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Data set: petroleum and gas production, on-shore (03.02.000)

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petroleum and gas production, on-shore
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B.Mining and quarrying / 06:Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas / 061:Extraction of crude petroleum / 0610:Extraction of crude petroleum
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Type of process: ordinary transforming activity; Parent relation Ecospold2: none; Tags: combined production; Combined Production; ; Macroeconomic Scenario: Business-as-Usual; This dataset represents the Bolivian onshore production of petroleum and natural gas. After the exploration phase and drilling, oil and gas are moved to the surface through the wellbore by means of a pump. In Brazil, 31% of dry natural gas sales to the final consumer are imported from Bolivia via pipeline (ANP, 2019). The data are valid for the Bolivian onshore production. Bolivian national statistics compiled by the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy was used to re-contextualize the ‘petroleum and gas production, on-shore’ dataset for the Global region, valid for the 2000-2012 period, available in database version 3.6. The adapted parameters were the petroleum and natural gas production yields, as well as the amount of flaring, venting and natural gas consumed in turbines. This dataset was developed under the Cornerstone project, an initiative from the Brazilian Business Network on Life cycle Assessment (Rede ACV) in collaboration with ecoinvent to increase the quantity and quality of inventories that represent Brazil, through a thorough adaptation of the datasets. More information about this project is available in Technical background is provided in Valebona F.; Rocha T.B.; Motta F. L. Cornerstone Project. Recontextualization of Datasets: Methodology. ACV Brasil, Brazil. References: Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (2019). Anuário Estatístico 2019. Available at: Accessed in: 04/06/2020. Ministry of Mines and Energy (2019). Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry. December 2018. Edition number 142. Available at: Accessed in: 10/06/2020. Comment for [variable] Eq_813a3bfa_6698_4633_b02d_b577233b9a89: From an Norwegian environmental report (OLF 2000; 2001), as assumed for NL onshore production in Fast et al. (2007). Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Reference: Faist Emmenegger M., Heck T., Jungbluth N., Tuchschmid M. (2007) Erdgas. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-V, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland. ; Annual prod. hazardous waste, for underground deposit:7397.40071953151kg Comment for hazardous waste, for underground deposit: From an Norwegian environmental report (OLF 2000; 2001), as assumed for NL onshore production in Fast et al. (2007). Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Reference: Faist Emmenegger M., Heck T., Jungbluth N., Tuchschmid M. (2007) Erdgas. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-V, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland. ; Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Comment for [variable] Eq_d51b2156_8d39_4e96_b145_e8d6650b9296: From an Norwegian environmental report (OLF 2000; 2001), as assumed for NL onshore production in Fast et al. (2007). Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Reference: Faist Emmenegger M., Heck T., Jungbluth N., Tuchschmid M. (2007) Erdgas. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-V, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland. ; Annual prod. waste emulsion paint:73.8477060917969kg Comment for waste emulsion paint: From an Norwegian environmental report (OLF 2000; 2001), as assumed for NL onshore production in Fast et al. (2007). Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Reference: Faist Emmenegger M., Heck T., Jungbluth N., Tuchschmid M. (2007) Erdgas. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-V, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland. Comment for [variable] Eq_aaa45199_1874_44ee_b249_e2d42fc3bedf: From an Norwegian environmental report (OLF 2000; 2001), as assumed for NL onshore production in Fast et al. (2007). Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Reference: Faist Emmenegger M., Heck T., Jungbluth N., Tuchschmid M. (2007) Erdgas. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-V, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland. ; Annual prod. waste mineral oil:6142.07757760819kg Comment for waste mineral oil: From an Norwegian environmental report (OLF 2000; 2001), as assumed for NL onshore production in Fast et al. (2007). Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Reference: Faist Emmenegger M., Heck T., Jungbluth N., Tuchschmid M. (2007) Erdgas. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-V, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland. ; Annual prod. municipal solid waste:7006726.81823118kg Comment for [variable] Eq_23c169a7_aa74_470d_9199_df72125cd062: From an Norwegian environmental report (OLF 2000; 2001), as assumed for NL onshore production in Fast et al. (2007). Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Reference: Faist Emmenegger M., Heck T., Jungbluth N., Tuchschmid M. (2007) Erdgas. