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Data set: Life Cycle Assessment of Ipe Wood Decking (01.00.000)

Full name
Life Cycle Assessment of Ipe Wood Decking
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Unit process, single operation
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Materials production / Wood
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General comment
This LCI includes the product system of Ipe wood decking from the Amazon tropical forest, located in the North and Midwest regions of Brazil. The study is considered as cradle-to-grave, encompassing Ipe logging, sawmilling, decking manufacturing, transport stages to the United States and distribution to the market, installation, maintenance and disposal. - Function: to obtain an outdoor deck surface to walk and sit on produced with Ipe wood from the Amazon Forest located in the North and Midwest regions of Brazil. - Functional unit: to obtain an Ipe wood deck area of 1044 ft2 providing the key product function over 25 years (reference service life - RSL). The functional unit is achieved when 1000 ft2 of decking board are assembled in 43 rows of 5.5-inch wide decking boards at a length of 50.7 ft, installed with a 1/4-inch spacing and resulting in a width of 20,6 ft. The decking board has 1-inch of thickness, therefore, the total volume of Ipe wood required is 2,36 m3, which corresponds to 2,41 ton of Ipe wood with an average density of 1,02 t/m3. - Reference flow: 1000 ft2 of Ipe wood decking board (or 92,90304 m² of Ipe wood decking board). - Geography: According to the latest data available at [Timberflow, 2020], the main states with occurrence of Ipê are Mato Grosso (MT), Rondônia (RO), Pará (PA), Amazonas (AM), Acre (AC), Roraima (RR) and Amapá (AP). Reference: [Timberflow, 2020] Timberflow platform which shows transactions of wood along Brazil. Available at: (Accessed: October 2020) - Representativeness: According to [IBAMA, 2019], in the period from 2012 to 2017, 92% of the wood products made with yellow Ipê were exported and 8% were consumed in Brazil. The United States, France and Belgium represent the three largest consumers. Reference: [IBAMA, 2019] Produção Madeireira de Espécies Nativas Brasileiras: 2012 a 2017. Tiago Luz Farani; Gustavo Bediaga de Oliveira (Organizadores) - Brasília: Ibama, 2019. 376 p. Available at: (Accessed: March 2021) - Technology level: Current - Attributional approach. - The data collection occurred between 2020 and 2021. Data were validated by comparing different references in the literature. The details of the preparation of the inventory are described in the report: [AZEK 2021] Life Cycle Inventory on Ipê wood. LCI report prepared by ACV Brasil. April, 2021. - The calculated data were reported and all other data were obtained from the literature. From the notes assigned to the Pedigree Matrix, it is possible to consult the types of data for each line of the inventory. - Capital goods: not included. - Long-term emissions: not included. References: Life Cycle Assessment of Ipe wood decking. LCA Report commissioned by AZEK and completed by ACV Brasil (August 2021). Life Cycle Inventory on Ipe wood. LCI Report commissioned by AZEK and completed by ACV Brasil (April 2021). [Revised by third party - Marco A. W. Lentini, senior forestry consultant, Nexus Socioambiental]
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  • ILCD compliance 1.1 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
  • ILCD Data Network - Entry-level (Overall compliance: Not compliant)
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