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Data set: hardwood forestry, eucalyptus ssp., planted forest management (03.00.000)

Full name
hardwood forestry, eucalyptus ssp., planted forest management
Reference year
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Unit process, black box
LCIA results included?
A.Agriculture, forestry and fishing / 02:Forestry and logging / 021:Silviculture and other forestry activities / 0210:Silviculture and other forestry activities
wood fuel
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General comment
Type of process: ordinary transforming activity Parent relation Ecospold2: none Tags: Macroeconomic Scenario: Business-as-Usual Nemecek & Schnetzer: Methods of assessment of direct field emissions for LCIs of agricultural production systems, Data v3.0 (2011): The process steps are showed below: References: Source: Barrantes (2016), Master Thesis (not published yet) This dataset represents the production of 1 kg of eucalyptus wood fuel (fresh matter) from planted forest management as the prevailing management practices in a region that concentrates wood for energy purposes production in Brazil. Assumed wood basic density of 529 kg.m³-1. The actitivity lasts 14 years with 2 harvesting events. MAI is 50 m³/ha.year-1 in the first harvest and 40 m³/ha.year-1 in the second, resulting in a total of 633.8 m³.ha-1. Final moisture content of storage is 25%. The total amount of mineral fertilizers (N-P-K) and pesticides (glyphosate, sufluramide and flumioxazine) apllied are 131 kg N.ha-1; 55 kg P2O5.ha-1; 171 kg K2O.ha-1 and 17.6 kg pesticides.ha-1, respectively. Specie mainly cultivated is E. urograndis, in a rate of 1666 seedlings.hectare-1. ImageURL: Novaes, Renan M. L. et al. (2017) Estimating 20-year land use change and derived CO2 emissions associated with crops, parture and forestry in Brazil and each of its 27 states. Global Change Biology, 2017, 1-13. ImageURL: Source: BRUSCHINELLI (2014) [] access 10 mar 2016 Nemecek T., Bengoa X., Lansche J., Mouron P., Riedener E., Rossi V. & Humbert S. (2015) Methodological Guidelines for the Life Cycle Inventory of Agricultural Products. Version 3.0, July 2015. World Food LCA Database (WFLDB). Quantis and Agroscope, Lausanne and Zurich, Switzerland. Novais & Smyth (1999) Fósforo em solo e planta em condições tropicais. Viçosa: Universidade Federal de Viçosa, p. 399. Canals, 2003: Contributions to LCA Methodology for Agricultural Systems. Site-dependency and soil degradation impact assessment:
LCI Method Principle
Not applicable
LCI Method Approaches
  • Not applicable
Completeness of product model
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Access information
License type for this dataset: Licensees
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Technical purpose
Cultivation of wood to generate energy inside industries. Small scale of plantations (inside Brazilian proportions - 5,000 ha) with low level of mechanization. Most operations are manual except the pit opening and harvesting operations. Machines used in the harvesting step are: chainsaw to fell trees, tractor coupled to a trailer auto loadable to extract the wood from the field to the forest boarder and forestry loader to load the transportation vehicle.
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