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-V, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland. ; Annual prod. spent antifreezer liquid:16.7420349741723kg Comment for spent antifreezer liquid: From an Norwegian environmental report (OLF 2000; 2001), as assumed for NL onshore production in Fast et al. (2007). Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Reference: Faist Emmenegger M., Heck T., Jungbluth N., Tuchschmid M. (2007) Erdgas. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-V, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland. Comment for [variable] nat_gas_vented_amount_MO_m3: Bolivian Flaring and Losses amount (7.30E+07 m³) for the year of 2018 is reported in the Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry (MME, 2018). Brazilian data is used to calculate the share between flaring and losses. For Brazil, this share is calculated based on natural gas composition (compiled from and amount of fugitive emissions. The amount of Flaring and Losses informed by ANP (2019) is used to estimate the amount of flared and vented natural gas. The share of vented natural gas is estimated using the amount of fugitive methane emitted during exploration and production activities in 2012 (MCTI, 2015). Considering that all methane fugitive emissions are due to venting, the final amount of vented natural gas is calculated with the natural gas composition. Thereby, the calculated amount of vented natural gas is 2.15E+8 m³, which corresponds to 15% of Flaring and Losses statistics for 2012. This calculated share was used to estimate the amount of flared and vented natural gas in onshore production. References: [ANP 2019] Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (2019). Anuário Estatístico 2019. Available at: Accessed in 04/06/2020. [MCTI 2015] Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (2015). Third Brazilian Inventory of Anthropic Emissions and Removals of Greenhouse Gases. Reference Reports. Energy Sector. Fugitive Emissions of Green House Gases in the Oil and Gas Industry. Petrobras e Centro de Estudos Integrados sobre Meio Ambiente e Mudanças Climáticas - Centro Clima/COPPE/UFRJ. Available at: Accessed in: 12/06/2020. [MME 2018] Ministry of Mines and Energy (2018). Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry. December 2018. Edition number 142. Available at: Accessed in: 10/06/2020. Comment for [variable] Eq_f250dcd8_77bf_47dd_a059_103b68cb8c60: From an Norwegian environmental report (OLF 2000; 2001), as assumed for NL onshore production in Fast et al. (2007). Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Reference: Faist Emmenegger M., Heck T., Jungbluth N., Tuchschmid M. (2007) Erdgas. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-V, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland. ; Annual prod. waste wood, untreated:1191.2390602687kg Comment for waste wood, untreated: From an Norwegian environmental report (OLF 2000; 2001), as assumed for NL onshore production in Fast et al. (2007). Scaled from the GLO dataset according to energy content of reference products. Reference: Faist Emmenegger M., Heck T., Jungbluth N., Tuchschmid M. (2007) Erdgas. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-V, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland. Comment for [variable] waste_NG_sweet: Amount of flared gas calculated according to national statistics and standard parameters. Bolivian Flaring and Losses amount (7.30E+07 m³) for the year of 2018 is reported in the Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry (MME, 2018). Brazilian data is used to calculate the share between flaring and venting. For Brazil, the share of vented natural gas is estimated using the amount of fugitive methane emitted during exploration and production activities in 2012 (112,261,860 kg - MCTI, 2015). Considering that all methane fugitive emissions are due to venting, the final amount of vented natural gas in 2012 is calculated with the natural gas composition (0.73%vol of methane; 0.71 kg methane/m³; compiled from Thereby, the calculated amount of vented natural gas in 2012 is 2.15E+8 m³, which corresponds to 15% of the combined Flaring and Losses statistics for 2012. This calculated share was used to split the amount flared and vented natural gas in Bolivian onshore production for 2018, respectively 6.21E+7 m³ and 1.09E+7 m³. References: [ANP 2019] Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (2019). Anuário Estatístico 2019. Available at: Accessed in 04/06/2020. [MCTI 2015] Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (2015). Third Brazilian Inventory of Anthropic Emissions and Removals of Greenhouse Gases. Reference Reports. Energy Sector. Fugitive Emissions of Green House Gases in the Oil and Gas Industry. Petrobras e Centro de Estudos Integrados sobre Meio Ambiente e Mudanças Climáticas - Centro Clima/COPPE/UFRJ. Available at: Accessed in: 12/06/2020. [MME 2018] Ministry of Mines and Energy (2018). Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry. December 2018. Edition number 142. Available at: Accessed in: 10/06/2020.; Annual prod. waste natural gas, sweet:2423935800MJ Comment for [variable] waste_NG_sweet_amount_MO_MJ: Bolivian Flaring and Losses amount (7.30E+07 m³) for the year of 2018 is reported in the Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry (MME, 2018). Brazilian data is used to calculate the share between flaring and losses. For Brazil, the share of vented natural gas is estimated using the amount of fugitive methane emitted during exploration and production activities in 2012 (112,261,860 kg - MCTI, 2015). Considering that all methane fugitive emissions are due to venting, the final amount of vented natural gas in 2012 is calculated with the natural gas composition (0.73%vol of methane; compiled from Thereby, the calculated amount of vented natural gas in 2012 is 2.15E+8 m³, which corresponds to 15% of the combined Flaring and Losses statistics for 2012. This calculated share was used to split the amount flared and vented natural gas in Bolivian onshore production for 2018, respectively 6.21E+7 m³ and 1.09E+7 m³. Assumed energy content of natural gas: 39 MJ/m³ References: [ANP 2019] Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (2019). Anuário Estatístico 2019. Available at: Accessed in 04/06/2020. [MCTI 2015] Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (2015). Third Brazilian Inventory of Anthropic Emissions and Removals of Greenhouse Gases. Reference Reports. Energy Sector. Fugitive Emissions of Green House Gases in the Oil and Gas Industry. Petrobras e Centro de Estudos Integrados sobre Meio Ambiente e Mudanças Climáticas - Centro Clima/COPPE/UFRJ. Available at: Accessed in: 12/06/2020. [MME 2018] Ministry of Mines and Energy (2018). Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry. December 2018. Edition number 142. Available at: Accessed in: 10/06/2020. Comment for waste natural gas, sweet: Amount of flared gas calculated according to national statistics and standard parameters. Bolivian Flaring and Losses amount (7.30E+07 m³) for the year of 2018 is reported in the Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry (MME, 2018). Brazilian data is used to calculate the share between flaring and venting. For Brazil, the share of vented natural gas is estimated using the amount of fugitive methane emitted during exploration and production activities in 2012 (112,261,860 kg - MCTI, 2015). Considering that all methane fugitive emissions are due to venting, the final amount of vented natural gas in 2012 is calculated with the natural gas composition (0.73%vol of methane; 0.71 kg methane/m³; compiled from Thereby, the calculated amount of vented natural gas in 2012 is 2.15E+8 m³, which corresponds to 15% of the combined Flaring and Losses statistics for 2012. This calculated share was used to split the amount flared and vented natural gas in Bolivian onshore production for 2018, respectively 6.21E+7 m³ and 1.09E+7 m³. References: [ANP 2019] Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (2019). Anuário Estatístico 2019. Available at: Accessed in 04/06/2020. [MCTI 2015] Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (2015). Third Brazilian Inventory of Anthropic Emissions and Removals of Greenhouse Gases. Reference Reports. Energy Sector. Fugitive Emissions of Green House Gases in the Oil and Gas Industry. Petrobras e Centro de Estudos Integrados sobre Meio Ambiente e Mudanças Climáticas - Centro Clima/COPPE/UFRJ. Available at: Accessed in: 12/06/2020. [MME 2018] Ministry of Mines and Energy (2018). Monthly Bulletin of the Natural Gas Industry. December 2018. Edition number 142. Available at: Accessed in: 10/06/2020.; Annual prod. low level radioactive waste:38.5451638485445m3; Annual prod. water discharge from petroleum/natural gas extraction, onshore:7415044231.88102kg Comment for [variable] Eq_79238018_8ec1_4615_9469_2b0df95a43c3: Flow created to close the water balance. Produced water to be discharged. Total amount of produced water obtained from national statistics ( Discharged fraction calculated with standard parameters from Schori (2012). For onshore production, 10% is considered to be discharged and 90% reinjected. Property water in wet mass of water discharge from petroleum/natural gas extraction, onshore: 0,9151392373965 kg Property water in wet mass of Water, salt, sole (in water/natural resource): 990 kg References: [ANP 2020] Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis. Satatistical data. Available at: [Schori 2012] Schori, S., Frischknecht, R. (2012). Life Cycle Inventory of Natural Gas Supply. ESU-services Ltd. Comment for water, salt, sole: Flow created to close the water balance. Produced water to be discharged. Total amount of produced water obtained from national statistics ( Discharged fraction calculated with standard parameters from Schori (2012). For onshore production, 10% is considered to be discharged and 90% reinjected. Property water in wet mass of water discharge from petroleum/natural gas extraction, onshore: 0,9151392373965 kg Property water in wet mass of Water, salt, sole (in water/natural resource): 990 kg References: [ANP 2020] Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis. Satatistical data. Available at: [Schori 2012] Schori, S., Frischknecht, R. (2012). Life Cycle Inventory of Natural Gas Supply. ESU-services Ltd.
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All Bolivian production and exploration onshore fields have been included. Data refers to the national average.
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