General comment Activity Linkable Id: 7be34aae-b745-41f4-8b6c-17d255dd09bb
Activity Subtype: ordinary transforming activity
Tag: No
Macroeconomic Scenario: Business-as-Usual
The raw data collected in interviews were organized in electronic spreadsheets and checked for completeness and consistency. Agricultural inputs were detailed as to their composition and physical characteristics. Agricultural operations were characterized in terms type of fuel and specific consumption. Irrigation is used to supply water to the crop, in the amount of 2412 m3/ha. Emissions from the agricultural process were estimated using the BRCalc/ICVCalc tool, developed by Embrapa Environment, which includes specific climate and soil databases for the 137 Brazilian agricultural mesoregions, in addition to databases of parameters related to agricultural crops, fertilisers and pesticides.
The main emission models adopted by BRCalc/ICVCalc (Folegatti-Matsuura et al., 2022) derive from the references: Nemecek et al. (2015), IPCC (2019), Nemecek & Kagi (2007), Folegatti-Matsuura & Picoli (2018). It was used the model BRLUC (Donke et al., 2020) to estimate the LUC emissions.
[This dataset is meant to replace the following datasets: - coffee green bean production, arabica, BR, 2001 - 2012 (c39158ee-da17-421d-a16a-11b00cec261a)] |