General comment Type of process: ordinary transforming activity
Parent relation Ecospold2: none
Macroeconomic Scenario: Business-as-Usual
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This dataset represents the production of 1 unit of mango seedling for planting. The annual production is 53333 seedlings per hectare and the production cycle lasts about 8 months. The plants are reproduced by grafting. The seedlings are irrigated by micro-aspersion, consuming on average 33.6 liters of water per plant annually. Nutrition is provided by using mineral fertilizers such as urea and others, with the following amounts per year: 591kg/ha of N, 11kg/ha of P2O5, and 1.41kg/ha of K2O, plus micronutrients such as Ca, Mg and S; are also used plant protection products, mostly fungicides and insecticides, with a total per annum of 11.34kg of pesticides. It is considered that 20% of the seeds do not germinate or are lost due to other causes. Bibliography listed below.
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Giongo, V., Salviano, A. M., Santana, M., OlszevKy, N., Silva, D.J., Gava, C.A.T., Cunha, T.J.F. PLANT COCKTAIL AS GREEN MANURE IN SEMI-ARID REGIONS TO IMPROVE SOIL CARBON AND NITROGEN STOCKS. Submitted in 2017.
Nemecek T., Bengoa X., Lansche J., Mouron, P., Riedener E., Rossi V. & Humbert S. (2015) Methodological Guidelines for the Life Cycle Inventory of Agricultural Products. Version 3.0, July 2015. World Food LCA Database (WFLDB). Quantis and Agroscope, Lausanne and Zurich, Switzerland. |