General comment Activity Linkable Id: 52bd6981-3ebd-4873-a009-39f4b8c01259
Activity Subtype: ordinary transforming activity
Macroeconomic Scenario: Business-as-Usual
This dataset represents the production of 1 kg of maize grain (fresh matter). The average annual yield is 6243 kg/ha at a moisture content of 13% caused by the local climate.
This activity represents the production of maize grain in cropping system (e.g. crop rotation with other grain in the agricultural cycle, mainly soybean). There is no maize monoculture in Brazil.
Therefore, exchanges that are shared (land occupation and liming) are related to the time occupation of maize production.The total amount of mineral fertilizers (N-P-K) and pesticides (glyphosate, imidacloprid, thiodicarb, atrazine, beta-cyfluthrin, mineral oil, teflubenzuron, diphenoconazole, azoxystrobin and cyproconazole) applied are 112 kg N.ha-1; 60 kg P2O5.ha-1; 54 kg K2O.ha-1 and 6.41 a.i./ha, respectively. |