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Data set: Green_coconutr_husk_process_fiber (01.00.000)

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Materials production / Agricultural production means
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The data was collected between 10/06/2020 and 10/07/2020 It was considered for secondary data about the green coconut husk processing (Mattos et al., 2011; Mattos et. Al, 2014). The unit of processing in one hour, 1500 coconuts are processed, equivalent to 1350 kg of coconut husk. For this, it was considered that the coconut husk weighs 0.9 kg. Therefore, to process 30000 kg of coconut takes 22.22 hours. In the inventory, 30 ton of green coconut husk were processed. Initially, the husk are brought to the processing unit and dumped into a reception hopper coupled to an elevator that takes the shells to the processing line. Then the peels are ground to crush the fibrous part of the fruit. The crushed material goes to a horizontal roller press where, at the end of the pressing process, 30% of the green coconut husk liquid (GCSL) and 70% of the pressed shells are obtained, about the initial weight of processed shells. The pressed shells proceed to the classification step where the fibers are separated from the green coconut shell powder and then sent to different destinations. After the classification, the coir is washed to remove the high salinity contained in it. In the washing step use 1 L of water for each 1kg of coir. After washing, the powder is dried to a humidity of 50%, releasing water vapor into the environment. A yield of 37.97% coir with 50% moisture was considered at the end of the process. From 30 tons 9990 kg of coir was obtained. A yield of 17.22% of raw fiber with a humidity of 18% was considered at the end of the process. From 30 tons, 4,530 kg of raw fiber was obtained. The energy calculation was made considering the maximum capacity of each piece of equipment to process 1350 kg of coconut shell in one hour of processing until obtaining the washed powder. The energy value obtained, in kWh, was multiplied by the amount of hour (22.22h) needed to process 30 tons of green coconut husk. The total energy spent to process 30 tons of green coconut husk was 237,15kWh. Coconut Husk liquor yield was 44.81% The LLCV obtained was destination do residue treatment, It was used the Ecoinvent database and the Biowaste {CH}| treatment of biowaste by anaerobic digestion | Cut-off, U.
LCI Method Principle
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Compliance systems
  • ILCD compliance 1.1 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
  • ILCD Data Network - Entry-level (Overall compliance: Not compliant)
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