General comment Type of process: ordinary transforming activity
Parent relation Ecospold2: none
Macroeconomic Scenario: Business-as-Usual
This dataset represents the production of 1 kg of soybeans (fresh matter).
The yield is 2700 kg/ha at a moisture content at storage of 13%.
This activity represents the weighted average of soybean production systems: 73.4% of monoculture plus 26.6% of cropping systems (e.g. crop rotation with other grain in the agricultural cycle, mainly winter maize). Therefore, land occupation and liming are related to the weighted averages of time occupation of both soybean production systems.
The total amount of mineral fertilizers (N-P-K) and pesticides applied (active ingredients) are 5 kg N/ha; 45 kg P2O5/ha; 45 kg K2O/ha and 4.51 kg/ha, respectively.
[This dataset is meant to replace the following datasets:
- soybean production, BR, 2001 - 2006 (bb59b275-b002-411d-b906-e295ea6124e2)]
[This dataset is meant to replace the following datasets:]
[This dataset is meant to replace the following datasets:
- soybean production, BR, 2001 - 2006 (bb59b275-b002-411d-b906-e295ea6124e2)] |