.27E-5 kg | 3.27E-5 kg | |||
Product flow | Materials production / Other mineralic materials | 2.207E-4 kg | 2.207E-4 kg | |||
Product flow | Production residues in life cycle / Waste for recovery | 8.21E-6 kg | 8.21E-6 kg | |||
Elementary flow | Elementary flows / water / river | 1.5E-4 kg | 1.5E-4 kg | |||
Elementary flow | Elementary flows / resource / in ground | 0.00977 kg | 0.00977 kg | |||
Product flow | Materials production / Metals and semimetals | 2.38886E-6 kg | 2.38886E-6 kg | |||
Elementary flow | Elementary flows / resource / in ground | 0.00869 kg | 0.00869 kg |
Type of flow | Classification | Flow | Mean amount | Resulting amount | Minimum amount | Maximum amount |
Product flow | Energy carriers and technologies / Electricity | 3.6 MJ | 3.6 MJ | |||
Elementary flow | Elementary flows / air / low population density | 2.6013E-9 kg | 2.6013E-9 kg | |||
Elementary flow | Elementary flows / air / low population density | 1.0193E-6 kg | 1.0193E-6 kg | |||
Elementary flow | Elementary flows / air / low population density | 2.19549E-11 kg | 2.19549E-11 kg | |||
Elementary flow | Elementary flows / air / low population density | 1.84E-7 kg | 1.84E-7 kg | |||
Elementary flow | Elementary flows / air / low population density | 8.7819E-12 kg | 8.7819E-12 kg | |||
Elementary flow | Elementary flows / air / low population density | 2.74575E-6 kg | 2.74575E-6 kg | |||
Elementary flow | Elementary flows / air / low population density | 4.2695E-11 kg | 4.2695E-11 kg | |||
Elementary flow | Elementary flows / air / low population density | 1.9E-7 kg | 1.9E-7 kg | |||
Elementary flow | Elementary flows / air / low population density | 0.104441391 kg | 0.104441391 kg | |||
Elementary flow | Elementary flows / air / low population density | 1.73192E-9 kg | 1.73192E-9 kg | |||
Elementary flow | Elementary flows / air / unspecified | 4.32789E-8 kg | 4.32789E-8 kg | |||
Elementary flow | Elementary flows / air / low population density | 2.87618E-7 kg | 2.87618E-7 kg | |||
Elementary flow | Elementary flows / air / low population density | 1.83362E-7 kg | 1.83362E-7 kg | |||
Elementary flow | Elementary flows / air / low population density | 1.40597E-11 kg | 1.40597E-11 kg | |||
Elementary flow | Elementary flows / air / low population density | 0.00134553 kg | 0.00134553 kg | |||
Elementary flow | Elementary flows / air / low population density | 6.61E-8 kg | 6.61E-8 kg | |||
Elementary flow | Elementary flows / air / low population density | 4.57796E-11 kg | 4.57796E-11 kg |